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14 hours ago, industrialistDragon said:

Soo... NaNoWriMo is coming up. Anybody here going to try for it? 

Was originally looking forward to it, but I'll be skipping again this year. I'm currently working three jobs; attempting to participate would be masochistic.

Besides, it's been hard enough finding time to work on my current WIP. I owe it to myself to get the novel's second draft wrapped up before the end of this decade. :D

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On 12/10/2017 at 3:07 PM, Marci said:

Besides, it's been hard enough finding time to work on my current WIP. I owe it to myself to get the novel's second draft wrapped up before the end of this decade. :D

Hey Marci, great to hear from you. I still want to read the rest of that story, you know, and I'm not sure I'm willing to wait another 3 years!! If an alpha/beta/delta... whatever-read would be any help to you, drop me a line.

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9 hours ago, Robinski said:

Hey Marci, great to hear from you. I still want to read the rest of that story, you know, and I'm not sure I'm willing to wait another 3 years!! If an alpha/beta/delta... whatever-read would be any help to you, drop me a line.

Having you as an alpha reader would be incredible, and it's kind of you to offer. You'll have an email from me soon. :)

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On 10/11/2017 at 4:09 PM, industrialistDragon said:

Soo... NaNoWriMo is coming up. Anybody here going to try for it? 

I know I'm not around very often (or at all), but I might take NaNoWriMo as an opportunity to get back into serious writing. I've been working on a lot of experimental side projects that I don't think will ever see the light of day, but I'm feeling compelled to finish them and they always go longer than I expect. D: 

Although I do feel @Mandamon's point about getting bad writing when I go too quickly. :) Although joke's on me because I always get bad writing no matter what.  Heh, heh...*smile slowly slides off of face*

But yeah, I hope to give it a try and see how it goes. I have several different novel ideas in mind but I don't think that any of them are as fleshed out as I want them to be at this point... and then there's always organic chemistry to keep up with. *Tears hair out*

Best of luck to everyone else trying NaNoWriMo. :) 

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Hope everyone is doing well! Just wanted to let you all know that while travelling I've finally found my life's calling. I've given up writing and music to start an underwear shop.


(I saw this in the town of Luera, near the Blue Ranges by Sydney, and couldn't resist.)

Edited by Silk
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...Huh. You know, I was quite convinced it was an underwear shop, but I honestly don't remember if I actually ever looked in the windows and saw underwear, or if I've just been misremembering the sign this whole time. *rolls eyes* Let's just go with "underwear shop" anyway, because it's funnier. :P 

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  • 1 month later...

I'm here still, I swear! So many cons and books and LIFE! I can finally talk about one thing--I signed a contract for a new nonfiction book that I'm really excited about. More exciting things to come, soon, hopefully. Carry on, RE!

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1 hour ago, kais said:

Hah, no. That was my LAST book. This one will be on studio woodturning, highlighting the US legacy established in the 1960s. It's super nerdy. I'm very proud.

Wow, 'nerdy' certainly does sound like the word ;) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

A reminder to everyone that Angry Robot is having its open door period now. You can submit without an agent. They do this once every two to three years, so if you have a manuscript ready, why not give it a go?

Link here. You can follow along with the crowd on the Absolute Write tracker here. 


Also @Mandamon, maybe for Fruits????

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2 hours ago, kais said:

A reminder to everyone that Angry Robot is having its open door period now. You can submit without an agent. They do this once every two to three years, so if you have a manuscript ready, why not give it a go?

Link here. You can follow along with the crowd on the Absolute Write tracker here. 

Oh my gosh, I didn't know about this! That's awesome!

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2 hours ago, kais said:

A reminder to everyone that Angry Robot is having its open door period now. You can submit without an agent. They do this once every two to three years, so if you have a manuscript ready, why not give it a go?

Thanks @kais - well spotted. I do believe I might have a punt at this.

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...although, this is very off-putting!!! From AR FAQs

"We want you to send us the entire novel, so it will need to be finished. If we contract it for publishing, there will be the usual editing rounds, but as you can imagine the better it is, the less reasons we will have to reject it."

Arrrrrrgggghhhhh!!! :angry:

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3 hours ago, Robinski said:


I believe what you meant to write was challenge accepted!

Good luck to everyone who enters! Let us know if you do so we can maybe have a commiseration thread.

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