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The Ire are worried about Threnody?

I Am Witless

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We read in Mistborn: Secret History that the Ire are worried about someone or something crossing over the border from Threnody. Alonoe, the Ire who wants to take up Preservations power, says that, " "Perhaps there was someone, but the guard was wrong about it being a Cognitive Shadow. Have the guards be on alert, and leave the device on just in case. This timing strikes me as too opportune to be coincidental" " (pg. 301). I have some vague ideas/questions about this.

Why are they worried about a Cognitive Shadow crossing from Threnody to Scadrial? Obviously, Shades aren't fun to deal with, but are they worried about more than just Shades crossing over? One of the guards, a bit before, asks, "How would a Threnodite have made it all the way here?", which probably means that traveling on and off of Threnody is very difficult. I'm not quite sure where I'm going with this, but it sticks out. The phrase, "This timing strikes me as too opportune to be coincidental", signals that something has occurred on Threnody, though it might be just the goings-on of Scadrial.

Basically, why are the Ire so worried about Threnody? Are they fearful of Shades? If they are most likely Elantrians, then they have no need to fear Shades, as they can probably destroy them. Are they worried that the Evil has managed to travel between worlds?

Any thoughts?

Edited by I am Witless
Edit: I'd like to clarify that I'm a bit hazy on what is and what isn't a Cognitive Shadow. I don't know if Shades qualify.
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I suspected they were worried about Nazh. but I'll need to reread before I can remember why I thought that. The coincidental part likely relates to the fact that the Ire is about to take up a shard. and are worried others might try to beat them to it.

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Yeah, my interpretation is that they're aware of Khriss and Nazh (and that the latter is the one that does all the dangerous work) and want to take precautions against them showing up at such a sensitive time, just in case. If the story in the Bands of Mourning broadsheet is even loosely based on reality, Nazh has access to Shade-based technology so detectors attuned to those would be ideal for spotting him if he tried anything. Khriss in AU mentions petitioning the Ire to share information on multiple occasions and getting rebuffed so if these attempts at contact predate the events of Secret History, they've got some justification for being paranoid where our favorite arcanist duo is concerned.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think and this is just a crazy theory as my questions below will probably show but, what if threnody has a sophisticated civilization in the cognitive realm and the ire think of them as rivals?


Does anybody know if the shades are smarter in the cognitive realm?

If the answer to my first question is yes do you think they would have a civilization/cities in the cognitive realm of threnody?

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On 21/4/2017 at 9:17 PM, Figberts said:

I think they're more worried about the Evil. If it's left over from Ambition then the Evil would ambitiously want to extend his influence.

I dunno, the Evil seems quite local as manace. It was unable to follow the people into the Forests or afraid to the Shades maybe

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1 hour ago, Rob Lucci said:

Don't remember anyone talking about "The Evil" there - it's Shade this, Shade that, red eyes, silver knives...

There's a few mentions, searching the ebook gives me 6 :) One of the times ebooks are useful! eg


Sebruki’s father had stayed at the waystop on occasion. A good man. As good a man as was left after the Evil took Homeland, that was.


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