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2016-12-01 [Arcanum Unbounded] University Bookstore - Seattle, WA


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5 hours ago, Blightsong said:

The One as a religion is shared by an entire culture, so I doubt it.

What entire culture?


25 minutes ago, Wetlander said:

Also: the Returned on Nalthis are cognitive shadows, shoved into and firmly attached to their dead bodies by virtue of that enormous "divine Breath" they're given.

It looks like things were going in that direction, so it makes total sense.

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2 hours ago, emailanimal said:

What entire culture?

The Iriali culture. Ym summarized their traditional beliefs (which apparently are no longer well-known):


"...We are Iriali, and part of the Long Trail, of which this is the Fourth Land... Eventually, all will be gathered back in--when the Seventh Land is attained--and we will once again become One..."

"As One, we knew truth, but as many, we need ignorance. We exist in variety to experience all kinds of thought. That means some of us must know and others must not--just like some must be rich, and others must be poor. More people did know this, once. It's not talked about as much as it should be..."



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6 hours ago, Wetlander said:

Also: the Returned on Nalthis are cognitive shadows, shoved into and firmly attached to their dead bodies by virtue of that enormous "divine Breath" they're given. And Szeth is not a cognitive shadow; his real soul was returned to his body... it just isn't sticking very well. Hence the afterimages.

Look at you, casually (dis)proving at least two theories in as many lines of text!

I am interested in seeing the exact transcription of these two (more so the first one), however. I think wording might be important here.

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4 minutes ago, Stark said:

Do we know if anyone is going to compile the WoBs from the AU signings in one location?

The actual policy is to post the WoB in the rightful event's topic...But nothing prevent from create an unique topic with all the WoB of AU's signings...Just I think it's better to wait the tour's end.

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1 minute ago, Yata said:

The actual policy is to post the WoB in the rightful event's topic...But nothing prevent from create an unique topic with all the WoB of AU's signings...Just I think it's better to wait the tour's end.

Yes on all accounts. Somebody did a similar list for the Words of Radiance signing, and it was very useful to me.

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Thanks @Yata and @Argent for the responses.  I kinda hope that ends up happening.  I'm not able to make it to any of the signings, and there is so much new information coming in to sift through, I almost don't know where to start.


It is so easy to miss some really crucial, theory destroying/confirming/creating information..

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35 minutes ago, Stark said:

Do we know if anyone is going to compile the WoBs from the AU signings in one location?

On top of what everyone else said, someone on theoryland has already been adding the new ones that have been posted, you can check then out there.

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Answers I got last night (that I think are new):  (paraphrased from memory)

Written question: Is VenDell changing suits or is the suit changing colors?  VenDell is changing suits.  
No Nalthis/breath connection after all. :-(

-Are all the red-eyed characters influenced by the same shard?  No, but the red is significant.  (it has meaning in the cosmere)
quick theory: Red indicates corrupted or co-opted investiture
Unfortunately, that takes some strength away from the "all those red eyes are influenced by Odium" line of reasoning.

-Szeth's name does actually refer to his grandfather, Vallano.  
I had a thought he'd been disowned/excommunicated and had his name tied to someone infamous from the past (so as to not tie his dishonor to his family).

-Do humans predate the two shards' arrival on Roshar (I said two since Odium arrived later, he specifically mentioned all three)  Humans were on Roshar before Honor, Cultivation, and Odium arrived.
I meant to follow this up with an Ym's "Long Trail" history vs. Alethi "kicked out of the Tranquiline Halls" history question (were there multiple human migrations to Roshar?) but completely forgot since I hadn't written it down. :-(  

I am totally impressed with the experience, the crowd (most of whom seemed to stay), and Brandon (both as speaker and signing author - totally gracious and friendly even by the time I got to him at hour #3 or so).  Definitely going again when he's back here and could probably be convinced to make a trip farther away if he's in Vancouver/Portland/Spokane.  My daughter was also pretty stoked, especially since she got my books signed to her name.  I'm thinking she's staking a claim.

Awesome!  and thanks for the picture (Karaokeang?), despite my best efforts I still looked like a deer caught in the headlights.  :-)

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I was there last night (as one of the last few in a very long line), and asked a few questions. My apologies if these are things that are already known - I'm afraid I didn't quite do my due diligence in making an exhaustive search of known information beforehand. Mea culpa.

Also these aren't transcriptions, just the gist of what was discussed, so it might be wise to take these with a pinch of copper. Eyewitness accounts are unreliable at best, and I might be adding meaning in my retelling here which I've unintentionally fabricated.


Question 1: On Taking up Shards (direct reference to end of Hero of Ages)



Lhyon: So, at the end of Mistborn Era 1, Sazed takes up both Harmony and Ruin, shards which are obviously fairly diametrically opposed. Secret History implies that Sazed is able to hold both of them at once because of (for lack of a better term) who he is, and therefore implies that other people might not be able to do the same. Is that true? What would happen if someone tried to take up multiple shards and didn't have those qualifications?

Sanderson: Sazed was uniquely able, yes. Usually there would be an imbalance favoring one shard, which would override or push out the other.

Lhyon: Like, physically expulse?

Sanderson: Right. Not necessarily, but yes.

Lhyon: So what would happen then? Would it just float around? Would it Splinter? Could it be dragged into the Cognitive, like on Sel?

Sanderson: Oh, you guys finally figured that one out?

Lhyon: No, no, it's- it's in the book. (Points to Arcanum Unbounded)

Sanderson: Right, yeah, I gave you that one. But it depends- it depends on the circumstances. It might Splinter. In the right circumstances, it might obtain its own sentience. Or it might seek out a holder on its own.

Lhyon: Wait, you mean, sentience without a holder? Just...?

Sanderson: In the right circumstances, yeah.

Lhyon: And if it sought a holder, it would be inclined to find someone that would fit better with its Intent?

Sanderson: Yeah.

Lhyon: And these circumstances would also depend on which shards are taken up? Like, if they're less opposed that Ruin and Preservation?

Sanderson: Yeah, exactly.



Question 2: On Bind Points



Lhyon: Okay, next question. The hemalurgic bind points for the right and left eyes - are they the same?

Sanderson: In terms of...?

Lhyon: Like, the Inquisitor spikes, is it the exact same process for either eye? Is it interchangeable?

Sanderson: They're slightly different.

Lhyon: And on Bind Points... are these something that we could figure out ourselves one day, through analysis and guessing? Or is it something we'll just have to wait and see? (Lhyon's note - I think I worded this less clearly than I intended and wrote here, and he slightly misinterpreted it.)

Sanderson: They're... it would be a lot of trial and error, but it's... possible? And you need Intent, so... it would be a lot of trial and error. It wouldn't be easy. Probably not.



Question 3: Investiture in Spikes



Lhyon: Alright, thanks. Last question for me tonight - so, when a Hemalurgic spike steals something, then it's storing Investiture in it, yeah? So could you - could you do something with that Investiture? Like... say I'm on Nalthis, and just theoretically, I use a Hemalurgic spike to steal a lot of Breath - can I use that Investiture to Awaken something? Could I Awaken the spike?

Sanderson: That... you'd need a lot of Investiture to Awaken a spike.

Lhyon: Because it's already charged up with something else?

Sanderson: Yeah.



A bonus piece of information - my poor friend that I dragged along with me (who had only read Warbreaker) asked about the specific naming of Bio-Chromatic Breath, and Sanderson confirmed as part of his response that at least some the Five Scholars had visited worlds who had gone through the Industrial Revolution (and therefore would have more of a sense of scientific theory, that the Scholars would have picked up on). Again, not sure if that's new or not.


The line was long and arduous, but it was a great event. Had a lot of fun hearing Brandon speak and answer questions, and signed books ("Shut it, Voidbringer!") are always a plus.

Edited by Lhyonnaes
expansion / clarification
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One of the funnier exchanges I've seen in awhile

12 minutes ago, Lhyonnaes said:

Lhyon: So what would happen then? Would it just float around? Would it Splinter? Could it be dragged into the Cognitive, like on Sel?

Sanderson: Oh, you guys finally figured that one out?

Lhyon: No, no, it's- it's in the book. (Points to Arcanum Unbounded)


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8 hours ago, Argent said:

Look at you, casually (dis)proving at least two theories in as many lines of text!

I am interested in seeing the exact transcription of these two (more so the first one), however. I think wording might be important here.

Yes, it will be good to get the exact transcription. I don't think I screwed it up, but the devil's in the details! Very annoyed that I forgot my recorder, and my phone was almost drained so I didn't dare use it. Fortunately, Angie was better prepared than I was!

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7 minutes ago, Khyrindor said:

I think we kind of figured that out a while ago. He more or less confirmed it last year sometime, and since then we've kind of gotten used to knowing it. It's kinda funny that he likes that particular bit so much. XD

Very true, but it felt disingenuous to say as much when Khriss spelled it out for us so nicely in the book he was signing, hahaha.

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10 hours ago, Lirins hand said:

Written question: Is VenDell changing suits or is the suit changing colors?  VenDell is changing suits.  
No Nalthis/breath connection after all. :-(

That's a bit disappointing. It looked like a really sneaky easter egg.

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10 hours ago, emailanimal said:

Still leaves us with the why?  question.

Because VenDell is a bit insane vain about looking good...or something.

Idk. I still think he's an unique kind of crazy. Still think the guy would've gotten along with Kell quite swell...(they're both insane cads!). xD

Edited by Kandra-in-disguise
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I'm curious if any of the Scholars have been to Taldain. Given its place in the timeline, I think its the most likely of the planets we know so far to have been through the Industrial Revolution at the time the Five Scholars were active, and Taldain being isolated from the rest of the cosmere is something that could have happened after they might have visited. Alternatively, the planet Dark One is supposed to be set on is another likely bet given how Brandon's described that, and Ashyn is likely to have been through the Industrial Revolution too.

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1 hour ago, Djarskublar said:

Hey hey! The five scholars had been to planets other than Roshar confirmed! Possibly Scadrial, more likely somewhere else that had been through an industrial revolution.

Sel has probably gone through it by the time that the five scholars were active. Elantris happened like 600 years before Mistborn, and at that time, Sel was already in a Ren/Ref/Age of Exploration (in our world, all those things happened around the same time) era, so it's rather likely they have had an Industrial revolution by Mistborn 1; and probably by the time the Scholars went worldhopping (300 years before Mistborn 1).

Though, tbh, the Scientific Method was technically in the early Enlightenment Era (from mid-16th to early 18th centuries, people like Galileo, Bacon, Descartes, Newton, etc) created it, and well, the Industrial Revolution didn't really start in England until the latter half of the 18th century (and they were all dead by then). So..., arguably, the worlds really shouldn't have needed to be in the Industrial Revolution era yet for the Scholars to learn this information, but yes, that's beside the point...xD

Edited by Kandra-in-disguise
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Actually, I revise my statement, It couldn't be Scadrial because Warbreaker takes place a while after Mistborn 1, but the scholars were active before that. If I had to guess based on my limited remembrance of the timeline, Nightblood was likely created around the same time as Vin was born.

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2 hours ago, Djarskublar said:

Hey hey! The five scholars had been to planets other than Roshar confirmed! Possibly Scadrial, more likely somewhere else that had been through an industrial revolution.

Darkside of Taldain. Right past Bavadin....

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