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Is Wayne (MB 2) a worldhopper?

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Hey yall, 

Been rereading and rereading in preparation for OB, And i swear I found Wayne in WoR.

I Don't know how to cite properly but will try

In the scene where Wit is driving a carriage, he is "mysteriously" replaced by a man with a "cap," Kaladin also states ,"That the man had an accent he couldn't recognize."

I don't know how to link the exact citation 

But the replacement carriage driver acts almost exactly like Wayne would MB.  he gets into character based on the hat he is wearing and starts talking all weird lolol. Maybe? idk....


My hesitation is that I do not know the specifics of the timelines, so idk if MB era 2 is before SoA

Edited by Cheezpoofs, The Insatiable
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4 hours ago, Green Hoodie Mistborn said:

But Hoid could have lightweaved himself to look like Wayne and act like him after meeting him... right? 

Wayne isn't even Born probably, or He is a little child

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4 minutes ago, Toaster Retribution said:

Isn't back five of Stormlight supposed to be after Era 2? In that case, Wayne should be born by WoR, but nothing more than a teenager.

Not exactly, Era 2 is between SA 5-6 or 6-7 therefore so It's After the whole timeskip between Arcs.

The timeskip is 20 years old...I believe Wayne is under his thirties. Therefore he is or not Born or a Little child in WoR

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1 hour ago, Yata said:

Not exactly, Era 2 is between SA 5-6 or 6-7 therefore so It's After the whole timeskip between Arcs.

The timeskip is 20 years old...I believe Wayne is under his thirties. Therefore he is or not Born or a Little child in WoR

Huh, I thought the timeskip was fifteen years, not twenty. And I was mostly objecting to the fact that Wayne wouldn't be born at the time of WoK, which he should be, no matter if which way we do the math.

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18 hours ago, The Invested Beard said:

Also, there is speculation that Wayne could become a worldhopper in the future. I'm definitely holding out for that one.

One of the things I'm most looking forward to as well.

Just think.  Wayne and MeLaan's grand Cosmere adventure.

They adopt Lift, Hoid adopts them all, and everyone lives happily ever after.

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6 minutes ago, What's a Seawolf? said:

One of the things I'm most looking forward to as well.

Just think.  Wayne and MeLaan's grand Cosmere adventure.

They adopt Lift, Hoid adopts them all, and everyone lives happily ever after.

And they live in a treehouse. Don't forget the treehouse.

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32 minutes ago, Toaster Retribution said:

I thought the timeskip was fifteen years, not twenty.

It's still subject to debate. Brandon is partial to 15 years, but he's said 10, 15, and 20 at one time or another. He's also said that MB Era 2 might be after SA 5, but it might also be after SA 7. He hasn't pinned down the exact timelines yet, and he wont do so until he writes the books themselves.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/19/2017 at 9:45 PM, Dunny said:
On 10/19/2017 at 9:27 PM, taveren said:

but isn't wax and wayne MB1.5 not 2. from what i remember the books set in a more modern style are the books that fit in the time skip

Wax and Wayne was originally going to be 1.5, but Brandon changed it to era 2 since the books have a lot of cosmere relevant stuff in them.

Confusion and Consistency are behind this one.

Interview: Apr 24th, 2016
Brandon Sanderson Book Signing at JordanCon 8 (Paraphrased)


So I know that basically Wax and Wayne are basically 1.5, has it turned into 2?

Brandon Sanderson

I wish I had called it 1.5. We just have to call it Era 2 now for consistently and clarity sake. If I’d called it 1.5 from the beginning I would have liked that to prevent slips of the tongue myself. If I called the other one Era 2 (meaning 3), I’ve thought of it like that so long it happens. Now we just have to live with it.

And from State of the Sanderson 2016


The Lost Metal, Wax and Wayne Four, will be my next non-YA novel project. I still intend to write it so that it can come out in 2018. You should see a progress bar for it pop up sometime in the fall of 2017.

This will be the last Wax and Wayne book. Because of fan outcry, we’re just going to call the Wax and Wayne books “Era Two” of Mistborn from here out, and I’m sorry for the “Era 1.5 fiasco” of last year. That would have worked if I’d started calling it that from the get-go, but it’s too late now.

Once Era Two is done, we’ll let Mistborn lie fallow for a few years while I move on to Elantris/Warbreaker sequels. (See below.)

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