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The Clone Wars is certainly great, and rebel's, while I'm a little pissed at how they messed with Thrawn in that last episode, was decent. Certainly ready for whatever show Dave Filoni does next. As for the other stuff... let's just say I get physical distress thinking about some of the writing in Mando and the Sequels.

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40 minutes ago, karamel said:

I honestly love clone wars Anakin way better than movie Anakin

It's hard not to. He's just the perfect blend of highly intelligent with no common sense meshed with smirky arrogance and topped off with a heap of wise-cracking adrenaline junkie. You get that for seven seasons and it is hard not to love the moron. 

Makes Revenge of the Sith even more tragic though. Ugh, my heart. 

43 minutes ago, karamel said:

her fight with Vader, oh man, and the way they used Anakin's voice and overlapped it with Vader's

My initial reaction was simply "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

43 minutes ago, karamel said:

I actually went to Star Wars celebration last year and got to see some of the panels with Filoni and crew and it was so incredible. All of Filoni's characters are just... *chef's kiss*

I am mad green with envy. That sounds spectacular. What was your favorite part?

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57 minutes ago, karamel said:

She died in the novel dark disciple, I think! So, sadly, we probably won't ever see her again :,(

Google says you are correct. 

I have not decided if this means I should read the book or avoid it. 

Thrawn book was awesome. It led so well into Rebels. 

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42 minutes ago, Aspiring Writer said:

while I'm a little pissed at how they messed with Thrawn in that last episode

Can you imagine what Thrawn would be like if he was written excellently instead of just good?


I want the pain. 

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42 minutes ago, Aspiring Writer said:

I get physical distress thinking about some of the writing in Mando

I think it depends on what you are expecting from Mando. 

If you are looking for an elegant, deep Star Wars story that hits emotionally, makes you question everything, and is a stunning work of writing...that isn't Mando.

If you are okay with the Adventure-of-the-Week as Metal Dad and his starving Green Child explore the universe, make wacky friends, slaughter awesome beasts, and occasionally stumble upon a serious plot...buckle up. And honestly, right now, I will happily take the Child's weekly taste testing over a Game of Throne's level seriousness. Life is hard enough right now. I like having something warm-hearted to look forward to. 

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11 minutes ago, Snakenaps said:

I think it depends on what you are expecting from Mando. 

If you are looking for an elegant, deep Star Wars story that hits emotionally, makes you question everything, and is a stunning work of writing...that isn't Mando.

If you are okay with the Adventure-of-the-Week as Metal Dad and his starving Green Child explore the universe, make wacky friends, slaughter awesome beasts, and occasionally stumble upon a serious plot...buckle up. And honestly, right now, I will happily take the Child's weekly taste testing over a Game of Throne's level seriousness. Life is hard enough right now. I like having something warm-hearted to look forward to. 

I'm looking for consistent and logical writing. While they have their moments, they have their contrived episodes and i can't help but see Mando being pulled by a tie fighter and thinking "His arm should be ripped off." and fobs do not work when you consider how they would impact the universe at large. It's not all bad, but I would like it to be a little better. And it's not about seriousness, the tone of the show is not what I'm criticizing, I'm am more than aware when something simply isn't what I enjoy but is well-crafted. Remeber, I mentioned I liked rebels and clone wars, very episodic adventure of the week shows.


23 minutes ago, Snakenaps said:

Can you imagine what Thrawn would be like if he was written excellently instead of just good?


I want the pain. 

First, read the recent Thrawn trilogy, it's really good. *Kisses*

And second, what do you mean by pain? Do you mean you want Thrawn to kill all our heroes with his brilliant tactics and cold calculating posture and attitude and commanding tone and really nice c... Sorry, lost my train of thought there. But yeah, I'd love having a show that just let it be genocided by Thrawn, hopefully while having his complex character intact and not reduced to 'really smart evil guy'.

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9 hours ago, Aspiring Writer said:

i can't help but see Mando being pulled by a tie fighter and thinking "His arm should be ripped off."

Oh yeah, I'm giggling at that one. Totally agree there. I've seen theories that suggest that Mandalorian armor has the tech built into it to allow it to absorb kinetic energy...which mostly just sounds like excuses to make up for poor writing. 

9 hours ago, Aspiring Writer said:

First, read the recent Thrawn trilogy, it's really good. *Kisses*

They are on my To Be Read list!

9 hours ago, Aspiring Writer said:

I'd love having a show that just let it be genocided by Thrawn, hopefully while having his complex character intact and not reduced to 'really smart evil guy'.

Exactly! I want a Thrawn show where I feel every moment a deep seated fear for the Rebel Alliance. That there is no way out magical solution and Thrawn just wipes the floor in his cold, calculating way. For someone who is a villain, I find myself rooting for him. I have a severe weakness for complex, highly intelligent baddies. Especially ones who love art, as an artist myself. 

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10 hours ago, Snakenaps said:

I am mad green with envy. That sounds spectacular. What was your favorite part?

The panels were really enjoyable! I waited so many hours to get into the rebels panel but it was well worth it!

Memorable things from the whole experience:

  • The trailer drop for The Rise of Skywalker. I wasn't in that panel but I was in the convention hall where everyone watched it on a big screen, and when palpatine laughed in the trailer EVERYONE lost their minds. (it was hilarious)
  • ALL the costumes.
  • Of course the rebels panel, I love listening to Dave Filoni talk.
  • Getting into the clone wars panel, because it was snowing and our flight got canceled, so we decided to try our luck getting into the panel and we actually got in on a day we didn't pay for (I know, how scandalous).
  • The clone wars panel was honestly the best part because it was where they dropped a real trailer for the last season that we all didn't think we were going to get. You can imagine my hype.
  • All the free posters
  • The shop was also really cool! The line was ridiculous to get in but still worth it.


I included my view of the clone wars panel and me in front of an xwing :)

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Heads up to the newbies who are like, "What the hell is going on in Katie's world??? Who is this person? Why are the animals talking?"

I took the Chapter-by-chapter Summaries and changed it up into a Cheat Sheet with quick explanations on who people are and briefly what the world is about. You can still use the link in the email. Hopefully that will allievate some confusions, considering you are coming in around the ~70% mark. 

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1 hour ago, Snakenaps said:

Heads up to the newbies who are like, "What the hell is going on in Katie's world??? Who is this person? Why are the animals talking?"

I took the Chapter-by-chapter Summaries and changed it up into a Cheat Sheet with quick explanations on who people are and briefly what the world is about. You can still use the link in the email. Hopefully that will allievate some confusions, considering you are coming in around the ~70% mark. 

Why talking animals? I just have to ask.

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1 minute ago, Aspiring Writer said:

Why talking animals? I just have to ask.

A great question.

I have always wished that animals talked since I was a young child. I reread Narnia a million times as a child (especially The Horse and His Boy) and was addicted to The Last Unicorn both as a book and a movie. I suppose I always had this boredom with humans. Like, who cares about Harry Potter? What if Buckbeak was the star of the show? What about dragons (thanks Anne McCaffery's Pern)? What about polar bears (looking at you, His Dark Materials)? I'm sure the Warriors series did not help either. 

I suppose this is my answer to all of those books that never went far enough. I wanted my talking animals to be active participants and treated just like people, not like fancy, mysterious creatures or comic relief. I couldn't find a book that had just what I wanted...so I wrote one. No farm boys, no magic swords, no prophecies, no magical bonding, no foretold Chosen One, no love triangles or emo anti-heroes (*cough* Batman *cough*). Just a poor chef who gets over her head...in a world filled with talking magical and non-magical creatures. 

I won't lie to you. It's crazy weird. And if I ever manage to get published, I imagine I am going to make some furries very happy. Untapped market potential, there. 

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1 hour ago, Aspiring Writer said:

*Spits my drink* You watch Shad- oh, never mind

Do you dare tempt me with forbidden knowledge?

What is this sorcery you speak of?

1 hour ago, Aspiring Writer said:

Also yeah, I could see your book becoming a kids show. 

It'd be killer to see it converted into something like Avatar. 

It is a highly flexible book that I could see getting shelved in either YA or adult, much like The Queen's Thief series. My personal art style leans YA, but some of the themes are definitely more adult. It may end up being one of those books that you read both as a teenager and an adult, first for the talking animals, second for the political intrigue. 

Word count wise, it'll end up around 150-120,000 words, putting it roughly 30,000 words too long for YA. So I'll be querying it adult, since Ir is 20, having her technically be too old for most YA literature. 

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30 minutes ago, Snakenaps said:


Word count wise, it'll end up around 150-120,000 words, putting it roughly 30,000 words too long for YA. So I'll be querying it adult, since Ir is 20, having her technically be too old for most YA literature. 

All the requirements for YA are so weird. Like, it has to be a certain length, can only be about someone ages 13-18 who is angsty and wants to overthrow the government AND/OR fall in love with a supernatural entity. Oh and their token minority friend who dies for dramatic effect. So weirdly specific 

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9 minutes ago, ginger_reckoning said:

All the requirements for YA are so weird. Like, it has to be a certain length, can only be about someone ages 13-18 who is angsty and wants to overthrow the government AND/OR fall in love with a supernatural entity. Oh and their token minority friend who dies for dramatic effect. So weirdly specific 

I can't help but see your icon reading this wit that smile.

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10 minutes ago, ginger_reckoning said:

All the requirements for YA are so weird. Like, it has to be a certain length, can only be about someone ages 13-18 who is angsty and wants to overthrow the government AND/OR fall in love with a supernatural entity. Oh and their token minority friend who dies for dramatic effect. So weirdly specific 

Hey, at least it probably won't be a dystopian anymore, thanks to current events. 

You forgot the inevitable love triangle.

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22 minutes ago, Aspiring Writer said:

I can't help but see your icon reading this wit that smile.

Mission accomplished I guess!

21 minutes ago, Snakenaps said:

Hey, at least it probably won't be a dystopian anymore, thanks to current events.

haha yeah, that'd probably be in poor taste right now. 

22 minutes ago, Snakenaps said:

You forgot the inevitable love triangle

How could I forget! There absolutely MUST be a love triangle, even if there is absolutely no spark or common interest between the characters. How else will we get out character conflict? 

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20 minutes ago, ginger_reckoning said:

How could I forget! There absolutely MUST be a love triangle, even if there is absolutely no spark or common interest between the characters. How else will we get out character conflict? 

Relevant comic:


Wicker Basket is every dystopian YA novel. By @ADAMTOTS | Funny memes, Funny  pictures, Funny comics

You're welcome.

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1 hour ago, Ammanas said:

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a traditionally published book roasted and mocked for poor writing as much as the just released Ready Player Two by Cline. 



In all honesty, I couldn't get through Ready Player One. Not my cup of tea. I can only imagine how quickly I would set down this version! 

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