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8 minutes ago, john203 said:

I am willing to record audio for arcanum. Would I just show up early and leave my phone on the table?

Normally you'd show up early and quickly chat with Brandon when he shows up. Then, once he starts talking, you just begin the recording, leave your phone on his table (remember to put it in airplane mode to preserve battery!), and pick it up when you are leaving.

1 minute ago, Mason Wheeler said:

@Argent I'll be there with my computer, to record both audio and video.  How would I find you or whoever the appropriate people are to get things set up when I arrive?

I am actually not sure how a computer would work... I doubt you can just leave that on the table. I'd flag down the nearest bookstore employee and ask them - I imagine many of them are familiar with Brandon's signings by now.

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1 minute ago, Argent said:

I am actually not sure how a computer would work... I doubt you can just leave that on the table.

Well I'm not about to use my phone; it would run out of space before the event's over! :o


I'd flag down the nearest bookstore employee and ask them - I imagine many of them are familiar with Brandon's signings by now.

OK, thanks.

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3 minutes ago, Mason Wheeler said:

Well I'm not about to use my phone; it would run out of space before the event's over! :o

You might be surprised, actually. I don't have my previous recordings handy right now, but a 3-hour audio file encoded at 256 kbps ends up being about 500 MB - which is a fairly insignificant amount for most smartphones. 

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4 minutes ago, Argent said:

You might be surprised, actually. I don't have my previous recordings handy right now, but a 3-hour audio file encoded at 256 kbps ends up being about 500 MB - which is a fairly insignificant amount for most smartphones. 

Yeah, that's pretty reasonable for audio. Raw video, on the other hand... my phone takes video at somewhere around 100 MB/minute.  There's no way I'll manage 3+ hours of that!

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11 minutes ago, Mason Wheeler said:

Yeah, that's pretty reasonable for audio. Raw video, on the other hand... my phone takes video at somewhere around 100 MB/minute.  There's no way I'll manage 3+ hours of that!

Oh yeah, video won't work. But audio is all we need for Arcanum! :)

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3 minutes ago, john203 said:

I just checked my phone. Good for 230 hours. Now I just have to worry about battery.

With airplane mode on, 3 hours of audio barely put a dent in my battery. I've been doing this for a few years, with a few different phones, and I don't think I've ever dropped under 70%.

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If you use a separate recorder that isn't a phone (I do like this) make sure you can get the file off it digitally. We had some Arcanum audio where getting it off the recorder required using the headphone jack and the transition was very messy. 

Lots use phones though; Argent's advice is great. Have any recorder app suggestions @Argent?

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I've made some updates to my write-up here, mostly in preparation for the Skyward tour. Mostly fixed up the sentences, renamed "The Arcanist" section to "The Recorder" (to more accurately reflect that we use the term Arcanist for a very specific group of people at the moment), and added some misc notes that have been brewing in my head for a while.

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