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WOR Seattle Signing


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So.... Since there are a lot of 17th Sharders in Seattle, I think it would be fun if we do something fun at the signing this tour.  Anyone else interested?  I know that I am in and my friends Mel and Holly who will be attending are up for anything too.


I am not an ideas person so the best I have come up with so far is to make posters like it is a sporting event or rock concert.  I am very crafty though so if you have an idea, there is a good chance I can execute it. 


If you think posters are a good idea, what should the posters say?  #1 FANDERSON!!!  is one that I came up with.


Brandon's writings have brought a lot of joy to my life and I just feel like I want to give something back in the way of making a signing different or more cool.  Plus us Seattle fans have to represent, right?

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I think doing something as a group could be cool.  But personally I'm not much for posters and #1 fan sort of stuff.  But that is my preference.  Wetlander would probably join in, but I think it would be amusing to see hoser as a gushing fanboy :P .

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When looking at their website most of the signings are in the town hall now.  I wonder if it will be in there.  I have no idea where this is.


Also, I think I can make Bridge 4 temporary tattoos for everyone.  We could all put them on our foreheads.. ;)

Edited by karaokeang
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I do not live in Seattle. However, since I won't be going to a signing myself, I might as well just list ideas here.

Dress in costume! Make a theme, maybe all characters from WoK. You could even find a short scene with all those characters in it and perform a little skit for Brandon!

If not, at least dress similarly. That way you'll be able to tell who else is from 17th Shard. (Pick a dress code: maybe model it off the Bridge 4 uniforms. There are patches now, you know.)

Alternatively, have everyone come representing a different world (all Cosmere, maybe?)

Make some sort of gift for Brandon. Bake something (cookies! brownies! Put symbols on them it you want!), stitch him a book-themed pillowcase or blanket (the Aons are pretty easy symbols, though they're not the only ones), be creative! Bags are good things to decorate, too. Especially if they're the perfect size for WoR. Actually, you could just give one of those to all the Sharders (and Brandon and Peter too). Give him a little bracelet with the First Ideal on it. How about a laminated map of Roshar for his study? (Or maybe not laminated, so he can mark all over it). Though he probably has far better maps anyways. For goodness sakes, decorate a lampshade or doormat if you want! Someone has made a Soulcaster already; maybe you could make a few and give one to him. (Distribute the rest among the group). Mistborn cloaks are relatively easy to make, and they fit anyone. Assemble a little box of stuff- maybe a Soulcaster, a couple of cookies, a little thank-you-for-writing note, some other crafty things...Perhaps you could arrange to print out a fanart folio. Then carve/singe the box in some sort of pattern (maybe put Brandon's name or the Lightweaver glyph). Everyone contribute something!

If anyone is musically inclined, they might put Shallan's lullaby to music and sing it for Brandon (maybe bring a ukulele? or something else small? ). If anyone plays a larger instrument that they can't really take, then you could get together and record the song first, then arrange with the manager/co-ordinator to play it on the intercom without telling Brandon first. It might be embarrassing if he didn't catch it, though...

Maybe you could do something more specific to your area. For example, if it's being rainy there right now (here it's almost like summer), then give him a painted Sanderson themed umbrella.

If you want to be a little less blatant, maybe you could have everyone write a note to him and put it on his car or at his table when he's not there.

Don't forget to incorporate a little something for Peter, too.

That's all I can think of for now. I'll add more if I remember something else. I hope you appreciate me spending half an hour just brainstorming this list. (Just kidding. It was fun.)

Edited by Limelleth
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Limelleth, thank you for all your awesome suggestions.  They really got my mind working.


So here is my idea.  I would like to make a tour scrapbook/thank you book documenting this tour.  I do a style of scrapbooking called Project Life and I think it would be awesome to create him a book for this tour.  


How it would work:  I would provide the album and all the page protectors and we could have all the fans on tour stops fill out 3x4 inch cards with their thoughts for Brandon and maybe words of thanks for being the awesome writer that he is.  The cards just slip into the pockets and we can also put some photos in it.  I will put decorative elements on the page related to the books too.  I can make cards that are pretty simple and I would have Radiant ideals on them and maybe allomantic symbols on them and other graphical stuff from his other books.


I think it would be really neat if on the first stop of the tour he started getting some of these cards filled out from fans.  He probably won't know what to do with them.  I can print pictures that are posted on his Facebook page to slip into the album before the Seattle stop.  Once he gets to Seattle we can give him the album for all those cards he has gathered already.  At tour stops with 17th Sharders, they can print out cards and hand them out to fans to fill out to give to Brandon when they get their books signed.  I can even make cards ahead of time to send to bookstores if we coordinate this right.  For those who can't make it to a tour stop but still want to be included, they can fill out a card, scan it and send it back to me and I will print it out and include it in the book.  By the end of the tour, Brandon would have this scrapbook filled with thoughts and thanks for the fans.


We can scale the size of the album to how many people end up participating.  It would be a neat way to document his tour and an easy way for fans to say thanks in a very compact size.


This blog post demonstrates what I am thinking but definitely more cool and hip but with messages from fans.



If you guys think this is a good idea, I would love some graphic design help for creating pdfs of cards and I don't even know where to start coordinating this if we wanted to do it large scale.


So what do you think?  Please like it because I am really excited about this and would be crushed if you all think it is crap.   :)

Edited by karaokeang
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So, I am officially not going to be at the signing.  Brandon continues to schedule signings which are nearby to me on the day of my daughters' birthdays.  In this case we will be on an island and I will not be able to get away to the signing.  Oh well.  So, Ang and hoser or anyone else who will be going to Seattle, it will be up to you to bring a recorder and to get there early enough to ensure that it gets on Brandon's table early in the signing line.  For my recorder will be unable to attend.  

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I have no point here, I just want to say that I'm gonna come to the signing! My very first signing! And I have some questions lined up and everything. SO EXCITED


Also, I bought a hardcover, but I'm totally going to ask Brandon to sign my Kindle. Then I'll see it every day. (Until the next version comes out. Then I guess I just have to go to another signing.)

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I have no point here, I just want to say that I'm gonna come to the signing! My very first signing! And I have some questions lined up and everything. SO EXCITED


Also, I bought a hardcover, but I'm totally going to ask Brandon to sign my Kindle. Then I'll see it every day. (Until the next version comes out. Then I guess I just have to go to another signing.)


I can't wait to meet you!  I will probably be right at the signing table since I am going to record the questions.  Make sure to hit me up for a card to sign.

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I can't wait to meet you!  I will probably be right at the signing table since I am going to record the questions.  Make sure to hit me up for a card to sign.


If you can help it, you may wish to learn from my example and just ask Brandon if you can leave the recorder at the table.  I admit it felt a bit weird standing there (although it was kind of cool to be able to refresh Brandon's memory a couple of times).  Chief advantage of doing it the way I did: Less sifting through fan gushing, picture requests, and general conversation on the recording.  Chief advantage of leaving the recorder on the table: freedom to move about and talk to people and less awkwardness (though a nice t-shirt that says "ask me about 17thshard.com" my clear that up nicely.  I just looked like some weirdo groupie.).   

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Yeah, I'm kind of worried about looking like a weirdo groupie, especially since I'm going to be helping with the WoR scrapbook. And worse yet, I'm a highschooler.

It'll be all sorts of socially strange, but (hopefully) fun.


Spend a bit of money and make a t-shirt promoting 17S (make an inkjet printable iron-on or something).  I bet it would help a lot.

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I am okay with looking like a weirdo groupie though.  I will make a t-shirt or maybe hang a sign around my neck! 


The recorder I bought looks like a flash drive so it should be interesting.  Did you let everyone know they were being recorded?  Did you stop and start the recording depending on the fan?  I need your wisdom Shardlet!

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I basically just listened and if someone started asking a question, I turned on the recorder.  I never hid it from anyone or tried to be surreptitious about it, but I never expressly told anyone other than Brandon and the guy running the signing that I was recording.

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Hi guys,


I will try to make it to the signing.  Shardlet, I'm sorry I won't get to see you.  Karaokeang, do you need any backup or support?  I can get a recorder app for my phone, for example. 


I don't know about gushing fanboy.  Maybe a filmy white dress and pretend to be Syl.  Not!  Would brown vests over normal clothing and Birkenstocks count as bridgeman attire?  I could wear a temporary tattoo on my forehead.  Part of me wants to make a miniature bridge w/toothpicks. 

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