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Mistborn VR - allomancy training


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Okay, now that we've done some gushing, let me share some thoughts:

  • You should be able to monetize this a little bit (if you wanted to). I don't know if this the right move, and there might be a certain amount of backlash from the community, but I personally would be more than willing to dish out a few bucks - even though I don't have a Vive.
  • If you can reenact the scene where Kelsier takes Vin to the walls of Luthadel and gets her to jump and down, that might give you a nice anchor in the story (as well as a few tutorial goals that are described in the book).
  • Adding a time dilation element when the player picks a metal would be nice. Adding the names of the metals in English would also be useful. I am going back and forth on whether it would look cooler if you put the full Allomantic table of metals in front of the user, even if they don't have access to all the metals (which you can easily represent with glow/fade effects - which you already use for the selection process).
    • Should you decide to go with presenting the player with all 16 metals, you could allow them to select any metal, but have some result in the character saying (i.e. printing to the screen) something like "I don't have duralumin" or "Why would I want to destroy my metal reserves?" or "There is nobody around to Soothe/Riot". It's a tiny bit more than work just a no-op, but it adds flavor.
  • I think you can amp up the mists a little bit. Depending on how much you care about them, you could even change the way they look (my impression is that they are a little more... fluid, in a way. They are often described as swirling, forming abstract shapes. In my mind they are more similar to clouds than actual mist. Though this photo looks good.
  • I really look the ambiance in the first video and the mistcloak shadows in the second one. 
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Ooooh, this looks cool!

VR Allomancy is a great idea.

The only problems I see would be with Iron/Steel, (admittedly the most FUN of the metals)
You'd suffer VR-Sickness pretty bad pushing and pulling and leaping your way all over the place, maybe even more-so than regular VR-locomotion sickness. Yeah, teleport-move sucks from a gameplay standpoint, but there's a reason devs use it. 

I wonder if there would be a way to fool the eye/inner ear with the blue anchor-lines inherent in Steel/Iron? A way to anchor the user's perspective?

Regardless, this is awesome. I'd love to give it a try when you're done!

Sidenote (Yeah, you're probably gonna need to be careful with how you label this. Even just as a "fan project", Mistborn is a very lucrative IP, AND it's one with a video game's rights licensed already for its future (even if the original project is now defunct.) Just keep reiterating that you won't sell it, always mention "fan project" and label it as a "tech demo" and "proof of concept" so that no one takes issue.) 

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This is quite frankly awesome. Take all of my upvotes :P 

I'm very curious how you'll encorporate the way tin allows you to see in the distance. From what I understand, it doesn't narrow but zoom your field of vision, but rather allows you to see farther and more in detail within the original field. Technological limitations may mean zooming (plus increasing ambient brightness/sound) might be your best option, though. Another question is how to select what object you want to push if there are multiple in the area. I have limited experience in this field, but I'd assume that'd be rather challenging both from a design and UI perspective.

I'd be happy to see any updates you might have. This looks absolutely amazing

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Thanks all for your interest.

First of all it's not a commercial product and I won't accept any donations etc. I'm doing it cause I love Mistborn ;) and want to have some fun.

There is not a big deal to move project from Vive to Oculus at some point @Darkness Ascendant, I'm using Unity3D (still consider Unreal Engine) so changing vr plugin it's not a pain.

In terms of copy rights, I'm not thinking about it yet, if I will have something more than prototype then maybe I will contact with Sanderson team.

On the first video there is menu to choose active metals, but right now I'm thinking to play only with push and pull, and not in such a big scale like in books to prevent sickness @Zmann966 , I've got a some experience, I'm working in dev studio in London and most of the stuff we are doing currently is VR.

3 hours ago, Argent said:

Okay, now that we've done some gushing, let me share some thoughts:

  • You should be able to monetize this a little bit (if you wanted to). I don't know if this the right move, and there might be a certain amount of backlash from the community, but I personally would be more than willing to dish out a few bucks - even though I don't have a Vive.
  • If you can reenact the scene where Kelsier takes Vin to the walls of Luthadel and gets her to jump and down, that might give you a nice anchor in the story (as well as a few tutorial goals that are described in the book).
  • Adding a time dilation element when the player picks a metal would be nice. Adding the names of the metals in English would also be useful. I am going back and forth on whether it would look cooler if you put the full Allomantic table of metals in front of the user, even if they don't have access to all the metals (which you can easily represent with glow/fade effects - which you already use for the selection process).
    • Should you decide to go with presenting the player with all 16 metals, you could allow them to select any metal, but have some result in the character saying (i.e. printing to the screen) something like "I don't have duralumin" or "Why would I want to destroy my metal reserves?" or "There is nobody around to Soothe/Riot". It's a tiny bit more than work just a no-op, but it adds flavor.
  • I think you can amp up the mists a little bit. Depending on how much you care about them, you could even change the way they look (my impression is that they are a little more... fluid, in a way. They are often described as swirling, forming abstract shapes. In my mind they are more similar to clouds than actual mist. Though this photo looks good.
  • I really look the ambiance in the first video and the mistcloak shadows in the second one. 

- To prevent user from sickness in VR I can't have any big jumps unfortunately.

- Like I said before I would like to start with Steel and Iron, cause they are the most spectacular and visible for such a experience, but I'm consider add Tin to break the mist.

- In terms of mist, don't worry I'm thinking about it ;) I really would like to have mist to behave like in books, follow the user and became more active when using allomancy.

All this is just an idea for now, which I hope will evolve in nice VR experience and maybe in future something more. 

So if anyone have any ideas let me know and I will try to put here any new stuff I create.

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I don't have a HTC Vive, so I'm not sure if it would work, but maybe you can use toggle keys for tin and pewter? This is because tin is something that you would want to be using for longer times, while being able to do other stuff. For pewter a toggle would be nice because it would allow you to follow Ham's advice, only burn it to give you an edge. You could probably use both metals for buffs, like tin getting rid of the mists and showing enemies making sound. Pewter could temporarily boost your stats, like add speed and strength, as well as giving you the ability to temporarily making you take less damage and increase healing, but with the damage you avoid because you're burning it come back after you stop burning it.

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Looks amazing!

Just like Argent said, even if I don't either own a HTC Vive, I'd consider to give you some bucks to continue your work on it (this would actually be a reason to finally buy a Vive :P )

If I'd be in your position, I'd really consider to create a Kickstarter project for this! Even if it's just 100 dollars you get, at least something to support your amazing work. I'm sure many people on this forum would support you a little

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Yeah, so you know better than anyone how devs across the board at all stills trying to find the best locomotion methods to prevent nausea. The fact that you have the ability to push/pull as a Mistborn MIGHT give you the option to look into some weird movement-methods that would be "weird" in a game without those powers. 
Keeping it small so you're only push/pulling on objects lighter than a person still gives you a ton of gameplay opportunities though. I can already picture the puzzles you could do with steel/iron and their blue lines.

Good luck!

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@kenod particles with animation sheet plus transparent video for entry smoke.

@Zmann966 I'm not gonna do crazy stuff, something to show what is Mistborn and what it means to be allomancer. There won't be any teleportations or other way of movement. If user want to change the position (not only moving in HTC by sensors) he/she will have to use allomancy and pull yourself to some metal ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've sent an email to  awfulagent.com, asking about any future possibility of publish the non profit application based on Mistborn. Unfortunately they can't help me in that matter, cause the rights currently has DMG Entertainment and they didn't response about it to me yet (if ever). 

Does anyone knows how it looks like if I will just change the name and didn't use any names of images related to books?

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