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Random Stuff X: Something Weird


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11 hours ago, Slowswift said:

So, in a status update I made a while ago, I said...

Well, that playlist is at 108 songs and counting. :rolleyes: 

What I'm interested to find out is, when I've finish curating, would y'all like to see it? The link's probably gonna end up in my sig regardless, but I'm curious to see if people trust me enough to give them music recommendations. :P 


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7 hours ago, Sunbird said:

Count me in!


7 hours ago, Mestiv said:

Make it a Spotify or Youtube list and I'll give it a try :)


6 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Aye, I need alot more music.

@Slowswift, count me in as well.

Awesome! :D Though I don't know how much of it'll be new to you... This playlist is more the mainstream stuff that I like, though it encompasses many genres (rock, pop, electronic, etc.). A great many of the songs I first heard on the radio.

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No joke, I had to act fast to keep from getting a mosquito bite today.

Spider-Man Snow vs Mosquitoes.jpg

But in all seriousness, how are our Sharders out east? Has anyone been severely affected by the snow? @bleeder What's it like right now in Tennessee?

Also, everyone please enjoy a few memes I made tonight:


Seagull Stepping on a Lego.jpg

Introducing Bad Pun Owl, the meme for all your bird-related wordplay (made the template myself):


Bad Pun Owl Seagulls and Bagels.jpg



Bad Pun Owl Template.jpg


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7 hours ago, Sunbird said:

No joke, I had to act fast to keep from getting a mosquito bite today.

Spider-Man Snow vs Mosquitoes.jpg

But in all seriousness, how are our Sharders out east? Has anyone been severely affected by the snow? @bleeder What's it like right now in Tennessee?

Also, everyone please enjoy a few memes I made tonight:

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Seagull Stepping on a Lego.jpg

Introducing Bad Pun Owl, the meme for all your bird-related wordplay (made the template myself):

  Reveal hidden contents

Bad Pun Owl Seagulls and Bagels.jpg


  Reveal hidden contents

Bad Pun Owl Template.jpg


Actually, I'm out of school today due to the, er, snow. 

I'd post a pic of my backyard. But there is no snow.

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My free time is being devoured by Breath of the Wild.

...I'm not even the one playing it.

(Sometimes my advice is even helpful to James. There've been a few times where he would've flailed around for an hour if I hadn't helped him.)

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58 minutes ago, Kaymyth said:

My free time is being devoured by Breath of the Wild.

...I'm not even the one playing it.

(Sometimes my advice is even helpful to James. There've been a few times where he would've flailed around for an hour if I hadn't helped him.)

am the one playing it. Or at least one of the ones playing it.

And it is magnificent.

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7 hours ago, Kaymyth said:

My free time is being devoured by Breath of the Wild.

...I'm not even the one playing it.

(Sometimes my advice is even helpful to James. There've been a few times where he would've flailed around for an hour if I hadn't helped him.)

What is it?

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I just want to advertise my favorite band really bad right now. I must say, of all the band I have listened to (many, and varied), hands down my favorite is Nightwish. If any of you Sharders are Finnish, thank you for this wonderful band. They have everything I look for in a band: layered, complex composition; excellent performers; more than 3 or 4 types of instrument; something unique to them (they have an uilleann piper as a core member these days); and last, but not least, they have variety. Everything from Celtic rock (Last of the Wilds is a good example) to noir jazz (Slow, Love, Slow) to more balladic stuff (Eva) to my favorite stuff: the bombastic, heavily layered stuff (7 Days to the Wolves, Weak Fantasy, Sahara).

They reside mostly in the symphonic metal subgenre, and their various female singers makes it a dream to listen to. As a note, their most famous album, Dark Passion Play, cost somewhere in the neighborhood of a half million euros to produce because of their use of an orchestra, as well as a couple different choirs. The addition of actual orchestration, rather than synthesizing the background tracks, adds so much to the quality. Some of the songs send chills down my spine any time I listen to them due to the sheer technical precision.

I guess I'm done now. Any other symphonic metal fans out there? I know there are metal fans, since we've discussed it before, but this is something else entirely.

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@Djarskublar I also love most of what I've heard of Nightwish even though I've only been able to get my hands on two albums so far. I like how different their sound is from the normal pop type of stuff that plays on most radio stations, and how great it is for headbanging.

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So I was sitting outside, because we were doing some work and the teacher said we could sit outside if we wanted to. I was concentrating on my work when I heard a strange noise. I turned to look and...my music teacher was half hiding behind a bush wriggling his fingers and making those noises. I think he may have been pretending to sneak up on me, but considering him he could have well been pretending to be a squid.

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6 minutes ago, A Budgie said:

So I was sitting outside, because we were doing some work and the teacher said we could sit outside if we wanted to. I was concentrating on my work when I heard a strange noise. I turned to look and...my music teacher was half hiding behind a bush wriggling his fingers and making those noises. I think he may have been pretending to sneak up on me, but considering him he could have well been pretending to be a squid.

your music teacher sounds awesome XD

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1 minute ago, A Budgie said:

He is, but most of the music teachers are great anyway. Another teacher threatened to throw lemons at us when we weren't singing up to the standard she wanted.

When teachers throw lemons, make lem-- ah screw it, throw them back, man!

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