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I know this is kind of a dumb question, but I have only listened to SA and was lookingat Brandon's Fall sale and didn't know what the symbol below was. It just says SA symbol. Is it used in the books or just by publishers to represent the franchise? Are the five swords supposed to represent anything in particular?


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I don't think it's been anywhere in-universe. It looks like an out-of-universe stylization of the Surgebinding Chart, with swords behind the lines. It might be a Knights Radiant symbol, since they use Shardblades. I haven't heard anything special behind the five swords; just that there are five cross-diagram connecting lines.

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2 minutes ago, Pagerunner said:

The arrangement of the circles actually matches up with the KR orders, not the Surges.

same difference. The orders are arranged by the surges

But you are more correct than I am

Edited by tobar14
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I know this isn't new or even special, but the five sword hafts correspond to the five male Heralds while the blade tips correspond to the five female Heralds, just as the five males can be loosely connected to Honor and the five females to Cultivation.

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39 minutes ago, Garglemesh said:

I know this isn't new or even special, but the five sword hafts correspond to the five male Heralds while the blade tips correspond to the five female Heralds, just as the five males can be loosely connected to Honor and the five females to Cultivation.

Do you remember where you heard that? WoB?

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2 minutes ago, Ammanas said:

Do you remember where you heard that? WoB?

That the women are on the lower half is from the picture tobar14 linked above, but I don't think I've seen any direct proof that the female Heralds are more aligned with Cultivation. The only spren we know the alignment of (Honorspren and whatever Wyndle's type is called) do seem to match that, but I don't think we really know the alignments of any of the other Orders and their spren. It could be true though.

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They are but there's also a connection of some sort to Cultivation that we don't completely understand yet. We know for example that spren can be 'of Honor', 'of Cultivation' or a mix of the two (WoB) and Wyndle (and by extension all Edgedancer spren) seems very likely to be entirely or primarily associated with Cultivation. So you've got an entire order of Radiants who have the same surgebinding powers as one of the Heralds despite their associated spren being 'of Cultivation'.

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