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[OB] Where is Zahel?


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Where is Zahel? Where is he? Where is Warbreaker the Peaceful? Where is Vasher? Where is (insert other name here)?


Critically, what is he up to and what role will he play? He should be in Urithiru right now, and he's in possession of a lot of useful intel.


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He's probably just around doing Ardent stuff. We know Dalinar's warcamp moved to Urithiru and the warcamp is Zahel's last known location.

I dont think he has much that much useful intel to be honest. He is not old enough to have experienced surge usage or a desolation when he last visited Roshar so the most he could share would be world hopping. Not much use in their present situation.

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This doesn't answer but is relevant



Third, my written question was "How will the everstorm affect Vasher?"


He wrote: "Vasher will probably just hide, but it signals something bad for him..." Then he said out loud (paraphrasing) that we will find out what this means in a LONG time.


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My guess is it allows Odium to detect other sources of Investiture, and senswing Vasher isn't a native, would have Nalthis in his sights next; alternatively,

If the flavour/nature of Investiture has any effect on him as he consumes it, it's possible he may go full on zombie rage mode to reference iZombie, or it will definitely alter his personality somewhat

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Another thing that could happen is forced transformation.  As the Everstorm is forcing void forms on the listeners it encounters (though Rlain resisted, so I do think there needs to be an aspect of consent, or at least willingness for the transformation to happen), it is possible that Zahel who is returned and can change his form/appearance, may be at risk from the storm.


How would people react if the cranky old shardblade training radiant suddenly turned into a 7-foot tall, muscly god figure that warped colours around him?  Or turned him into something else.  A lynch mob would likely form up right quick.


So I buy Zahel hiding during the storm until it passes, each time it passes.  And that is not even worst case scenario - what if he gets forcefully bound to an odiumspren as an interaction between the storm and his transformative nature?

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55 minutes ago, Stark said:

How would people react if the cranky old shardblade training radiant suddenly turned into a 7-foot tall, muscly god figure that warped colours around him?  Or turned him into something else.  A lynch mob would likely form up right quick.

I think a group yelling, "Praise the Herald who hid among the ardentia!" is a lot more likely than a lynch mob.

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22 minutes ago, Salkara said:

I think a group yelling, "Praise the Herald who hid among the ardentia!" is a lot more likely than a lynch mob.

I think you might be right.  Right up to the point where Zahel is Zahel and grumps at everyone.


Still not the best for someone who is likely trying to be incognito while hunting for Nightblood and dodging all the other Worldhoppers and secret societies lurking everywhere in those camps.

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12 hours ago, Extesian said:

This doesn't answer but is relevant


That was my question!  (Meaning: Literally, I was the one who asked Brandon that question.)

I was (and still am) very interested in what will happen to Vasher, and my impression after talking with Brandon was that we would hear about him in this book, but maybe that was a mistaken impression.

Edited by Lightning
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I think this is a bit of a stretch to think that the Everstorm would have any effect on Zahel/Vasher. There is no precedent to think that anything other than the parshmen bond to spren the way they do and would thereby be effected by the Everstorm. As the WoB says, it "signals something bad for him", which I take to mean he understands that that the Shard of Evil is coming closer to being released.

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Something very bad for Vasher...Perhaps something relating to Nightblood? Vasher has a lot of bad history around the sword. He co-created it with good intentions. Nightblood would have been a huge achievement. Then he sees Nightblood used in the Manywar and is horrified. He realizes what he has done. Compounding his horror, he has to kill someone he cares about deeply to prevent the method of Nightblood’s creation from getting out. 

Roshier artificers are making advancements with fabrial technology. Nightblood is an incredibly dangerous weapon, in the wrong hands. Odium might desire more such weapons. With the sword on Roshier, Odium now more connected to Roshier and Nightblood becoming involved in events, perhaps Vasher’s great fear will be realized- someone will reverse engineer an equivalent to Nightblood.

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On 9/24/2017 at 0:45 PM, ChazBolt said:

I think this is a bit of a stretch to think that the Everstorm would have any effect on Zahel/Vasher. There is no precedent to think that anything other than the parshmen bond to spren the way they do and would thereby be effected by the Everstorm. As the WoB says, it "signals something bad for him", which I take to mean he understands that that the Shard of Evil is coming closer to being released.

But that's something we understand right now. If we have to wait a LONG time to find out, I think it's something more specific.

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On 23/09/2017 at 1:29 PM, Rider of Storms said:

It would have been quite hilarious if Zahel had married Dalinar and Navani instead of the Stormfather.

I wasn't aware Zahel had married the Stormfather.  :) Plus I'm not sure the  Alethi are up for polyandry.


It would provide that gay relationship that Sanderson has suggested is going on in the background in theStormlight Archive though.


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On 27/09/2017 at 11:54 PM, Heynongman said:

The new storm not containing stormlight could be the reason.  I imagine it will be harder to come by unless he gets it from some other source.    

But the unscheduled Highstorm did contain stormlight so I doubt there is going to be less of it.

I'm wondering about the way it unlocked the parshman's ability to form change, Zahel does have certain metaphysical issues due to being returned beyond the need for investature that the Everstorm could have effected like for example binding him to the Oathpact as an eleventh Herald.

Or he could have sucked down Odium investature and followed Marsh and Eshonai into involuntary minionhood.


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