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Origens of Humans in the Cosmere


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Once again, more of a question than a theory. I wanted to know the origin of Humans in the Cosmere.

What I know:

- Humans existed in Yolan. This is the planet from where the original Shardholders come from.

- Ruin and Preservation created the Humans in Scandrial.

Now, we see humans in several different planets from different solar systems and they are all similar. This tell me that they should have a similar origin. My hypothesis to explain the existence of a similar species in different planes are (and they are not mutually exclusive):

  • The Shards create them all using Yolan humans are a guide. We know they can (by Scandrial).
  • Humans travelled to the different planets from Yolan. They could have done it alone or aided by their Shards
  • Humans evolved independently in each planet. VERY unlikely.
  • .Adonalsium created humans in different planets... for reasons...

As a side note, why almost just Humans. Forget Scandrial, that one was designed by Shards. In Roshar there are other sentient/intelligent creatures (the listeners and whatever the thing in Edgedancer was). But Sel, Taldain, Nalthis,Threnody and First of the Sun only seem to have Human as intelegent specie. Why? This planets supported life for a very long time. In some cases before the Shards arrive (by the way, do we know if/which of this planets had life before their Shard arrive?). There was time for many cool species to appear and adapt, but very little sentience speceis... Was this something that Adonalsium hard-wired in the Cosmere? Or am I missing something?

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1 minute ago, Erai Sedai said:

Did the original Elantrians count as humans technically?

Yes?! I know we have not seen them, but given that nothing else gets transformed into Elantrian, my guess is that original Elantrians were also Human. :)

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This may help



3. On Scadrial, humans were created as the result of deal between Ruin and Preservation. But what about the rest of the humans on the other worlds of the Cosmere?


3) It's split. Some predate the shattering; others were created. The humans that existed before were always a model, which is why they're so similar to one another.


Edited by Extesian
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