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What if Odium attacked Harmony

Lord Joped

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I've had the thought that Odium was able to overcome and splinter other shards because he hadn't Invested in any one place, meaning that he has more, if only slightly, power than other shards.

However, if he came against a being wielding multiple shards, he may have more problems. While Sazed is more Invested in Scadrial than most shards, he also has the power of two shards, neither of which would much like being splintered. Unless Odium has access to more power than two shards, he may have a bad time if he attacks Scadrial.


Just as an aside, if Ati had been a meaner fellow, like Rayse, and not invested in Scadrial, would he have gone on a Splintering rampage like Odium?

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The main advantage that Odium/Rayse would have against Harmony/Sazed would be pure experience with the power. Sazed is like a really buff guy in a gym that really doesn't know how to fight. He's got a bunch of strength but doesn't know how to really apply it. Meanwhile, Rayse is lean, fit, and has several fights/kills under his belt. He's going to know how to prepare for and counter Sazed. Saying that, Sazed could do something unexpected, get a good idea, or get lucky. Vin did so to Ati when she kamikazed him. 


As for a hypothetical meaner Ati, it's possible he could have gone on a splintering spree after a while. Depends on how much power he invested beforehand though.

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10 hours ago, Dragon314 said:


So, Sazed would probably win for now, but Rayse keeps getting more and more experienced.

That Rayse is scared doesnt mean that he would lose. It only means that he sees Sazed as a big risk to take on. And also, he is probably scared about Sazed getting more experienced, because if that happened, he would be a dead shard walking (or whatever shards do instead of walking).

If anyone has read aSoIaF, I guess it is a bit like:


Bronn being scared of taking on the Mountain. He knows that he can defeat him, but also that its a big gamble.


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On 24/06/2017 at 0:30 PM, Lord Joped said:

I've had the thought that Odium was able to overcome and splinter other shards because he hadn't Invested in any one place, meaning that he has more, if only slightly, power than other shards.

However, if he came against a being wielding multiple shards, he may have more problems. While Sazed is more Invested in Scadrial than most shards, he also has the power of two shards, neither of which would much like being splintered. Unless Odium has access to more power than two shards, he may have a bad time if he attacks Scadrial.


Just as an aside, if Ati had been a meaner fellow, like Rayse, and not invested in Scadrial, would he have gone on a Splintering rampage like Odium?

Well, it's possible that Odium is involved, but I would point you to this WoB:


Paladin Brewer

I assume Sazed does not know the metal used in Lessie's spike because it's offworld, but Odium seems aware of Sazed/Harmony. Why is this?

Brandon Sanderson

Odium has a lot more knowledge that Sazed, he has had the power longer, and there are forces purposely trying to limit Harmony's knowledge.

Now, it may be a red herring or imprecise language, but I would note that Brandon says there are forces trying to limit Harmony's knowledge. I would suggest that if Odium really is involved, he's not the only one, or that it could even be some of the other Shards deciding Harmony is a threat that needs to be confined to Scadrial so he doesn't upset their own plans. There's nothing that says that every single plot in the cosmere has to relate to Odium. Let's not forget that we've got some WoBs suggesting that Autonomy has worked with him in the past, and there's always of course the perennial drama of Good Guys Fighting Each Other, and that's all assuming there are no other Big Bads out there, which of course there will be. ;)

As to Rayse going on a splintering rampage as Ruin... it's possible, although I expect if Rayse had started off with Ruin, he might have gone after Odium first thing so he could hold them both at once, as he would probably find that more comfortable, but who knows how holding Ruin for that long would influence him and change his plans? I suspect if anything the fact that he is a vessel for a Shard that so well aligns with his own personality is part of the reason he's going on a killing spree.

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I want to just take a moment to say this thread is much more enjoyable discussing morality and philosophy than as a ship thread.

Edit: I somehow posted this comment in the wrong thread, and I won't take it back because I find it hilarious and still accurate. 

Edited by Calderis
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  • 1 month later...

IT is fascinating to consider for all intents and purposes order vs the ultimate force of hatred. Advantage on experience would go to odium whereas power is much less clear. He may be limited in his intent. He seeks balance much as Preservation sought to maintain the status quo hence his attack may not follow through as was seen in the SH with preservation. As for the hypothetical I doubt it simply for reason of intent which is to cause the end of something which would be something rationally considered which a prolonged war against another shard is not.

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I think there's more to Odium's previous advantage than being unInvested in a planet, since he was able to take down Devotion and Dominion, and Cultivation was probably helping out Honor to some degree.


I don't think Harmony would really be disadvantaged by inexperience with his power, though. Even with the incomplete power of the Well, Rashek figured out how to genetically engineer ash-eating bacteria in mere minutes. I'd imagine that it probably took Harmony a lot less than 300 years to learn how his Shardic powers worked.  Other Shards are apparently trying to limit his knowledge about other worlds, but IMO that wouldn't affect his ability to understand his own powers.

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