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Why are Shardblades metallic?


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On Scadrial, the 'focus' or whatever for magic is metals. On Roshar, gems are magically significant instead.

(HOA Spoiler)


And solidified Investiture - Shards' solid bodies - takes the form of metals there: atium and lerasium.

Since Shardblades are Splinters in physical form, why do they take the form of metal rather than gems - something like Diablo II "Crystal Swords"? It just occurred to me that they aren't - Shallan's sketches look just like regular (if large and fancy) metal swords. I had been envisioning them as blades formed from a single crystal.

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I think it's because the Spren are imitating the Honorblades, which seem to be actual blades that are physically made of metal.  (We don't have a ton of information on them, but this seems to be the case, and certainly the apparent similarities to Nightblood would suggest it)

Shardblades, on the other hand, are cognitive realm native entities that are choosing to manifest in the physical realm in the appearance of metal blades, but I don't think they're actually metal, really.  Certainly, live shardblades are able to glow in ways that metal doesn't.  And I think the spren can transform into other materials other than metal: is the entire Shardblade, including the hilt, metal (or metal appearing)?  What about when Syl becomes a spear?

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The physical manifestations of Investiture, the 'bodies of Shards' so to speak, may take similar forms on all worlds. We've seen three different forms of physical Investiture: gaseous (stormlight, mists), liquid (shardpools), and solid (atium, lerasium, shardblades). It looks to me like the physical form of a Shard is always metallic.

Scadrial, with metal being the key to the magic systems, can utilize the god metals directly into those systems, regardless of the other properties of those metals. It might be similar to aluminum - in the rest of the cosmere, it's Investiture-resistant, but on Scadrial it can be used by Allomancers, Feruchemists, and Hemalurgists in addition to being allomantically inert. But the god metals don't exist because of the importance of metal on Scadrial; every Shard might be able to produce a god metal on their world, but only on Scadrial do they tie in so naturally to the magic of that world.

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The physical manifestations of Investiture, the 'bodies of Shards' so to speak, may take similar forms on all worlds. We've seen three different forms of physical Investiture: gaseous (stormlight, mists), liquid (shardpools), and solid (atium, lerasium, shardblades). It looks to me like the physical form of a Shard is always metallic.

We have reason to believe the Tears of Edgli may be physical manifestations of Endowment's power.




Interview: May, 2010


Is Edgli Endowment's real name?

Brandon Sanderson

RAFO, however the flowers are related to Endowment somehow... (<- Emphasis mine)



As @Argent mentioned I confirmed in my copy of Elantris Anniversary edition that Edgli is indeed Endowment's Vessel.



Interview: Aug 4th, 2014


What would happen if you made a cup of tea from the Flowers of Edgli?

Brandon Sanderson

You would have a very interesting cup of tea.



With that said, they may just be regular flowers that were invested due to their proximity to Edgli's Perpendicularity.
Edited by Iron Eyes
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2 hours ago, Argent said:

I believe @Retsam has the truth of it. 

@Iron Eyes, somebody - recently - confirmed that Edgli is Endowment's Vessel's name. I am about 98% sure of this.

It was me.:P

I had referenced that WoB because of the other part of Brandon's answer... I have clarified it in my post.

Edited by Iron Eyes
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Yeah, I agree that probably means Tears of Edgli are Endowment's "body"/physically manifested Investiture. As for the 'very interesting cup of tea', I'm thinking that ingesting them wouldn't likely do anything - they're special only when used in Awakening, just as (HOA spoilers)


atium has to be used in the Metallic Arts - a non-Allomancer eating atium wouldn't get any magical effect.


On 10/2/2016 at 11:53 PM, Retsam said:

I think it's because the Spren are imitating the Honorblades, which seem to be actual blades that are physically made of metal.  (We don't have a ton of information on them, but this seems to be the case, and certainly the apparent similarities to Nightblood would suggest it)

Shardblades, on the other hand, are cognitive realm native entities that are choosing to manifest in the physical realm in the appearance of metal blades, but I don't think they're actually metal, really.  Certainly, live shardblades are able to glow in ways that metal doesn't.  And I think the spren can transform into other materials other than metal: is the entire Shardblade, including the hilt, metal (or metal appearing)?  What about when Syl becomes a spear?

That makes sense. But if the Shardblades are just that way because of copying Honorblades, what would the 'natural' solid form of Shardic Investiture on Roshar be? Maybe gemhearts are 'Cultivation's body'?

Yeah, it seems live spren can become other things, but a dead Shardblade seems to be metallic in nature - there's a WOB about Steelpushing/Ironpulling on them that says they'd be hard to push on because they're Invested, but they're 'metal enough' for that.

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I'd weigh in favor of the solid-physical manifestation of a Shard being typically metallic, or prehaps 'defaulting' to that state if there is no reason for it/them to appear differently. In large part this is simply because the extreme similarity between Stormlight and Mist; both are described as white vapor with not-quite-natural behavior. The only real difference is that Stormlight glows, but that could simply be a consequence of the fact that Stormlight seems to be much more concentrated than Mist.

The same behavior is observed between Devotion's Pool and the Well of Ascension, the only two liquid-physical forms of a Shard we have signfigant observational information on. Both appear as pools of clear-unnatural liquid, with the much more dramatically powerful pool glowing.

Unless I am very much mistaken, we've never seen a sample of the Tears. We don't know anything about their physical properties or behavior, let alone their natural state, the method of collection, and so on. The only thing we know for sure is that they are a valuable dye and that they are somehow connected to Endowment. I don't feel like that's enough information to use in any sort of solid judgment.

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