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[OB] Adolin didn't kill Sadeus -For completeness


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Every crazy theory has been advanced regarding the copycat murder. Almost. I'm sure someone has already said this, but I add it for the sake of completeness.

There is no copycat.

An external agent wielded Adolin and the supposed copycat as a weapon and against their will.

This external agent is the one true murderer.

On this theory I put the top guess of who that agent is as the stormfather. He wielded shallon like photoshop to make that map after all. 

OK. Just wanted to make sure this theory was on the record. Not really advocating it.


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For a moment I will assume the Stormfather has the reasons to do It.

That could still not work, mind-control requires backdoor to the Soul the Stormfather can't have regard of Adolin.

He managed to do something like we saw with Shallan under very soecific restrictions:

1) She was near the Stormfather's physical Agent

2) She is bond with a Radiantspren and this could offer a backdoor for him but surelly connects them more

3) that was very likely the Bondsmith's Resonance.

By the way, as we saw the Murder from Adolin's PoV we could also see how the feel is nothing like the Cosmere's possession we know


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5 hours ago, Aminar said:

Interesting, but I don't see the Stormfather having that level of mind control. And we're seeing that kind of storyline among the Parshendi/listeners. I doubt we'd get a duplicate. 

For arguments' sake, perhaps they both really face the same enemy. (Humans and parshendi) The Parshmen did give up sentience to escape their gods after all. They gave up the forms of power just like the knight radiant gave up their shards (or at least two orders gave up their powers... They were the first and also the last etc.)

2 hours ago, Yata said:

For a moment I will assume the Stormfather has the reasons to do It.

That could still not work, mind-control requires backdoor to the Soul the Stormfather can't have regard of Adolin.

He managed to do something like we saw with Shallan under very soecific restrictions:

1) She was near the Stormfather's physical Agent

2) She is bond with a Radiantspren and this could offer a backdoor for him but surelly connects them more

3) that was very likely the Bondsmith's Resonance.

By the way, as we saw the Murder from Adolin's PoV we could also see how the feel is nothing like the Cosmere's possession we know


Not sure it would have taken much to push Adolin over the edge there. Some men need killing I think he thought. Quite similar to a thought Kelsier... (Or was it Vin) had in mistborn one while both were slightly under ruins sway. (Vin more clearly than Kelsier obviously.) and Adolin is both in the grips (possibly) of PTSD and a plot involving awakening his shard blade. Ripe for pushing around.

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2 hours ago, Toaster Retribution said:

Its always good to bring up odd ideas for discussion (I do it quite often). That said, I don't believe Adolin was mind-controlled. Having him be controlled would feel like a bad fake-out too, so I hope it doesn't go that way.

Agreed. Especially when there was so much foreshadowing about Adolin's dislike/hatred of Sadeas. I mean, in the first Adolin PoV, he's brooding about Sadeas.

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