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One of my biggest worries for this season was that, for me, the biggest appeal of the first season was being unsure as to what was going on and finding out what was going on and the complexity of it all. I was worried that season 2 would just go for actiony/drama shlock and get rid of that cool worldbuilding mysteryness.

OH BOY DID I NOT NEED TO BE WORRIED. The mystery that this episode sets up is SUBLIME. I am a very happy bunny.

Also, was that the new Director lady in the water at the end that the camera focused on?

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1 hour ago, Overlord Jebus said:

Also, was that the new Director lady in the water at the end that the camera focused on?

I'm not sure who that was. I am also wondering that.

1 hour ago, Overlord Jebus said:

One of my biggest worries for this season was that, for me, the biggest appeal of the first season was being unsure as to what was going on and finding out what was going on and the complexity of it all. I was worried that season 2 would just go for actiony/drama shlock and get rid of that cool worldbuilding mysteryness.

OH BOY DID I NOT NEED TO BE WORRIED. The mystery that this episode sets up is SUBLIME. I am a very happy bunny.


One thing I particularly wonder now: how many parks are there? We know about Samurai themed one and IIRC Westworld is Section 1?

Okay I googled a bit, it seems that it's confirmed that there are six of them (IIRC the enforcement guy mentioned tiger to be from sixth; possible Ice Age thing?) and original movie had Medieval one and I think Roman themed one. I watched it long ago.

Which reminds me! How did the enforcement guy survive? He was taken by surprise by five or six hostile Indian hosts and got his gun knocked out? And he's perfectly fine?

Do you also think that Delos is collecting DNA from their guests so they could build hosts of them? Possibly to replace them?
Okay this gets very Blade Runnery.

And what exactly is in the mind of Abernathy (Dolores' father)? And how did it get put there? Oh wait, they did put something in his mind before Ford started his great plan? Now I remembered. Maybe I should've rewatched.

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Yeah, as the episode went on, I just kept thinking "I should really have rewatched season 1".

And yes, considering how they went out of their way to show that Bernard passed the DNA test on the door, I can almost guarantee they are taking the DNA to build hosts of the rich and powerful.

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Spoiler for S2:E1:

Did anyone else get the impression that some (although likely not all) of the conversations between Delores and Arnold throughout the episode may actually be further ahead in the timeline and be between Bernard and Delores?

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4 hours ago, Overlord Jebus said:

I more mean it showed that the hosts do have a DNA element to them. They aren't just synthetic flesh and blood, they have DNA like normal humans. 

Well I don't think it's possible to have flesh without DNA really :huh:

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