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Please explain !!!!! What is all this??


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I'm a very new fan of Brandon Sanderson and have only recently started reading his works. I've only read WoK and the Mistborn series, that too at lightning fast speed. So naturally I was surprised to read (in the coppermind) that Hoid was a character in Mistborn and every other book as well. And then I came to know about Adonalsium, Shards, Worldhopping, etc.

Can someone please explain these things to me? Is there some book about these concepts or does every work of BS contain random hints about the cosmere and it's working ? How did it all begin, & how is it all connected?

Please explain !!!!!!!

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It would probably be best to take you through this in chat. I sent you a PM. Just starting at the "Cosmere" page in the Coppermind would be a good way to start. A lot of the knowledge is from interviews with Sanderson, but a good portion comes from his books, and another good portion comes from rampant speculation.

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Ahh, that first feeling of "what the hell is going on?!?!" Brings back so many good memories :')

Welcome to the World of Sanderson! And just before Words of Radiance as well :P

Oh how I envy your ignorance, but I pity the amount of catch up work you have to do ;) Enjoy!

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Certainly been in your shoes before. Here's the Cosmere 101 thread, if you haven't checked it out already.




A lot of this stuff comes from Word of Brandon and some hints by his assistant, Peter. Don't feel bad that you didn't catch all of this; it's meant to be a subtle connection, so that casual readers don't have to worry about it. Have fun in your new comprehension!

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Wow. I'll be quite honest, I don't remember feeling lost. Granted, I started reading Brandon only a couple of years after he became a published writer, so I didn't have quite as much to catch up on, but still, I never felt really lost. But I think it all started with Hoid for me. Hoid, then the Cosmere, then the Words of Brandon, interviews, events, etc. 

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It's not as complicated as we make it out to be.  We just have to pull together grand theories from tiny shreds of information.  If the 17th shard started analyzing intelligence chatter we'd be the greatest analysts the world has ever seen.  Except that we'd probably figure out Aliens and and Santa's rogue elf Dohi are behind everything...

Basically there's a universe.  All these planets are in it.  Somebody broke godish thing(Adonalsium) into 16 pieces a long long long time ago on probably a planet called Yolen, which has Dragons and may be named after Jane Yolen and her pit dragon trilogy.  His parts were then invested in people.

The universe has a pair of extra dimensions representing the mental and cognitive aspects of the world.  All the Cosmere books happen in this universe.

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The universe has a pair of extra dimensions representing the mental and cognitive aspects of the world. 


Cognitive and spiritual.  Mental and cognitive are essentially the same thing for our purpose here.  


The physical, cognitive, and spiritual realms are the basis for the term realmatics (realm-atics) and realmatic theory.  I found the term to be confusing when I got started.  

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