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Most Anticipated books of 2017? (Besides Oathbringer)


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Definitely Iron Gold by Pierce Brown

I'll be getting The Thorn of Emberlain but I'm not excited for it at the moment.

Peace Talks if it even comes out this year.

I haven't read the last Powder Mage book yet, but I'm pretty sure I'll be getting McClellan's new book.

Same with The Expanse and especially Bakker's Second Apocalypse, still haven't read the most recent books.


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Wait wait wait. Peace Talks actually has a release date, and it's this year?! *flails*

Otherwise, I am super looking forward to Dragonwatch by Brandon Mull. I adored his Fablehaven series and have been wanting more for years.

Also hotly anticipating A Conjuring of Light along with Faceless Mist-wraith, and the next John Cleaver book, Nothing Left to Lose.

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  • 4 months later...

There are more books coming out this year that have me excited:

Soul of the World by Mealing (looks like a must read by fans of Powder Mage books)

Godblind by Anna Stephens (I am a sucker for Grimdark and anything involving Gods)

Soleri by Michael Johnson (looks like a cool take with Fantasy and Egyption Mythology)

Court of the Broken Knives by Spark

Blackwing by Mcdonald (the plot summary for this looks awesome!)

Age of Assassins by Barker (its got assassins in it. Of course it will be cool!)

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3 hours ago, Alfa said:

Thorn of Emberlain comes in 2017? Is it confirmed?

No. Its still possible. But I might of been overly optimistic at the time of the original post. I was basing my prediction on the fact that the publisher had announced a sept 2016 date and at the last minute pushed it back. I thought for sure 2017 right? Now I am not so sure. I think Peace Talks also might of been too optimistic as well. I read a interview where Butcher thinks he will finish writing it in the Fall and have a early 2018 release...sigh.

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 The Unholy Consult by R Scott Bakker.

And if Esslemont is continuing his trilogy this year, I'll grab that right up! 

Edit to add: there is! This August!


Edited by Orlion On a Cob
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1 hour ago, ParadoxicalZen said:

i'm sooooooooo behind on books, Oathbringer, and I still need to read Weeks' new one

Grab it. ASAP. You won't regret it. 

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3 hours ago, ParadoxicalZen said:

i'm sooooooooo behind on books, Oathbringer, and I still need to read Weeks' new one

The Blood Mirror? Oh, you're in for a treat.

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So Peace talks still has a slim chance for a 2017 release. His assistant posted the latest from a reddit AMA yesterday:

At Q&As, he was estimating this winter (Dec 2017-Feb 2018), based on a New Cabin Move-In Date of late June/early July. I'd place my bets a little more conservatively, as it typically takes a minimum of 4 months between him writing "The End" and the book being released, and 2-4 months would be pretty dang fast to get done what he needs to get done--not to mention the builders' track record for missing every deadline they've set. My guess would be more along the lines of February to April at the earliest. Here's hoping he's right, though! dons beta hat

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-Darkness of Dragons by Tui T. Sutherland. I've been waiting so long (not as long as Sanderson waits, but whatever) for this book. I'm so excited!

-The Dire King by William Ritter. This guy may not be as awesome of an author as Sanderson (honestly, is anyone?) but this series is amazing! It's a fantasy version of Sherlock Holmes, but not like good old Sanderson fantasy, more like fairies and werewolves and stuff. Either way, Ritter's awesome, and I can't wait for this book.

-One Dark Throne by Kendare Blake. The first book was really good, and I honestly never guessed the biggest plot twist until about a page or so before it happened. This one is a really good fantasy book, and she does a pretty good job of setting up the world without being exposition-y.

-The Ship of the Dead by Rick Riordan. The last book in the Magnus Chase series, so I'm really excited for this one. Riordan's no Sanderson, but his books are really good. Plus, I love his ships.

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3 minutes ago, Sunbirb said:

@StrikerEZ !!! The last Jackaby book has a title?? AAAAAHHHH

August cannot arrive soon enough.

I know!! I'm honestly so excited. 

Sadly, it's coming out in the middle of summer band and right around when school starts for me. And I usually can't buy books, so I'll have to wait for my library to get it.

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On ‎5‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 1:32 PM, SLNC said:

The Blood Mirror? Oh, you're in for a treat.

Thats the continuation on the black prism series? I read 2 in it but got bored, couldent stand the prism´s son, was just to whiny and annoying.

Peace talks.. well, gotto get that, even if I actually look more forward to the second book in his new series.. I liked the airship, and I believe Butcher have said he will write that after peace talks? But still, its 2018 not 2017 there I suppose.

Glynn stewarts Terra and Imperium (DT3) is somehting I look forward too aswell.

But none compete with oathkeeper;)



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