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Reactions to the Way of Kings


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Hey everyone, let's collect all your reactions to Brandon's latest tome.

I'll start! Sort of.

I just received my copy from Sam Weller's (#110, which is probably the best I could do not being at the release party). Seriously, you don't realize the beauty of the book until you hold it. The Way of Kings may be the prettiest epic fantasy ever made.

I've read it before, but I'm not going to post my reactions to it just yet until I read it again.

So, let's hear what your thoughts were on TWoK. Praise or criticism, let's hear it!

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So, my thoughts upon reading tWoK for the first time. 

The pacing is very well accomplished.  Honestly, during the first read, I felt almost overwhelmed with how big the book is.  This is not solely because the book is physically huge (yeah, huge!), but because the story, plot, descriptions, reality, cosmology, whatever you want to call it, were so monumentally large and real (perhaps,

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First reaction after having just finished it.... It was great. And now I'm angry because I don't get more Stormlight Archive for a while. Why couldn't he have all 10 books already written? :)

Anyways, need some time to process it. Was definitely good. Also need to think of some good questions for Brandon for Thursday. Actually probably going to let it sit for a day or two while I finish "Elminster Must Die" then go back and do a second reading before the signing...

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I'm about a third of the way through. So far: the Dalinar/Adolin chapters tend to drag on (except for when they don't, and then they're the best in the book), the Kaladin flashbacks are rather less interesting than his present circumstances, and I'm about 80% sure that Wit is Hoid. The interior art is beautiful and really enhances the book. I want more from the other two "main players" (Szeth and Shallan, I think her name is). Also, the thing is plotted like a WoT book, and it doesn't feel like it's really going anywhere.

I'm sure the remaining 650 pages will win me over, but so far I've enjoyed this less than Brandon's other works.

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I'm about a third of the way through. So far: the Dalinar/Adolin chapters tend to drag on (except for when they don't, and then they're the best in the book), the Kaladin flashbacks are rather less interesting than his present circumstances, and I'm about 80% sure that Wit is Hoid. The interior art is beautiful and really enhances the book. I want more from the other two "main players" (Szeth and Shallan, I think her name is). Also, the thing is plotted like a WoT book, and it doesn't feel like it's really going anywhere.

I'm sure the remaining 650 pages will win me over, but so far I've enjoyed this less than Brandon's other works.

Oh, Dalinar has a Crowning Moment of Awesome at the end.  Szeth is, unfortunately, mostly in the interludes.  As for the Kaladin flashbacks, yeah, I kinda rolled my eyes and then pressed forward whenever one popped up, but the rest was brilliant.  Then I look at the map on the bookmark, and realize that 90% of the story takes place within the confines of two dots on that map.  The next nine books have a lot of room for expansion.  When I read the epigraph on page 275, I almost had an aneurysm.  Then the conversation between Dalinar and (Character name) at the feast similarly broke my brain.(/rambling)

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I had a lot of reactions to this wonderful book. The only parts I wasn't absolutely thrilled with were the flashbacks, but it wasn't because I thought they were bad. It was more of the rest of the book was just better.

I loved how unique his characters are in this book, they seem more of real people than archetypes. Especially Jasnah, I really related to her need for knowledge.

The epigraphs in part 2 blew my mind completely away, for obvious reasons. I actually found this site because I was trying to get as much information as I could on the Shards and cosmere in general as possible. I actually spent last night recording all the epigraphs for better reading.

I absolutely loved the spren and the way they interacted in the world. It was so wonderful and unique.

I had several more reactions, but I think you get the gist of it: I loved the book.

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My reaction was "ohhhhh boy I can't wait for Chaos to write up some crazy theories that will end up being right!" :)

My other reaction was I want him to put these books ahead of finishing The Wheel of Time books. I'm a crazy fan of that series and holy crap if he could do that without the other crazy WoT fans hunting him down and killing him I'd stalk him until he did it.

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I had a lot of reactions to this wonderful book. The only parts I wasn't absolutely thrilled with were the flashbacks, but it wasn't because I thought they were bad. It was more of the rest of the book was just better.

I loved how unique his characters are in this book, they seem more of real people than archetypes. Especially Jasnah, I really related to her need for knowledge.

The epigraphs in part 2 blew my mind completely away, for obvious reasons. I actually found this site because I was trying to get as much information as I could on the Shards and cosmere in general as possible. I actually spent last night recording all the epigraphs for better reading.

I absolutely loved the spren and the way they interacted in the world. It was so wonderful and unique.

I had several more reactions, but I think you get the gist of it: I loved the book.

The part two epigraphs are my favorite parts of the book, too, for the same reason.

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The Way of Kings grabbed me from the get go.  It was a good kind of grab, a friendly "this is awesome" shoulder grab.

The Part Two epigraphs grabbed me by the throat and slammed me against the wall.  I expected the Shardholder politics series to be the Sci-Fi Mistborn trilogy.

I liked the flashbacks though, characters make my day.

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My initial reaction was simple. First off, I am, and have always been, a huge fan of The Wheel of Time. I've loved every book, even the ones most fans didn't like. It is, in my opinion, one of the best fantasy series ever written. I don't care what anyone says, what I've read of Erikson so far doesn't hold a candle to Jordan.

I'm almost sad that the end of The Wheel of Time is coming soon, even though I anticipate it eagerly. I've been worried I wouldn't find a series that compares or captivates me as much.

Upon finishing The Way of Kings, I am convinced The Stormlight Archive is up to that task. I would say that I think it's going to be The Wheel of Time for this generation, except saying that would be like comparing an old friend with a new; they fulfill the same purposes, but they're both awesome, in their own ways, and it simply isn't fair to compare one to the other.

So that's my reaction. The Way of Kings heralds a great promise for The Stormlight Archive, and I am eager to see where things go.

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Comparisons with the WoT are bound to come up. The influence of the WoT is very noticeable in the plotting of this book. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad, but I can tell you this: The Way of Kings blows The Eye of the World to Damnation and back. In fact, not until The Shadow Rising can the WoT even begin to compare. So, I think the Stormlight Archive is off to a very strong start.

It's hard to admit to myself that I like something better than the Wheel of Time. This book did indeed finally force me to admit that at the very least, this individual book is better than any WoT book.

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Oh, Dalinar has a Crowning Moment of Awesome at the end.
This wouldn't happen to be a TV Tropes reference, would it?  Cuz if it is, you are now amazingly cool in my book now.  If not, I'm sorry, you'll have to find another way in.

I loved this book so much.  This one sticks out above the rest of Brandon's books as the first one to make me cry. *SPOILER* (Poor Tien!  *SOB*)  */SPOILER*

So many amazing characters, jaw dropping magics, surprising but inevitable twists, and Awesome Moments of Crowning numbering too many to count.  (I'll probably do a better one of these after I reread it.)

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Silius, shame on you.  A Crowning Moment of Awesome is not the same thing as an Awesome Moment of Crowning. Look it up. ;D

Basically, the bit at the end where Dalinar has his "chat" with Elhokar made me stop reading so I could say aloud, "Dalinar is SO COOL."

All of section 5 is like an extended epilogue

Heh. There's a reason for this.

Might that reason be that it is, in fact, an extended epilogue?

I can see it now...

"Brandon, your epilogue is 40 pages long."


"Could you disguise some of it as a fifth section, and maybe make that last bit the epilogue?"

"...Okay fine."

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Silius, shame on you.  A Crowning Moment of Awesome is not the same thing as an Awesome Moment of Crowning. Look it up. ;D

Just looked it up and you are correct, sir!  Extra awesome points for you!
Basically, the bit at the end where Dalinar has his "chat" with Elhokar made me stop reading so I could say aloud, "Dalinar is SO COOL."

All of section 5 is like an extended epilogue

Heh. There's a reason for this.

Might that reason be that it is, in fact, an extended epilogue?

I can see it now...

"Brandon, your epilogue is 40 pages long."


"Could you disguise some of it as a fifth section, and maybe make that last bit the epilogue?"

"...Okay fine."

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the thing is plotted like a WoT book, and it doesn't feel like it's really going anywhere.

This has to be my only complaint about the book and the reason it hasn't topped Elantris or the first Mistborn book as my favorite books of all time. Don't get me wrong, I loved The Way of Kings. It had an amazing climax that kept me up until six in the morning finishing it. The plot, while lacking the breakneck forward momentum that Elantris and Mistborn had, kept me interested to the end and caring about the characters. I don't mind that there are a lot of questions left to answer. I actually enjoy it. It's like a puzzle box that I get to toy with while I wait for the next book to come out. And the book's size made me feel very satisfied even though a lot of plot threads were left dangling.

I'm very excited for the next book.

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I could sit here and talk about how insanely awesome the book was, but instead, I'll just say the only thing that need be said to express my enthusiasm.

Chaos, you up for some new theorizing?

That's why I'm here, dude ;)

the thing is plotted like a WoT book, and it doesn't feel like it's really going anywhere.

This has to be my only complaint about the book and the reason it hasn't topped Elantris or the first Mistborn book as my favorite books of all time. Don't get me wrong, I loved The Way of Kings. It had an amazing climax that kept me up until six in the morning finishing it. The plot, while lacking the breakneck forward momentum that Elantris and Mistborn had, kept me interested to the end and caring about the characters. I don't mind that there are a lot of questions left to answer. I actually enjoy it. It's like a puzzle box that I get to toy with while I wait for the next book to come out. And the book's size made me feel very satisfied even though a lot of plot threads were left dangling.

I'm very excited for the next book.

It hasn't topped Mistborn in my heart, but I think the series itself will top all of his others.

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Hey, all... this is my first post though I've been looking through threads for awhile now. I received an ARC of The Way of Kings and plowed through it before the release date. At which time I downloaded the audio and listened to it, since I couldn't yet bring myself to handle my shiny new, numbered/signed HC.

So, I've read it twice and discussed it much with some friends on an offshoot of Dragonmount.com's Wheel of Time mailing list but thought I'd pop in over here to say hello.

I absolutely loved this book. Brandon really knocked it out of the park this time! The art is amazing, the epigraphs are wonderfully tantalizing, the characters are IMO, well-rounded, the world is fascinating and the story, the story is incredible. After two reads, I feel I could read through several more times and find bits that I'd previously overlooked. Also, I enjoyed the flashbacks. *nod*

I don't want to ramble too much, though I am prone to doing so... just wanted to pop in and express my excitement over this book and the impending series, though my feelings aren't hurt at all that Brandon is finishing WoT before book 2 of this series.  :P

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I don't want to ramble too much, though I am prone to doing so... just wanted to pop in and express my excitement over this book and the impending series, though my feelings aren't hurt at all that Brandon is finishing WoT before book 2 of this series.  :P

I have such torn feelings on this. So far, I like The Way of Kings better than any individual Wheel of Time book. On the other hand, WoT needs to finally end. I think we're on year 20 now? But I'm still sad that extra waiting needed for Stormlight Archive.

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