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[AU Spoilers] The Drominad System


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Tor released the contents page for Arcanum Unbounded today. Whilst knowing what is in the book itself is great, there's a great little reveal in there with the chapter heading before Sixth of the Dusk.

Apparently Sixth of the Dusk is set in the "Drominad" system... We have a new name! Perhaps Drominad (though judging by the format of the other names, these are the inhabitants, not the planet name) is the Cosmere aware name for the planet (Dromi? Drom? Dromin?) whereas First of the Sun is the 'on-planet' name?

Source: http://www.tor.com/2016/10/31/find-out-whats-inside-brandon-sandersons-new-cosmere-book-arcanum-unbounded/


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Does this mean no Nalthis essay? The much-anticipated star chart doesn't appear in this ToC, either; I wonder if that will be presented in the front of the book with no additional explanation, or if there's some extra stuff at the end (an Ars Arcanum Unbounded, one might say).

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2 hours ago, PallonianFire said:

Is it bad that I'm more excited for this, with the Khriss essays and star charts, than I am for Oathbringer?

I'm looking forward to both equally. I have nothing against Lift, but there are other interludes I like just as much if not more. The interlude that intrigues me the most is probably Taravangian.

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A thought: "system" doesn't necessarily mean a 'planetary system' - it could refer to a 'magic system'. Which means that the contents page doesn't tell us which planets are located in the same planetary system.

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Drominad could be interprered in several ways I assume. It could be another name for the planet as given by another group that lives on it. We know that other groups do not follow the naming conventions of the trappers. It could also be a second hand name that Khriss learned from The Ones Above.

I do wonder if the stories are written about as though she is the author or how it is presented.

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1 hour ago, Demoux said:

A thought: "system" doesn't necessarily mean a 'planetary system' - it could refer to a 'magic system'. Which means that the contents page doesn't tell us which planets are located in the same planetary system.

Could be, but I find this highly unlikely. 

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Sorry for the double-post, but major Drominad update!

  • There are three inhabited worlds
  • Khriss doesn't know why there's a shardpool, but thinks it has something to do with the system's history
  • Silverlight has sent expeditions (which we don't know what Silverlight is, anyways, but apparently it has to do with worldhoppers)
  • Shadesmar is a universal term for the Cognitive RealmT
  • here's a planet in the Roshar system that is inhabited entirely by Splinters.

Lots of cool stuff; it gets me really hyped for the other essays.

Only thing is, my browser at work can't load the images in the article. I'm gonna have to wait all day 'til I get home and see the images. Unless @Demoux posts them the same way he did the ToC; I can see the image in the original post. Going from the names, there's a symbol and a star chart. Pretty please?

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We've got a star chart and a symbol here. From the star chart, it would appear that the symbol is specifically for First of the Sun.

With regards to Silverlight, perhaps it could be another name for the Ones Above we see in Sixth of the Dusk? Were there earlier expeditions than the one we see in the book?



Source: http://www.tor.com/2016/11/07/arcanum-unbounded-the-drominad-system-excerpt/

Edited by Demoux
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27 minutes ago, Demoux said:

We've got a star chart and a symbol here. From the star chart, it would appear that the symbol is specifically for First of the Sun.

With regards to Silverlight, perhaps it could be another name for the Ones Above we see in Sixth of the Dusk? Were there earlier expeditions than the one we see in the book?

Brandon has said that Khriss wrote this essay long before the events of Sixth of the Dusk take place. The expeditions being sent by Silverlight are traveling through the Cognitive Realm to First of the Sun and transitioning to the Physical through the Patji's Eye perpendicularity. Where they end up on the hell island that is Patji (no wonder nobody ever returned...)

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This is nice information for sure! Though whoever named the Drominad system was not exactly brimming with imagination... Actually, I think it must've been a scientist. Maybe an engineer or a physicist. Physicists are known for naming things for what they are, in a consistent, self-explanatory, and predictable manner :D

It might be interesting to mention that the sun here is drawn with 16 rays, similarly to the sun on the Cosmere symbol. I don't think that's significant, at least not beyond showing artistic influence.

I am just slightly disappointed by the length of Khriss' essay, I was hoping for more. Perhaps with no good reason, but it would've been nice.

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28 minutes ago, Demoux said:

With regards to Silverlight, perhaps it could be another name for the Ones Above we see in Sixth of the Dusk? Were there earlier expeditions than the one we see in the book?

The Ones Above are from a world we've seen before. So, that would mean Silverlight would be a city on a world we've already seen: Sel, Nalthis, Roshar, Scadrial, or maybe Threnody if you stretch. (This WoB was before White Sand.) So, I think they're two separate groups - Silverlight tried to explore in the past, Ones Above managed it in the future.

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"From a planet we've seen before" doesn't equal "Silverlight is on a planet we've seen before." The Ones Above could be from Scadrial, (for instance) but currently reside at Silverlight, because they are worldhoppers.

Braize has to be the planet with the splinters, right?

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13 minutes ago, WeiryWriter said:

Brandon has said that Khriss wrote this essay long before the events of Sixth of the Dusk take place. The expeditions being sent by Silverlight are traveling through the Cognitive Realm to First of the Sun and transitioning to the Physical through the Patji's Eye perpendicularity. Where they end up on the hell island that is Patji (no wonder nobody ever returned...)

He's already commented on the timeframe of these essays? (I'm still clinging to Khriss=Vathi, so that helps).

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So Silverlight is totally the Restaurant at the End of the Cosmere, right?

27 minutes ago, masaru said:

(I'm still clinging to Khriss=Vathi, so that helps).

I asked him this years ago and he said Vathi is not Khriss.


On 1/28/2016 at 9:19 AM, PallonianFire said:

Questions asked by me (paraphrased, didn't think to take video)


Q: Does Khriss have a way of changing her appearance?

A: Yes


Q: Have we seen her in any of the books out so far? (realized I worded this poorly for my intention and asked another question before he answered)


Q: Is Vathi Khriss?

A: No, someone else. But you'll see Khriss in a soon-to-be-published book.

Edited by PallonianFire
Edited for WoB from Denver SoS signing
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17 minutes ago, masaru said:

"From a planet we've seen before" doesn't equal "Silverlight is on a planet we've seen before." The Ones Above could be from Scadrial, (for instance) but currently reside at Silverlight, because they are worldhoppers.

Silverlight is a place, that sends out worldhopping expeditions. The Ones Above are not worldhoppers - they are a space travel society based on a planet we've seen before. Yes, it's possible that a worldhopping colony from one planet could launch other expeditions, maintain its original identity, and later use space travel to continue exploration, but that's a lot of hoops to jump through. Not technically impossible, but Occam's Razor would say that they are two separate groups.

14 minutes ago, masaru said:

He's already commented on the timeframe of these essays? (I'm still clinging to Khriss=Vathi, so that helps).

Only that the they're prior to Sixth of the Dusk, which doesn't really narrow it down that much. It was a specific comment on that story and how it was a bit of an oddity in the timeline of published stories so far, not a general indication of when Khriss wrote the essays.

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