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New Sanderson Fan


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Hello, even though this is not my first post, I felt like introducing myself. I discovered Sanderson because of the Infinity Blade books he wrote, since I was an avid fan of the games. I still haven't read those books yet....

Anyway, it wasn't until a year-ish later that my middle school librarian recommended Steelheart to me...I was amazed, and picked up the second book, too. Then I had to wait forever for Calamity. But it was fine, because I discovered The Rithmatist. Then I was sad again, because I'd have to wait forever (and still am) for the next book. By then, I still didn't know about Sanderson's Cosmere books, and I forgot that he wrote the Infinity Blade books. Then I discovered this forum actually really recently. 

Now, I've come to you Sharders (as I've heard you like to be called) for help. Where should I start in the Cosmere?

Edited by StrikerEZ
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3 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

Hello, even though this is not my first post, I felt like introducing myself. I discovered Sanderson because of the Infinity Blade books he wrote, since I was an avid fan of the games. I still haven't read those books yet....

Anyway, it wasn't until a year-ish later that my middle school librarian recommended Steelheart to me...I was amazed, and picked up the second book, too. Then I had to wait forever for Calamity. But it was fine, because I discovered The Rithmatist. Then I was sad again, because I'd have to wait forever (and still am) for the next book. By then, I still didn't know about Sanderson's Cosmere books, and I forgot that he wrote the Infinity Blade books. Then I discovered this forum actually really recently. 

Now, I've come to you Sharders (as I've heard you like to be called) for help. Where should I start in the Cosmere?

Hi there! 

Welcome to the Shard. I'm bleeder, but you can call me Cam. Don't eat the cookies. 

I started on Mistborn: The Final Empire. It's got a good magic system, interesting and immersing plot, and is just a good book overall. The series has stayed my favorite for years. 

If not Mistborn, I would start with Elantris. It's also very good. 

If you need anything else, feel free to give me a shout!

See you around. 

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Hey, welcome to the shard. Be careful of the cookies.
My first cosmere book was Mistborn, and I think that's a pretty good place to start if you want immeadiate stuff you can connect to the rest of the cosmere. 
You could probably start with either Elantris or Warbreaker as well if you wanted, but probably not Stormlight.

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Thanks guys for the tips. I read on Sanderson's site that I should start with Mistborn, but I just wanted multiple opinions first. I'm like that usually. 

Also, is there an explanation for the cookie warning? I've read through a couple other topics like mine, and it seems everyone does it. 

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29 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

Thanks guys for the tips. I read on Sanderson's site that I should start with Mistborn, but I just wanted multiple opinions first. I'm like that usually. 

Also, is there an explanation for the cookie warning? I've read through a couple other topics like mine, and it seems everyone does it. 

Read the Mistborn books, then we'll tell you. 

Bit of a spoiler.

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4 minutes ago, bleeder said:

Read the Mistborn books, then we'll tell you. 

Bit of a spoiler.

Oh, I see. I figured it was something like that. Guess I'll have to add Mistborn to my very long list of books to read...I think I'll put it near the top. 

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5 minutes ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

I started with Elantris, then Mistborn.

Mistborn is a very good place to start for the Cosmere, but Elantris is a great place to start for Brandon's fantasy style.

Really? Which one came first? I think I remember reading about which came out first, but I've forgotten. 

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17 minutes ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

Elantris was his first book that got published.

Ah, thank you. I usually like to read books in the order they're published, not necessarily chronologically. Unless the series doesn't make sense to do it that way. 

But, can I get a quick synopsis for both Mistborn and Elantris? Seems like it doesn't matter, really, which one I read first. I'll just pick based on whichever sounds better. Maybe not the best way, but oh well.

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Elantris a story about a prince who contracts a special "disease", which exiles him from society. A nice mix of fantasy and political intrigue.

Mistborn is about a ruined planet (hidden pun), where a girl is recruited to be part of a resistance against an immortal tyrant. Pure Sanderson fantasy.

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Yeah. Elantris was really good. In the land around Elantris, there is something that can happen to people that changes them. It is random and strikes young and old, male and female. It used to turn people into "Gods" at least in the eyes of the people. The Elantrins were beautiful and powerful. They could turn dirt into food and heal the sick and wounded, and many many wanderful things. They were kind and generous, and gave freely of most everything they had. But something happened. In one night the change changed. An event occurred, and instead of becoming Gods, you became a corps that still "lived." Elantrians feel pain, but since they are basically a walking corps, they don't heal. They are doomed to suffer that pain for the rest of their days. Which should be a long long time since what is dead can not die... They still get hungry, but since they don't die they can never starve... 

Elantris is really good, and has a lot of political maneuvering. It's told from a couple different points of view and each one is done well. 

Then we have Mistborn. Again, we have a lot of political maneuvering in this series. The first book really has a heist type feel to it. They are in a world where having the wrong parentage doesn't label you an outcast, it gets you killed. The land is under control of The Lord Ruler. The sliver of infinity. The one who has not only touched, but held the power of a God. He has ruled for nearly 1000 years, and in all that time he has survived assassination attempt after assassination attempt. He rules with absolute authority and plans to preserve things the way they are. A group of people come together though with a plan. A plan that requires... Special skills... I loved this series. The magic system in it is amazing. It has a wide aray of people's and species. The heros in this series are forced to not only overcome their enemies, but their own worlds nature, as mist and ash try to cover the land. 

They are both really good. Aside from a few short stories, Elantris is the only book out in that story arc. There is another book planned for this one but it'll be a while. Mistborn is a trilogy, with a set that follows. People tend to love all of Brandon's books, but Mistborn and Stormlight seem to have the two biggest followings. It's really up to you which one you want to start with. You'll not go wrong ether way you go.

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Thank you DarkJester, that kind of helped me understand the whole idea behind the two books better. Elantris sounds really cool, but I'm gonna read Mistborn first. Partly because it's predecessors are already out. 

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18 minutes ago, WayneSpren said:

But...but...but what about Stormlight?

Anyways, welcome to the Shard! Glad you're here.

{Stormlight is best Cosmere)

Yeah, it's good, but if you start on Stormlight, and then read the rest of the cosmere, you'll then need to reread because of all the cosmere references in it...

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Yeah. Storm light is what you want to build up to. It's the crown jewel of the cosmere collection. At least so far. It'd be like starting at the dessert bar, then eating your meal, and then going back to the dessert bar...     ....    what am I saying?! Start with Stormlight! :D

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If anything, start with Warbreaker. It's an excellent book in its own right, has no sequel yet and as such isn't as huge of an investment, and sets up parts of the Cosmere pretty nicely. Also, it's free on his website. ;) 

Oh, and welcome to the Shard! :D

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Welcome! I agree that Wabreaker is the best one to start with, it's short, has intriguing magic, one of the best smart-chull characters you'll ever read, and is probably his funniest book. But I should note that one of my absolute favorite non-Cosmere is the Infinity Blade ones! I never played the game but you simply must read the books if you have.

My favorite order, taking into account length, is Warbreaker, Mistborn, Elantris, Sixth of the Dusk, emperor's soul, stormlight 1 and 2, Edgedancer, shadows for silence in the forests of hell, mistborn 2. But Warbreaker, Sixth, Emperor's soul and shadows for silence are standalone and short so can read them any time.

(I believe chronological is Elantris, Emperor's Soul, Mistborn, Warbreaker, Stormlight, Edgedancer, mistborn 2, sixth of the dusk (no idea when shadows for silence is set), but I look forward to being corrected :))

Edit - typed smart-chull instead of smart-chull, corrected it. Though once you read Stormlight you'll appreciate the accidental use of chull :)

Edited by Extesian
Ironic typo
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Hey, thanks everyone who replied to this. I've come up with my order of the entire Cosmere, based on what you guys said, and I'm gonna read Mistborn first. I don't know if I'll be able to read any of the short stories without buying them, because I'm not sure if my library has them.

This is my order:

Mistborn (series), Warbreaker, Elantris, Emperor's Soul, Sixth of the Dusk, The Stormlight Archive (series), Edgedancer, Shadows for Silence in the Forest of Hell, Mistborn 2 (series). (Series is just a note for me that there's multiple books)

When should I read Way of Kings? Wait...that's the first book in Stormlight. Whoops. 

Edited by StrikerEZ
I don't know what rule I broke, but I came back and saw that part of my post and been replaced with a message saying my post had been reported. Not sure why. It just replaced the word 'with' in the second sentence.
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