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Crap. No wonder all the members of Peng's "trusted" PM group have been dying. :unsure: At least we finally got one of the Spiked.


Yeah, Gamon would have been the last one Spiked, going by Aspren's Table very strangely organized List. I doubt Cessie would have felt the need to place any Spiked in that group before she was about to be lynched, seeing how we pretty well dissolved after Day Two, and didn't really do anything all again until the whole Cessie thing happened. So Wilson is somewhat clear in that respect (though most definitely not cleared). Honestly, after they saw the (slight) majority going for Shimble, whoever the first Spiked is they may well have voted otherwise to deflect suspicion. I highly doubt the Spiked would conceal themselves all in one group of voters on days the votes weren't unanimous. I would assume that each day there were some Spiked voting for one person, some for another, and some who weren't voting at all.


I still feel most suspicious of Seran, he’s been just active enough to avoid suspicion, and has very rarely made a decisive vote. It would make a lot of sense for a Spiked Coinshot to try and attract as little attention as possible. (This vote is anything but final, if anybody has a reason that we really should vote for one person in particular, I'm more than willing to listen.)

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I still feel most suspicious of Seran, he’s been just active enough to avoid suspicion, and has very rarely made a decisive vote. It would make a lot of sense for a Spiked Coinshot to try and attract as little attention as possible. (This vote is anything but final, if anybody has a reason that we really should vote for one person in particular, I'm more than willing to listen.)

The flaw in your logic is that I've been sporadically active the entire game, before the spiked had a coinshot.


Arg...I really wish I had the time to pay more attention to this game. Since I might not be able to check in later, I'll vote...Wilson. (Though Aonar is setting off my mafia-radar for some reason)

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Please ignore my prior post. My brain mixed up the order of spikings. Even now it continues to claim that it's right and everyone else is wrong.

I am still convinced that Wilson is spiked. I don't think Seran is, he's been too sporadic to justify spiking him. (however that would also be a good way to hide a spike). At the moment the only ones I think could be spiked are Wilson, Wes and Quillion.

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Okay, I was really, really hoping someone else would vote beforevI had to go, but that's not the case so... here goes.

I'm... a little confused by your post Alvron. Whenever you say ignore it, I'm not sure if you're including ignoring the vote. If you are, that puts it back at a 1-1-1 tie, and .i'd really rather not miss the chance to get the spiked, so I'm switching my vote.

I'm going to vote for my second choice, Seran, mostly for the same reasons I suspected Mathieu; if I was the Coinshot, I'd keep myself as inconspicuous as possible, which might mean not voting at all. If I don't post, people might forget I'm a viable target. And yes, Seran's been a little more active now, but the fact that he's only really voting after the Inquisitor and a spiked were found out seems... convenient.

Really, it's a case of who I think is more suspicious between Seran and Wilson, and I just think it's Seran. Wilson's names been brought up for lynching a few times, hadn't it? If she is the Coinshot, that seems like a bad way to do it, as does sticking in a group mentality with Cessie (as one of the Seven) or Gamon (our recent Five vote). She seems too active to be the Coinshot to me. I don't know if siding with the spiked is a sign she's one of them or not (it could just be bad luck) but... yeah.

And how I really have to go. I'll edit this for types etc when I can get back.

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If you must know, the reason I've been slightly more active lately, is because I Snapped into a Pewterarm. I never even told Peng because that was the round we realized the Inquisitor might have uber-tin. Afterwards it didn't seem worth revealing, especially after our Mistborn got jumped. While I don't really mind if you try to kill me (much), it'll just give the Spiked another turn to kill two people. Unfortunately, the only remaining way to prove my alibi is someone to try an kill me.


"Come at me you dirty skaa!" Seran screamed, brandishing a glass knife.

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And now there are only two. Obviously, I'm not going to vote for myself, so that leaves Seran. Fortunately, Seran's been one of my top suspects for a while. And I'm not the only one. Both Aspren and Barty listed him too. You can argue that they also listed me as well, and that's true. They did. Aspren told me it was a gut feeling, though, and we've seen his list wasn't entirely accurate (Kurk and Vron (since I seriously doubt you're Spiked)).

Barty is the one we should be trusting here. As the second tineye, he was probably in whatever group Peng had going on. He was privy to information most of us weren't. And while I was listed, Seran, Mathieu, and Quillion were higher priorities. With Aether in his head like he was, Barty no doubt ordered it that way very intentionally, which means Seran was the highest priority. I'm assuming Barty had a reason for that, and if there's anyone left from that PM group, it'd be nice to know what that was. For me, his sporadic activity set off alarm bells. But, if it's not for you guys, that's fine. You can go ahead and lynch me.

And I notice Seran posted while I was writing this. He could be telling the truth. Or he could be lying. Personally, I'm leaning toward the lie, but that's mostly because I don't really want to die even if I'm okay with dying in order to prove my innocence. Yeah so, at this point, it doesn't matter to me. You can test me and kill me and prove I haven't Snapped yet (I'm beginning to think all the regulars were actually Unsnapped, and I've just drawn the short straw in this ordeal), or you can test Seran and kill him if he's lying or take one of his lives if he's not. And then we'll have another guarantee of who to trust. Whatever you want.

And holy crap. I'm done. I just typed this all out on my phone, sitting in a tent shivering on cold concrete. Stupid laptop won't charge and the internet at BYU freaking sucks so I can't even connect anyway...

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And now there are only two. Obviously, I'm not going to vote for myself, so that leaves Seran. Fortunately, Seran's been one of my top suspects for a while. And I'm not the only one. Both Aspren and Barty listed him too. You can argue that they also listed me as well, and that's true. They did. Aspren told me it was a gut feeling, though, and we've seen his list wasn't entirely accurate (Kurk and Vron (since I seriously doubt you're Spiked)).

Barty is the one we should be trusting here. As the second tineye, he was probably in whatever group Peng had going on. He was privy to information most of us weren't. And while I was listed, Seran, Mathieu, and Quillion were higher priorities. With Aether in his head like he was, Barty no doubt ordered it that way very intentionally, which means Seran was the highest priority. I'm assuming Barty had a reason for that, and if there's anyone left from that PM group, it'd be nice to know what that was. For me, his sporadic activity set off alarm bells. But, if it's not for you guys, that's fine. You can go ahead and lynch me.

And I notice Seran posted while I was writing this. He could be telling the truth. Or he could be lying. Personally, I'm leaning toward the lie, but that's mostly because I don't really want to die even if I'm okay with dying in order to prove my innocence. Yeah so, at this point, it doesn't matter to me. You can test me and kill me and prove I haven't Snapped yet (I'm beginning to think all the regulars were actually Unsnapped, and I've just drawn the short straw in this ordeal), or you can test Seran and kill him if he's lying or take one of his lives if he's not. And then we'll have another guarantee of who to trust. Whatever you want.

And holy crap. I'm done. I just typed this all out on my phone, sitting in a tent shivering on cold concrete. Stupid laptop won't charge and the internet at BYU freaking sucks so I can't even connect anyway...

Forgive me for not feeling as sorry for you as you *ahem* seem to be looking for, Wilson ;)
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Quiver, I believe Alvron has been playing long enough to know if he really wanted his vote disregarded he would need to make an official color statement. His other comment about still suspecting Wilson makes me think that was still his vote and if that is the case, you've created the exact situation you said you wanted to prevent. It's a tie of 2 for Seran and 2 for Wilson which puts me in a Big quandary.

I was hoping to wait and see if I could deduce loyalties based on votes before I voted myself. With three spiked who all know who each other are and the total number of votes being so low now, I would have thought there would be one person with a decisive number of votes at this point. That person would obviously be non spiked because the spiked would have banded together to make sure.

I see two reasons for the current tie:

1. Both Seran and Wilson are clean so the spiked are equally fine with them both being lynched or a tie. They are safe with both outcomes

2. At least one of the spiked are inactive so they can't railroad a single person with only two votes.

It worries me that Wilson has not defended herself, commented on suspicions, or voted for two days now. Maybe waiting to make a last minute sway vote?

The problem I have now is that if I don't vote, it will end as a tie and we learn nothing tonight. If I vote Wilson, she could vote Seran at the last minute and again we tie.The fact that you announced being pewter, Seran, kinda forces my hand. If I vote you Wilson can't force a tie. If you are telling the truth, we at least learn that you are clean and that is one person our coinshot knows to not target tonight. I'm fine with no one actually dying tonight as long as it gives our coinshot some useable data for his/her attack so I must vote Seran.

If there is some fault in my logic, please inform me.

Well, I was just about to post this but decided to check for new posts and saw that Wilson commented while I was gathering my thoughts. So, just imagine this post was before hers.

Edited by Awesomeness Summoned
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Now that we know Gamon was Spiked, I guess there isn't really any point in not being open right now.


I'm a Snapped Smoker, and I've been working with Peng's group since Night 7. I was verified by Grave, so you don't really have anything to worry about on that front. 


Seran has been one of the group's top suspects ever since Peng died, but knowing that he's Snapped puts things into a fairly different perspective. Unfortunately, I can't change my vote now. Thug is one of those very inconvenient powers that requires us to either waste a cycle or take your word at face value. I suppose this is the best way, even though I don't like it; if you're good, then at the very least (like Wes mentioned) the Coinshot knows a little more.


Vron, if he gets on before the day ends, can confirm my above statements. He and I are the only currently living members of the PM group.

Edited by AonarFaileas
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No offense, but exactly what value is there to have been in the Peng crew? We know all their intel was compromised and, to date, no information that group gathered has lead to a spiked kill (unless the coinshot made their decision last night on that info). For me, a person's status in that group is meaningless at this point and will not effect my vote at all.

Plus, why would I take vron's word on it even if I did value that status? For all I know you and him are both spiked so could easily just say you were in that group. It's an easy claim to make since no one is left to contradict your claim.

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There's basically nil value, honestly. When I first saw that Gamon had been Spiked I though I might be able to extrapolate who some of the Spiked are from how he acted in the PM, but I came up largely blank. I only brought it up because all the info that group had is known to the Spiked already, and Wilson asked for it.

Though Gamon was a part of the group, it is very hard to say if the information we had was faulty or not. At first Gamon posted quite frequently, but after we narrowed things down to those four (Seran, Quillion, Mathieu and Wilson) he got a lot quieter. Whether that means we've got Spiked in there and Gamon didn't want to look suspicious when we found one or we were so far off the mark that Gamon didn't feel the need to comment, who knows. :unsure: (This was seriously all I got from looking at Gamon's behaviour in the PM. He was being far too careful.)

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Night 10 (Self Inflicted)


The Crew seemed to realize that sectioning themselves off into smaller groups didn’t seem to be working. As such, after removing Barty’s mutilated corpse from the Inn, the surviving members gathered around one of the center tables. Windrunner fetched them all some water as the rest debated.


“Look,” Seran said, slamming a glass dagger onto the table. “We know for a fact that we’re sharing a table with those that are trying to kill us, but that’s nothing new to us thieves. We need to find out which of us is Spiked so we can finally kill them! No one is leaving this table until we do.”


“Well, we killed all the other nobles within our group,” Quillion remarked. “It seems to have worked so far, so let’s kill our faux noble!”


The group argued and discussed and then argued some more. As the day wore on, it seemed like the group was getting sullen for having to sit there with the threat of a dagger stuck into them as motivation. Eventually, they turned on Seran, claiming that he must be Spiked.


“You have got to be kidding me,” Seran said. “Not only am I not Spiked, but I’m a Thug! You really want me prove myself, so you all can stop this ridiculous train of thought?”


A group of wary eyes met his. One by one, they all eventually nodded.


Seran rolled his eyes and grabbed the glass dagger.


“Fine, but when this is done, I expect an apology for each and every one of you! You do realize that now I won’t be able to help protect someone tonight. I’ll have my hands full just keeping myself alive.”


Again a series of uncaring stares met him.


With a sigh, Seran braced himself and shoved the dagger directly into his gut. He winced, but flared his pewter to stem off the worst of it. He knew they wouldn’t settle for less, but his assassin training kept him from cutting anything life threatening.


Seran let out a ragged breath, keeping the dagger in place so that it stemmed the blood flow. “There,” he hissed. “Now someone get me something to bandage this with before I run out of metal.”


The eyes of the Crew went from uncaring to shock and as if suddenly released from a growing tension, multiple people shot away from the table, looking for medical supplies.



Night 10 begins! You have 24 hours, as usual, but if I get all the night orders in early, I’ll try to get the write up in early!


Seran is a Thug!


Player Votes

Seran - 4 (Wes, Aonar, Quillion, Wilson)

Wilson - 2 (Vron, Seran)

No Vote - 3 (Windrunner, Aether, Mathieu)

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Meta told me all the roles are in so I'll go ahead and make this post now rather than waiting till just before midnight. First off, I am the snapped coinshot. At this point we only have another night or two left so it doesn't really matter if I announce it. If we don't get the spiked by tomorrow night, it's likely all over anyway. I have a feeling I am likely to get killed tonight so wanted to pass along my suspicions to anyone that survives the night.

My choice for Gamon last night was partly based on reason but mostly gut feeling. For my decision tonight I went back and read through all the posts from day four until now, knowing what I do now about who is left as possible spiked. Based on my insights from that reanalysis, here is my list of most suspicious to least suspicious. I also made note of what spiked role I think they are based on my guess about when they were converted, if they were actually converted.

Aonar - lurcher

Mathieu - regular/seeker

Wilson - coinshot

Quillion - coinshot

Vron - coinshot - I really don't think he is spiked though

Aether - regular/seeker

Windrunner - regular/seeker

Seran - obviously not spiked

We need to take out the lurcher before the coinshot since they'll be protecting the coinshot. For that reason, tonight I will be attacking Aonar.

The spiked want to take out our coinshot so there is no point in them attacking Seran. That narrows down their choices to about 2-3 of the remaining active players so it's likely that I'm history tonight.

On the off chance I do survive, you know I'm not spiked because I was openly against lynching shiv and pro lynching Cessie which means I wasn't spiked at that point. The two spiked after that were a lurcher and Gamon so when I prove I'm a coinshot tonight by killing Aonar you know I'm clean. If Aonar is spiked, you really know I'm clean

Tonight is essentially the game. If I'm wrong about Aonar and they take me out, it's over.

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Honestly, I kind of wish I was the Lurcher. It'd be a touch mean to Meta, but the Night's not over yet and I'm pretty sure I could have still sent in the order to Lurch myself. I can't say I'm happy I've been marked for death, but go ahead and kill me if it makes you feel better. You're all still going to die. :D 


Ruin must come to all eventually, even His own Servants.

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Day 11 (Tricks in the Mists)


Mathieu didn’t notice he was being stalked. He didn’t notice much of anything these days. Ever since Modeft’s death, Mathieu had been in a state of shock. He spent most of his time staring off into space. Some primal part of his mind kept his just alive enough that he made his way to the Inn every day to get some of the delaying water, but other than that, it was as if no one was home.


My whole life is a lie, he thought. I’m not of noble birth, but niether am I a skaa anymore as well. But in the end, we all wind up where Modeft did; albiet hopefully a bit less messy.


He spent his nights wandering the streets of Urteau, almost as if he was courting death itself. He would walk and walk, hoping to find some form of hope left to him now that his illusions had been shattered. So far, nothing had come. Every time he thought he found something, the image of Modeft strung up as he was would appear in his mind, causing him to again feel the hopelessness.


Tonight was no different than any other night, until he saw her.


He had left the Harrows behind and was walking through the streets above when he heard the faintest of scratches, as if a foot had slid on some roofing tiles. He looked up in time to see a small form, wrapped in a Mistborn cloak perched on a rooftop near him. He gasped and even though he knew she was too far away to hear him, she turned towards him. He must have looked like a fool, with his mouth agape and huge round eyes, because she smirked and winked at him before shooting off into the mist. If she continued in that direction, she would be heading for the Canton of Inquisition.


That had to be her, the hier to the Survivor, Lady Vin! All Mathieu had was vague stories, yet they matched the description of the Mistborn he just saw. But what is she doing in Utreau?


Mathieu stood there for quite awhile, mulling over the chance encounter. How could she smile? From what he had heard, she had seen more death and misery than most people could bare. From somewhere deep within himself, he felt his resovle growing. If she could smile in the face of everything she had been through, then surely so could he.


The image of Modeft’s body tried to reappear in his thoughts, but they were overcome by a stronger, more hopeful image. Of a small figure, barely a woman yet, but with the weight of the world on her shoulders and a sly smile and a wink.


Mathieu couldn’t help but be caught up in it and he smiled too. He headed back to the Harrows. The Crew needed him. Just because he might die, that didn’t mean that he needed to give up on the living.


….He never made it back to the Harrows.




Wes was still getting used to the feeling of flying over the rooftops. The first time he’d tried, he had almost broken his leg when he didn’t push on some form of metal to help slow his fall. Something about all this still felt unnatural to him, but the Crew needed him, so he was determined to help out. After all, even Modeft had somehow trusted him, as he’d made sure that he had gotten the letter to Aspren that first day. He wasn’t about to let him down now.


Due to his inexperience, he didn’t notice the trap set for him until it was too late.


As he neared the next rooftop, he noticed a solid line burst through the mists. It ran perpedicular to his trajectory. He searched for another source of meta to throw himself out of the way, but he just wasn’t quick enough. An experience Allomancer would’ve told him that knowing where you’re landing is incredibly important. Unfortunately, no one was around to correct Wes’ mistakes before them became deadly. He flared his metal and pushed off a window latch behind him, trying to shoot back into the sky, but all this did was make it so the rope caught him around the shins instead of the waist.


He tumbled through the air. The vertigo kept him from finding a decent anchor and he fell to the cobblestones. He barely kept himself from cracking his skull open when he fell, but one arm snapped and he felt a few ribs break as well. In fact, one of them had punctured a lung and he found it very difficult to draw a breath.


“Help,” he weezed, barely a whisper. “Someone, please help.”


Surprisingly, someone did come out of the shadows. As they stepped up close to Wes, they rolled him onto his back with a kick to his ribs and another to his shoulder. Through the pain and watering eyes, Wes could make out their face… and the fact that they were holding a dagger.


“You?” Wes asked. “You set this up?


Aonar shook his head. “No, I’m here to make sure you were dead. Looks like I get to finish the job after all.”


Aonar was trained well and didn’t have a single speck of metal on him. As he reached down to plunge the dagger into Wes’ heart, Wes smiled.


Aonar paused. “What do you have to smile about? You’re dead whether I kill you now or wait for you to die a slow death. You should really be thanking me, as what I’m about to do is a mercy to you.”


Wes didn’t answer. This must be why Modeft chose me, he thought. He might not be an experienced Coinshot, but he was a very experienced and very competent thief. As such, he knew the value of always having a few coins stashed away on one’s person.


Instead of answering Aonar, he took the coin he had stored in the side of his mouth and spit it directly towards Aonar’s face. Then he pushed on it with everything he had left. The coin sped away so fast that it caused a minor clap of sound before driving through Aonar’s head and continuing on.


Aonar collapsed beside Wes, dead before he knew what had happened. Wes smiled as his vision began to fade. I hope that is what you wanted of me, Modeft. If not, I’m sorry, but I don’t have any other tricks up my sleeve.


Day 11 begins! You have 48 hours or until everyone votes (so basically: 48 hours. :P ).


Mathieu turned out to be a Regular Crew Member! Wes turned out to be a Coinshot! Aonar turned out to be Spiked!


Updated Player List

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All is quiet in the night and the Mists begin to twist and churn out of control. The mists begin to bunch together and grow in shape and size, turning into a dense silhouette of a person.

"Join me brother..." a haunting voice cries out, "there is still much work to do..."

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When I decided to wait for people's responses before posting, undead teasing wasn't what I had in mind. The only useful thing I can get out of Gammas statement is that he said 'brother', suggesting at least one of the remaining spiked is male which doesn't narrow the options down at all.

I'm in a rush right now, so I'll edit this later with my vote (or better yet, there'll be a lot of discussion and I can just make a new one).

EDIT: Okay, so... I'm not casting a vote yet. Because this is the big one, and I'd rather not tie myself down for something yet. That said, we really, really need to discuss our suspects now.

Of everyone who's left playing, the only person we know is clean is Seran. Personally, I still have strong feelings towards what I said before; I think one of the I actives is spiked - or, as a worst case scenario, both are, in which case lynching each other is playing into their hands.

That said, I'm not sure which of the remaining I actives I suspect. Aether was spiked last game, so it might be obvious to target him; alternatively, because it's too obvious Cessie might have done it so that we'd discount him. Besides that though, he hasn't chimed with a list in a while, which leaves me suspicious as to whether it's because he's stopped playing, because he thinks his lists would be suspicious after last game, or some other reason.

But there's something kind of funny about Windy being the spiked. He's the crew fall guy, so I could imagine picking him as a spiked Coinshot to get some evil 'jokes on you' moment in the final write-up. He hasn't been all that active in the game, and we have Serans testimony for how inactive people respond to snapping; if Windy did get a coin shooting spike, team evil might have thought it'd be a good idea to get someone who didn't seem involved as their assassin, picking people off in the background.

Of the remaining active players, we know Seran is clean, so no problem there.

Alvron... is kind of the voting player I suspect the most, to be honest. Part of that is because I'm sure there's at least one spiked player hiding among the inactives, and in the last vote he was pretty loud in protesting against voting for them.

I'm also combining him and Wilson together, based on what he said; that her and him were part of the Magnificent Seven who opposed just going along with what Peng said. Again, I don't know if opposing Peng should be seen as a legitimate strategy, a bluff, a counter-bluff or what, but I would have expected at least one spiked to be on the other side of the debate. As is, we know that Two of the Seven were team Ironeyes. I don't know how likely it sounds that almost half if that group was spiked...

But then, that would leave me, since I wasn't in that team, and I did advocate following Peng. So, like I've said before when I've offered my neck for the rope- I can't exactly prove my innocence. But earlier, when we had more players to work off of, martyr would narrow the pool of suspicion. If we kill an innocent now, we're in trouble, so here's my 'defence'.

I've spent the last few days of this game trying to encourage debate amongst the players. It's why I've tried outlining my suspicions every time I made a guess, even if it was just a gut-feeling.

I was (I think?) the first player to change my vote and follow Shiv in killing Cessie. It didn't save Shimble, but it did mark the point when the players started targeting her. That was the turning point of this game, the moment we started clawing our way back, and if I was the Coinshot, as Wes suggested, then I basically cost the spiked the game.

And, in my opinion the big one; this is an important vote. Maybe the most important vote. So I'm not going to vote yet. You can say that's proof I'm spiked, that I want to deadlock it, or confuse things or hide who I want to kill or whatever. The reason I'm not voting is because this time? We have to get it right. I've given my reasons for suspecting people. Do I suspect some more than others? Of course. But I don't want to vote wildly, especially given how I messed up yesterday with the Seran vote.

TLDR; I'll vote closer to the deadline, once we get some debate and discussion going.

Edited by Quiver
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Just to be clear. I'm all for killing the inactives, just not at moment.  There is no point in killing them when the active spiked are still around picking us off one by one.  There were two spike kills last night cycle.  That means at least two active spiked. One was killed by Wes but that still leaves another.  As for which inactive I think might be spiked.  I think Windrunner is the most likely.  Aether hasn't logged in since the 18th of Feb making it unlikely for him to be spiked as he would be unable to send in his orders. (Unless they can send in the orders via the spiked docs)


As for why I'm not spiked.  I outed myself as a smoker a while ago.  At the same time I challenged the rioter to prove me wrong and change my vote.  As anyone could see, my vote was never altered.  There are three options that I can think of:

The rioter failed to change my vote due to my being a smoker

The rioter never tried to change my vote

The rioter changed my vote while the spiked soother changed it back

I leave it to you to decide which is most likely.


Now to whom I think is spiked.  We all know that Seran isn't.  Wilson might be.  I said during last day cycle that I suspected her because it would be logical to keep a spiked inside any group opposing Peng.  Had a fifty/fifty shot between Wilson and Aonar, called it wrong.  However it would still be useful to have a backup in the group just in case.  Quillion is the one I suspect the most, mostly because he repeatedly tries to deflect suspicion onto the inactives while leaving the active spiked unopposed in their blood frenzy.


I shall hold off my vote for as long as possible.  Most likely I will side with Seran unless he votes for me.  Should Seran not vote then I will probably vote for Quillion.

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Alvron, the shiny green up vote is from me, because even if you did accuse me, at least you're prompting something here with only a few hours to go.

Though speaking of, I have to go myself. I probably won't be back before the die is cast, so I'm locking in a vote for Windrunner. I suspect he is active in the Coinshot role, even if he isn't posting, and in that case, taking him down would be our best move. It cuts the spiked kills down to only one, but still leaves three of us to vote down the last spiked. Even if they get one of us tonight, we should be in a better position to uncover them tomorrow if we have to.

So, yes. There's my vote.

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Sorry I haven't participated at all today. Words of Radiance, you see. I barely found time to check the site much the last couple days. It's been crazy. And things are about to get crazier since we're about to meet with Team Sanderson to help with everything...

I agree that there's probably an inactive as well as an active Spiked left. However, I don't think the Spiked would've picked someone inactive in the forums, unless they can place orders in the Spiked doc. I've been keeping an eye on the activity, and Windy is often on, so even though he's inactive in the game, he could totally be keeping track of things enough to help them out. I've had my eye on him for a couple days as a pretty good possible convert, and with the way things are looking now, I'm becoming more and more convinced that he is. I'm not sure if he's the Coinshot, like Quiver seems to think, but there's a chance he could be.

Quiver himself could be Spiked, but he's not my leading suspect and I don't have time to look more into detail on his past posts. So I'm gonna vote Windy.

Hopefully the vote doesn't look like it's going to deadlock because I won't have time to change my vote. I'll be doing the livestream all night and not checking back on the game. Sorry about that, but hey--you'll be getting a livestream*! That totally makes everything else okay.

*Disclaimer: I have never done a livestream, so I don't know exactly how this will go. Should be fun!

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I've said it before and I will say it again. Killing the inactives gains us nothing so long as thier is at least one active spike among us. My vote shall be for Wilson as she only posted after a vote was placed despite being online before hand. It is entirely possible that she had a reason for it, but it still looks suspicious to me.

And yes I am fully aware that should Seran vote for Wilson it would create a deadlock which is in the spikes best interest.

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Night 11 (The Sky is Falling!)


Windrunner could just tell that it was finally his time the second he walked into the Inn. He had been dreading this day since he found Modeft strung up like a fish in the market. Even though he knew it was coming, he still cringed each time someone voted for him.


“I say Windrunner must be Spiked,” Quillion said.


“He was the first one on the scene,” Wilson commented.


“Well I think you’re just trying to get an innocent killed, Wilson! As such, you should be the one to die!”


Windrunner silently thanked Vron. He crossed his fingers. Maybe today wasn’t his day after all!


Seran stood to cast his vote. “You know, in the end I’ve got to go with…. Wait, you all hear that?”


Indeed they could. It was a high pitch whistling sound and it seemed to be getting closer. While the Crew had no reference, it sounded as if a huge bomb was being dropped from a great height and it was coming from directly above them. Every eye turned to the ceiling.


Suddenly, something huge crashed through the roof, showering the remnants of the Crew in debris. Unfortunately, the object crashed down directly on Windrunner’s head, cleanly knocking him out.


As the dust cleared, the Crew could finally see what the object in question was.


“A… book?” Said Wilson.


Vron picked up the huge tome and wiped it off. “Huh,” he said. “Words of Radiance. Never heard of it”


Seran burst forth from the wreckage, tackled Vron and grabbed the book.


“MINE!” He yelled as he dashed out of the Inn, without ever completing his vote.



I took some crazy liberties this time to commenorate WoR’s release, but hopefully you guys still enjoyed it!


Night 11 begins! 24 hours as usual, but I will definitely work with people if they get a hold of me ahead of time and their difficulties are WoR related!


Windrunner turned out to be a Thug!

Good Luck and Happy Reading Everyone!

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