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Hello. I've been stalking 17th and the Coppermind for a while and decided to actually do something with it. So hello.

 I guess...hi. I'm Tal, which is short for the ace lightweaver, but you could also call me Mackenzie. I'm not picky. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

I'm really into cosmere theory (which is sort of a prerequisite if you're on this site) with a specific focus on Rosharian and Nalthisian stuff, although I've recently been getting more into Selish and I've been looking at whatever the heck Threnody is. I can speak educatedly about Scadrian shards and what not, but since Mistborn never appealed to me as much as some of the other Cosmere books, I don't care as much about it. Also everyone and their cousin is into Scadrial, and I feel like Nalthis doesn't get enough love. So yeah, I'm a fan, I'm a theorist, and I exist.


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Hello! :)

58 minutes ago, Tal said:

I've been looking at whatever the heck Threnody is

That's the world where Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell take place. You should read it, it's a short story, but I find it very good :)

P.S. Don't eat any cookies ;)

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1 minute ago, Mestiv said:

Hello! :)

That's the world where Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell take place. You should read it, it's a short story, but I find it very good :)

P.S. Don't eat any cookies ;)


Oh yah, I've read Shadows. That's why I'm trying to figure it out. There's something bizarre and fascinating about Threnody that has really captured my attention.

I will eat whatever cookies I want, thanks

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Yes, I have (And I need to read it again while I'm still holding Arcanum hostage from my friend). I feel like after having read all of the other stories in Arcanum, rereading SH will suddenly make a lot more sense...

I'm not sure if I'm ready for my brain to be blown out of my ears again, since the last time that happened was when Sanderson revealed that Ruin was the entropy shard and I had a headache for two days as I completely reconsidered the Scadrian shards.

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1 hour ago, Tal said:

Hello. I've been stalking 17th and the Coppermind for a while and decided to actually do something with it. So hello.

 I guess...hi. I'm Tal, which is short for the ace lightweaver, but you could also call me Mackenzie. I'm not picky. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

I'm really into cosmere theory (which is sort of a prerequisite if you're on this site) with a specific focus on Rosharian and Nalthisian stuff, although I've recently been getting more into Selish and I've been looking at whatever the heck Threnody is. I can speak educatedly about Scadrian shards and what not, but since Mistborn never appealed to me as much as some of the other Cosmere books, I don't care as much about it. Also everyone and their cousin is into Scadrial, and I feel like Nalthis doesn't get enough love. So yeah, I'm a fan, I'm a theorist, and I exist.


Hi Tal and welcome to the 17th Shard :D. It's interesting (and kinda baffling) to me that you say you don't like Mistborn as much as the rest of the Cosmere books since I count it as one of my all time favorite book series and as far as Brandon's books go, it's right up there with Stormlight Archive for me. also Mistborn is the first Brandon book I read and my introduction to the Cosmere so I'm biased towards it.  Anyway different strokes for different folks and all that :P

Once again welcome to the forum and I hope you have fun here. And don't listen to all the Cookie Naysayers, eat to your heart's desire ;)

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It's not that I think the Mistborn books are bad as much as I never really got into them as much as I did the other books. The magic systems fascinated me, but the overall story arc of the Mistborn series (especially getting into the second half of Hero of Ages) didn't hold quite as much interest for me. Not for lack of trying, I'v re-read the Mistborn books multiple times. Scadrial just isn't as fascinating to me, at least, not in the sense of the actual stories.

And the Alloy of Law series...something about that just turned me off. I read the first couple of books and stuck it out most of the way through BoM for Steris, since I really liked her. I just...have never really liked adventure/indiana jones sort of thing that's going on with Alloy.

I'm definitely interested in sci fi mistborn though. I'm keeping up with the Joneses so to speak for that.

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2 minutes ago, Captains Domon said:

Hi, Tal! Welcome to the Shard!

Have you read Sixth of the Dusk?

Yes I LOVED sixth of dusk. As someone who has a fascination with islander and polynesian culture as well as interesting animals in worldbuilding (since you see so little of it) I thought it was a fantastic story.

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I, on the other hand love every single thing about Mistborn and Scadrial. The characters (Vin is my favorite and I think Kelsier is one of the best characters in the entire Cosmere so far), the story is incredible to me and world is really creative, with ash falling from the sky and the mists and everything else the we learn along the way. The Well of Ascension is my least favorite of the Era 1 trilogy but I still love it (especially the last act, so to speak) as for Era 2(the Wax and Wayne series), I've been loving that as well. Alloy of Law itself was good, but it really took of in Shadows of Self, and Band of Mourning is incredible imo, and that ending...god that blew my mind. 

Now we got one more book in the Era 2 series, then I think we'll have che Contemporary fantasy Mistborn trilogy and after that the space age Mistborn trilogy which like you I'm super excited about. It's gonna be a while till we get there though. 

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Not gonna lie, I misread your name as Tai, so that's probably gonna stick for me :P

More seriously, welcome! I'm rather personally attached to Warbreaker (as I think you know), so I'm always happy to see more Nalthian fans running around!


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32 minutes ago, Quiver said:

Not gonna lie, I misread your name as Tai, so that's probably gonna stick for me :P

More seriously, welcome! I'm rather personally attached to Warbreaker (as I think you know), so I'm always happy to see more Nalthian fans running around!


Tai it is then lol. Yesss warbreaker is so good. I feel like people don't appreciate it enough 

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First of all, welcome to the Shard! Have an upvote and a cookie! (Trust me, it's definitely spiked delicious)

Also, I'm really surprised that you didn't like Mistborn as much. Mistborn is definitely my favorite of what I've read so far (both Mistborns and the Mistborn short stories (including Secret History), Elantris and its short stories, White Sand, and I've started Warbreaker). Of course, that doesn't include Stormlight yet, mainly because I've just been too busy lately to read it, and honestly those books look freaking scary to read. 1000+ pages will be the biggest books I've ever read, once I read them. 

Anyway, I absolutely loved Mistborn. It was my introduction to the Cosmere (not to Brandon though; I'd already read The Reckoners and Rithmatist), and I loved how everything fit together at the end. Plus, I loved the idea of the magic system and just how complex and amazing it is. I didn't like Well of Ascension as much as the other two books, but it definitely got better near the end. And I love the Wax and Wayne books, especially the tremendous character growth and the awesomeness way that Twinborns work. Overall, I think Mistborn is probably my favorite book of all time, from any author.

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16 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

First of all, welcome to the Shard! Have an upvote and a cookie! (Trust me, it's definitely spiked delicious)

Also, I'm really surprised that you didn't like Mistborn as much. Mistborn is definitely my favorite of what I've read so far (both Mistborns and the Mistborn short stories (including Secret History), Elantris and its short stories, White Sand, and I've started Warbreaker). Of course, that doesn't include Stormlight yet, mainly because I've just been too busy lately to read it, and honestly those books look freaking scary to read. 1000+ pages will be the biggest books I've ever read, once I read them. 

Anyway, I absolutely loved Mistborn. It was my introduction to the Cosmere (not to Brandon though; I'd already read The Reckoners and Rithmatist), and I loved how everything fit together at the end. Plus, I loved the idea of the magic system and just how complex and amazing it is. I didn't like Well of Ascension as much as the other two books, but it definitely got better near the end. And I love the Wax and Wayne books, especially the tremendous character growth and the awesomeness way that Twinborns work. Overall, I think Mistborn is probably my favorite book of all time, from any author.

I think my main problem with Mistborn was how rambly it was. Especially getting into the hero of ages, I didn't really understand what was going on, I didn't really feel like any of the characters had any real stake in the plot, the fact that they couldn't talk to each other was obnoxious (because f* you Ati!). I enjoyed Secret History but even then found myself a little frustrated with its pacing. IDK man, maybe it's the investiture on Scadrial.

I've read the books, I just don't really know how to feel about them.

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1 hour ago, Tal said:

I think my main problem with Mistborn was how rambly it was.

Omg, yes, it definitely IS rambly! That's probably the best word to describe Mistborn. At least era 1. 

But I love it nontheless. At least because of Kelsier and Wayne. And because, well, it's Cosmere and it's amazing!


I'm also happy to see Nalthis fans around here! I just finished Warbreaker (so now my cosmere studies are complete) and I have to say I'm in love. The nalthian magic system is my absolute favorite!!! And the royal locks?! Sign me up!!! Or, maybe not, since I would look like traffic lights most of the time :ph34r:

Anyway, nice to see you around here! Feel free to eat any pastries the dark alley has to offer! :ph34r:

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