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Is there any thing in Stormlight you don't like?


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In Stormlight, do you dislike anything?

By this, I don't mean things that aren't as good as other things. I mean things you hate or don't like, or at least things you want changed. For me, the thing I would change would be the fake deaths of WoR.

What about you guys?

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In-world, I have never fully gotten over the arthropodic nature of most of the fauna on Roshar. I mean, I get why it's like that (adaptations to highstorms), but I feel like Hoid the Worldhopper Extraordinaire when he made the comment about having to alter a story involving a "bunny" to "a disgusting crab thing with seventeen legs" for Kaladin's benefit. *shudder*

Real-world, my main problem is that I'm turning 47 years old later this year. I REALLY like Stormlight, and it distresses me to consider that it's far from impossible that I'll never get to finish it.

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Agree with the complaints about excessive resurrection.

I also did not enjoy the ending "pace" of Words of Radiance. So much happened in the last few chapters that felt incomplete. I would have liked to see more interaction between the new Radiants (Dalinar, Shallan, Kaladin, Renarin) but, instead, we get one tiny scene where almost nothing of import occurs. Also, Kaladin just straight leaves and no one is like, hey, slow down buddy, let's talk about this.












Stick. Lyft.

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I would shorten the prison sequence for Kaladin as I felt it dragged on for too long. I would have added one or two viewpoint chapters for Adolin to show how he deals with both Shallan's "death" and the aftermath of the 4 on 1 duel. 

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On 31/08/2017 at 6:18 PM, Captains Domon said:

Highprince Torol Sadeas.

Ever notice how everyone refers to them with their family name, e.g. Highprince Sadeas, Highprince Aladar, Highprince Vamah. 

Even in small talk, Dalinar - "Oh hey Sadeas old buddy old pal, want to go and shoot some hoops with Ruthar".

However, any of the Kohlin's are referred to by their first name. Even by soldiers - Highprince Dalinar. Is this because all members of the Kohlin line are so infamous/center of talk that they need to be identified to avoid confusion?


For something I don't like - Even though it's explained to be so, I would have liked to have seen more destruction from the high storms. I would have a liked a scene after a particularly bad high storm where they emerge from the barracks to find perhaps 2-3% of the war camp simply destroyed. I think this would have highlighted the dangerous nature better and created more of an uncertain dread. To me, they became more of a nuisance than anything else, just get inside something sturdy and wait. A kind of, pause period. I want them to be more of a "oh rust, here it comes" and a constant reminder for the Alethi forces to improve and build sturdier and smarter designed structures etc.  

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40 minutes ago, Nymeros said:

2. Fake deaths......love Jasnah but no........just no.

This complaint always bothers me. Szeth's death and resurrection happened so close together that it barely matters. 

For Jasnah... How did everyone not notice that her body disappeared? We see the killers run off after Shallan's illusion, then when she exits the room there's no body on the floor. Shallan even questions it on the page. 

These things are only an issue if they aren't foreshadowed well, and Brandon is pretty good at getting that done. 

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5 minutes ago, Ansalem said:

There are too many Radiants in one family. What makes the Kholins so special? There are already 3, there's potential for 2 more, plus Gavilar was on his way before he died.

Don't get me wrong, I like the Kholins.

Brandon has answered this one before. It's a "guilty by association" type of deal. The Spren are trying to bring the KR back, so once they get one, you are statistically more likely to be able to become one. On your own, you would have to exemplify the oaths to attract the Spren, but other Spren flock to look around an existing KR at other people without them fully expressing the oaths. They are paying attention to you from an earlier point than you would normally get their attention on your own, so it jumpstarts the process

Also, being associated with a KR usually means that you fit that lifestyle (see how Dalinar raised his Sons), honorable people like to associate with other honorable people, you know.

It's the same reason why Squires had good odds of becoming KR. The Spren were already paying attention to them because of the presence of the KR, so they can initiate a bond with an imperfect host that wouldn't otherwise get a bond, and help them along the way Syl and Wyndle do with Kaladin and Lift.

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On 02/09/2017 at 0:03 AM, shadowwisp said:

"Stretch forth thy hand!"

I have to agree with this. Her speaking in Old/Middle english for this scene alone threw me off, and made me cringe just a bit.

I honestly disliked the Renarin bashing on Shallan's part towards the end of WoR. She really grew as a character during WoR, but this is a shortcoming which was hard for me to ignore. Calling someone 'creepy' is just rude. Also, the fact that she calls Kaladin 'bridgeboy'. I can just about understand when Adolin does it, as he met Kaladin as a bridgeman (poor excuse though it may be). But what need is there for Shallan to constantly say it, and in such a derogatory manner? I can't think of any other reason except that Shallan is constantly reminding him of his station in life.

Szeth and Jasnah coming back certainly took away from the impact of their death scenes, but I'm looking forward to seeing more of them so I can't really complain.:P Although I do hope that people stay dead in future.


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