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5 minutes ago, Julio said:

Lightsong, because TLR wouldn't step down when his term was over. 

Who would be better at writing poetry, Wayne or Allomancer Jak? 

Wayne his outlook and wisdom would make for epic poetry.

Who would be the best american football player Ore seor or Tyn.


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2 hours ago, ILuvHats said:

Tyn because if her team started losing she'd just join the other side.

Who's more likely to forget to flush the toilet, Shallan or Vin?


Vin. Where she grew up, she didn't need toilets.

Who would attempt to beat up the school bully first, Denth or Hrathen?

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2 hours ago, Elenion said:

Who would attempt to beat up the school bully first, Denth or Hrathen?

Hrathen. I think Denth would just shrug it off and do something sneaky in revenge later, but Hrathen I can see getting righteously angry and starting a brawl.

Who would embarrass themselves more at a super-fancy restaurant, Clod or Lift?

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3 hours ago, Penumbra said:

Lift. Clod would at least be moderately quiet and calm. Life would be sliding on tables and stealing the other guest's food, then sneak into the kitchens if she was thrown out.

Who would be the better hair dresser, Pattern or Wyndle?

Wyndle he would do his cultivation thing and the hair would become exquisite.

Who would make the better movie director Kaise or Yomen ?

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1 hour ago, Emerald101 said:

Ati, because he was nice, back in the day.

Who would be better at calculus, Kelsier or Adolin? Totally not in Calc III right now :ph34r:

Kaladin he is a quick study.

Who would be more likely to win a hot dog eating contest Siri or Sarene?

Edited by Nathrangking
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48 minutes ago, Toaster Retribution said:

Siri. She is good at eating big midnight dinners.

Who would win a presidential election, Mraize or Pattern?


Pattern, he could tell when his opponents lied.

Who could win an eating challenge, TLR or an Unmade?

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31 minutes ago, pezcadito said:

Who would learn to dance the tango for his beloved :wub:, Steris or Renarin?

Renarin, [Stormlight Spoilers]


He would be able to see the changes in the music before they happened.

Who would win at chess, Taln or Rayse? (Pre-ascension)

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49 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

Rayse that sly and  clever man him. 

Who would build the best sand castle Kaladin or Marsh?

Marsh. Kaladin would just stomp off grumbling about "storming light-eyes and their castles".

Who would be the more successful door-to-door salesman, Kelsier or Vasher?

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5 hours ago, Roadwalker said:

Is @Drake Marshall working this thread?

Hrm? I don't recall reading this thread.


Oh, also, while I'm here:


Who would be the more successful door-to-door salesman, Kelsier or Vasher?

That's a good one.

On one hand, Vasher definitely has the experience, going door-to-door and asking people to please kindly not start another World War.

On the other hand, door-to-door sales has it's share of trickery, bluster, and false smiles involved, and Kelsier might possibly be one of the best there is at these arts.

I'd say Kelsier.


Who would win in a staring contest, Marsh or Kaladin. :P

Edited by Drake Marshall
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1 hour ago, Roadwalker said:

Marsh, has metal eyes, fool. Obviously he is immediately disqualified :P

Does that mean he is disqualified, or that he automatically wins :P

Maybe a fairer competition would be Marsh versus Clod. But I digress. That isn't going to be my question.

1 hour ago, Toaster Retribution said:

Who would be the most effective baby-sitter for Lift, Straff or Elhokar?

By what metric do you measure effectiveness?

Lift doesn't need babysitting and neither of them would be remotely capable of imposing babysitting upon her.

I think Elhokar would be more effective, simply because he is more likely to recognize that it is a losing battle, and thus give up before he wastes too much time on it.


Who is a better chef, TenSoon or Axies the Collector.

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Axies, unless you happen to be a fan of aged meat.

Ah there is a question I really want to ask but it has implicit Oathbringer spoilers, so instead: who would be more likely to like scary movies, Shallan or Khriss?

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