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Recreating the God Metals

DJ Kandra

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I think that it can only be made deliberately using Preservation's power (like when the Lord Ruler makes mistborn). So when towards his end Preservation gets relatively dumb and weak (like how he accidentally make the mist snapping kill some people) he can't or doesn't think to make more. Or he might not have wanted to for some reason. Like it required him to lose a lot of mist since it's solid or he didn't want Ruin to be able to get someone to hide it (like the Lord Ruler did to Ruin). Harmony probably also doesn't want to for some reason.

Edited by Hafrigado
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The only real answer I can give is we don't know. Here is the closest thing I can give you to a "source" of lerasium. 




Did the Lord Ruler create the lerasium he gave to [...]?


Oh, good question. No one’s asked that before, I think. Yeah, no, he found the lerasium.



The Lord Ruler...it was not placed for him, he had to...get it.

We know that due to the mists being of Preservation, there was far far less Lerasium than atium, 12 beads total. 10 that Rashek handed out to make the first 10 Mistborn (he made himself one with the Well), the one Elend used, and the one Hoid took. 

The well gave him the knowledge of where those were, and he was able to retrieve them... But that's about all we know. 

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You could - theoretically - distill it out of the mists:



Because youve talked about alloying the god metals, I was wondering whether you would be able to melt them down as you would with normal metals.

Brandon Sanderson

If you could distill the god metal: you could distill it out of the mist, thats theoretically possible.


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That WoB has certainly been proven true by...


what we see in both mistborn as well as the SH were mist is equated to larasium as both are preservation's investiture in different states of matter. Now the fact is that you would need to either be preservation or extremely connected to it to pull it off, theoretically it should be possible.


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My theory on it was always that somehow we could take the mist and turn it into a solid, and then boom we have Lerasium. Maybe in era 3 mistborn they will figure this out with new technology? I feel like harmony should know this but i can totally understand if he doesn't want to share that knowledge, having full powered mistborn running around could be an issue haha. The reason i ask is because of the mentions of alloys of the God Metals. And (correct me if I'm wrong) as far as i know atium should start regrowing at the pits. Thanks for the replies and theories, I'm glad i joined up! 

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Welcome to the Shard!

We're at about the time when atium should start reappearing, per Kelsier's guess that he ended the creation of new geodes for about three hundred years. And atium is referred to as the Lost Metal in-universe, which just so happens to be the title of the final book in the era. There's some question over whether atium and lerasium can be produced the way they were during Era 1 now that Preservation and Ruin have been merged into Harmony (who's got his own godmetal) but either way, there's been enough talk of potential alloys of the godmetals that we almost have to see more atium and lerasium eventually. And if the old Word of Peter is still valid, there's at least one unaccounted-for lerasium bead floating around...

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@Weltall that's what i was thinking too, atium has to be back soon (i guess the title really is proof) so lerasium should be back in the mix too. I've read some theories on god metal mistings, so there have to be more out there and alloys of them. Do we have any WoB about trellium and harmonium (is that right?) I've been trying to dig a bit on this to put together my first theory post, but I've been sick the past few days and on mobile, so digging has not been fun. I don't know where they come from or what they do and i feel like i totally should know these things! 

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We don't know that atium is going to regrow, but if it does it should be much much rarer than it was. Consider this WoB 




Why is there such an imbalance between the amount of atium and the amount of lerasium in the world? Also, why are atium and lerasium very imbalanced in Allomantic power (Lerasium is far more useful than atium, really)?


There isn't. Leras is just spread out further. He is in the mists, in the Well, and in the lerasium. Ruin's power however is considerate strictly in atium.

In the past, Preservation had the Mists and a little Lerasium, and Ruin had Atium. That was it. 

Now though? The Mists come less frequently but they contain both types of investiture. Then you have both going into Ettmetal/Harmonium. 

If new Atium does grow, the amount is going to be heavily reduced. 

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