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The Author of the Diagram


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So, most people seem to believe, as Taravangian does, that the Diagram is the result of his most genius of days (though a few mentions have been made of "something more supernatural" going on).

My theory is that the Diagram was written at his most empathetic, and that Cultivation is the true author (though it was written by Taravangian's hand).

My reasons:

  1. In WoR I-14, Taravangian comments that "genius and idiocy are so similar," that on his "most stupid days and [his] most incredible, [he] is unable to interact with those around him in a meaningful way." In fact, about the day of the diagram: "Then, too, he'd spent the day staring at the wall." (Emphasis added, presumably drawing a parallel to his behaviour on his supposedly most stupid days). Perhaps he feels that, at the extremes, the only way to tell the two apart is the result?
  2. Taravangian treats the Diagram with "reverence", as if it is "holy".
  3. The author of the Diagram repeatedly refers to someone (presumed to be Taravangian) in the second person (presumed to be his most brilliant self talking to his future, less intelligent self).  The only quoted time, in fact, that the author uses the first person is in reference to "the wanderer," whom many people posit is Hoid, whom Taravangian seems to have no reason to know of.
  4. The entire Diagram is prophetic, to a high degree of detail on a massive scale.
  5. The Diagram is in a hitherto unknown language that is more expressive in ways required to discuss some of the advanced concepts it covers.
  6. [Intuitive leap, based on other speculation and thematics] Taravangian at his most intelligent is introspective, so rejects external influence in favour of his own knowledge and reasoning.  At his most compassionate/empathetic he is most susceptible to external influence, having no conscious thought to get in the way.


  1. Cultivation is known to be one of the Shards with greatest foresight.
  2. The vessel of Cultivation existed in an advanced civilisation prior to humanity existing on Roshar.
  3. The Nightwatcher:
    1. ...seems to be, or be connected to, Cultivation, with Wyndle (Cultivationspren, according to WoB) appearing to call it "Mother" in WoR I-9.
    2. ...granted Taravangian the "capacity to save the world".

Therefore, the author of the diagram is Cultivation, while Taravangian was at his most dull, and so most susceptible to Her.  This aligns Taravangian's interpretation of the intent (Intent?) of Diagram, being to tear civilisation almost to the ground in order to build it stronger, with a ubiquitous gardening technique that would come totally naturally to Cultivation: pruning back plants, in some cases to the ground, helps them grow fast and stronger.

This actually aligns with a previous theory, in which it is by Taranvangian's empathy that the world will be saved, and also with the last comment on that theory, which is that Taravangian's (Cultivation's?) approach to saving the world is a valid-but-conflicting alternative to that of the known KRs (particularly Kaladin, guided by Honor):

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This.. is rather well thought out. I like this.
It is written to him, given the use of "you." I have previously pointed out the word "Investiture" (Floorboard 27) as a sign of outside knowledge. There are just 2 phrases that I wish to offer an opinion on.


But who is the wanderer, the wild piece, the one who makes no sense? I glimpse at his implications, and the world opens to me. I shy back. Impossible. Is it?   —West Wall Psalm of Wonders Paragraph 8

Assuming the wanderer is Hoid, this could support your theory. Hoid knew the Original 16, so this could be Cultivation "typing while daydreaming" as it were. She is following the strings of connections to pick what to have Mr. T write, stumbles upon Hoid, and expresses legitimate surprise that he still exists. Note: this means that Cultivation wasn't aware Hoid was on Roshar before, but is now. Depending on how they got along, this could go anywhere.


Chaos in Alethkar is, of course, inevitable. Watch carefully, and do not let power in the kingdom solidify. The Blackthorn could become an ally or our greatest foe, depending on whether he takes the path of the warlord or not. If he seems likely to sue for peace, assassinate him expeditiously. The risk of competition is too great.   —Writings upon the Bedstand Lamp Paragraph 4

Assassinate him expeditiously. I have struggled with this line for a while. On one hand, this doesn't seem to fit with how I imagine Cultivation. On the other, Brandon has said that Ruin would be most compatible with Cultivation, so I can see her breaking something to build something else better (like compost).

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 I would still really consider that this Diagram even if it's of Cultivation it may still be influenced by Odium since when the first time Kaladin and Szeth met it was titled "The one who hates"(which most likely means Odium also with Syl commenting about "Him" watching or influencing that event) and remember that was under the orders of Taravingan which he followed from the Diagram.

Though this would make sense the Diagram was of Cultivation and this is how she approaches fighting Odium.(the things that the diagram makes people do seems like sacrifice ALOT today for the greater good stuff) It may be possible that the Diagram didn't exist before and Cultivation was helping Honor in other means to fight Odium and she just gave way of Honor's way to fight Odium through the KR/Heralds/Desolation. Now that Honor is dead Cultivation could be taking initiative and now fighting Odium in her own way


Note: this means that Cultivation wasn't aware Hoid was on Roshar before, but is now. Depending on how they got along, this could go anywhere.

According to Hoid "they never did get along" so that's there relationship but i suspect they aren't enemies.


. On the other, Brandon has said that Ruin would be most compatible with Cultivation, so I can see her breaking something to build something else better (like compost).

Yeah i believe it makes sense too since Cultivation is like double negative version of Ruin(since She makes stuff better ) while Preservation was just like the middle ground between Ruin and Cultivation. I think if Cultivation had another name it would be progression. 

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13 minutes ago, goody153 said:

I would still really consider that this Diagram even if it's of Cultivation it may still be influenced by Odium since when the first time Kaladin and Szeth met it was titled "The one who hates"(which most likely means Odium also with Syl commenting about "Him" watching or influencing that event) and remember that was under the orders of Taravingan which he followed from the Diagram.

This fits with the premise of the theory, that being the Taravangian was basically incredibly open to influence at that point.  In this we see hints of a Mistborn spoiler


Preservation's prophecy that he knew would be tainted by Ruin, but ultimately lead to salvation.


17 minutes ago, goody153 said:

... Cultivation was helping Honor in other means to fight Odium and she just gave way of Honor's way to fight Odium through the KR/Heralds/Desolation.

Desolations feel like the pruning metaphor again to me... Trapping Odium by letting him attack repeatedly, knowing that the repeated attacks would prune Roshar and encourage stronger future growth.  This then actually aligns with the Almighty's words to Dalinar at the end of WoK, saying, "He realised that, left alone, you would weaken yourselves," (paraphrased) or, in Cultivation's view, civilisation would grow too prolifically and start to strangle itself.


37 minutes ago, The One Who Connects said:

Assassinate him expeditiously. I have struggled with this line for a while. On one hand, this doesn't seem to fit with how I imagine Cultivation. On the other, Brandon has said that Ruin would be most compatible with Cultivation, so I can see her breaking something to build something else better (like compost).

Your latter point, though I prefer my "pruning back" metaphor :P

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1 hour ago, Argel said:

The Diagram only predicted there would be proto-KRs and what to look for. Taravangian connected the dots to the bridgmen because of reports he read about the happenings on the shattered plains.

Ah, I guess my memory of that is just really bad.  I don't have WoR on me, so I couldn't check it.

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I'm not sure about this, though.  At one point, doesn't Wyndle basically say that Cultivation has given up on humanity and doesn't care anymore?  Coming up with a plan to save everyone doesn't seem like giving up.  I suppose he might be wrong, but it doesn't seem like he'd be wrong in this when he seems to remember a lot more about the way things are than Syl and Pattern do.

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35 minutes ago, galendo said:

I'm not sure about this, though.  At one point, doesn't Wyndle basically say that Cultivation has given up on humanity and doesn't care anymore?  Coming up with a plan to save everyone doesn't seem like giving up.  I suppose he might be wrong, but it doesn't seem like he'd be wrong in this when he seems to remember a lot more about the way things are than Syl and Pattern do.

I don't remember Wyndle ever saying this.I don't even remember the spren specifically mentioning Cultivation(just mother but Wyndle could be referring to Nightwatcher like how Syl refers Stormfather as her own father) like Syl does with Honor alot.

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3 hours ago, goody153 said:
4 hours ago, galendo said:

I'm not sure about this, though.  At one point, doesn't Wyndle basically say that Cultivation has given up on humanity and doesn't care anymore?  Coming up with a plan to save everyone doesn't seem like giving up.  I suppose he might be wrong, but it doesn't seem like he'd be wrong in this when he seems to remember a lot more about the way things are than Syl and Pattern do.

I don't remember Wyndle ever saying this.I don't even remember the spren specifically mentioning Cultivation(just mother but Wyndle could be referring to Nightwatcher like how Syl refers Stormfather as her own father) like Syl does with Honor alot.

That's a good counterpoint. Though yes, it is unclear who Wyndle means by "Mother", would the spren of a living shard act so differently to that shard? I wouldn't have thought so.

On the other hand, would a Shard whose Intent is to encourage things to flourish allow its Vessel to give up on something that is struggling to do so? Also probably not.

If the Nightwatcher is what is perceived of their God in places that worship Cultivation, as Stormfather claims to be for the Almighty, then if people believed their God had forsaken them would the Nightwatcher not do so, independently of Cultivation? But it may still be obedient to Cultivation, like the Stormfather dispensing visions for Honor, and so have provided what She wanted to someone (many people) with appropriate requests.

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On ‎9‎/‎9‎/‎2016 at 9:17 AM, goody153 said:

 I would still really consider that this Diagram even if it's of Cultivation it may still be influenced by Odium since when the first time Kaladin and Szeth met it was titled "The one who hates"(which most likely means Odium also with Syl commenting about "Him" watching or influencing that event) and remember that was under the orders of Taravingan which he followed from the Diagram.

Though this would make sense the Diagram was of Cultivation and this is how she approaches fighting Odium.(the things that the diagram makes people do seems like sacrifice ALOT today for the greater good stuff) It may be possible that the Diagram didn't exist before and Cultivation was helping Honor in other means to fight Odium and she just gave way of Honor's way to fight Odium through the KR/Heralds/Desolation. Now that Honor is dead Cultivation could be taking initiative and now fighting Odium in her own way

According to Hoid "they never did get along" so that's there relationship but i suspect they aren't enemies.

Yeah i believe it makes sense too since Cultivation is like double negative version of Ruin(since She makes stuff better ) while Preservation was just like the middle ground between Ruin and Cultivation. I think if Cultivation had another name it would be progression. 

Humm... well progression is one of the surges but it doesn't seem to fit quite right as a shard's Intent. As far as we have seen, a shard's Intent is generally broader intent. I think this would rather be the Intent of a splinter of Cultivation.

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On ‎11‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 7:50 AM, Krandacth said:

But [the Nightwatcher] may still be obedient to Cultivation, like the Stormfather dispensing visions for Honor, and so have provided what She wanted [the capacity to channel Her foresight] to someone (many people) with appropriate requests.

On a re-read, I noticed that in WoR chapter 63 we see a woman in the asylum portion of Dalinar's temple complex writting on the wall of her cell. Pattern (definitely a spren more of Cultivation than of Honor) finds what she is writing unusually interesting:


"Patterns..." he said as they walked. "I did not get a good look at what she was writing, but it seemed very interesting. I think I shall go and-"

Might this have been another Diagram?

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14 hours ago, Krandacth said:

On a re-read, I noticed that in WoR chapter 63 we see a woman in the asylum portion of Dalinar's temple complex writting on the wall of her cell. Pattern (definitely a spren more of Cultivation than of Honor) finds what she is writing unusually interesting:

Might this have been another Diagram?

Interesting... I just took her for a 'normal' loony. It could be a red herring, but considering that Pattern is highly observant with patterns, and isn't interested as much by basic ones, this could have some merit.

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1 hour ago, Djarskublar said:

I just took her for a 'normal' loony. It could be a red herring,

Being a "normal loony" wouldn't stop her from writing significant information, considering other people that are losing their grasp of reality (i.e. dieing people) also say imporant stuff. And and I doubt it's a red herring, Brandon doesn't usually imply there's something important somewhere and then let it not be important...

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2 hours ago, Argel said:

If true, I wonder if one of the Unmade is responsible for Diagrams like Moelach(sp?) is for death rattles. 

I drew more of a parallel with multiple people receiving Honor's visions from the Stormfather, presumably as insurance. But yes, I guess this is possible. Odium/his lackeys massively out-thought Cultivation/the Nightwatcher if this is the case, though.

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1 hour ago, Krandacth said:

I drew more of a parallel with multiple people receiving Honor's visions from the Stormfather, presumably as insurance. But yes, I guess this is possible. Odium/his lackeys massively out-thought Cultivation/the Nightwatcher if this is the case, though.

I had the impression that a new people for Honor's vision was chosen if previous one dies

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6 hours ago, Krandacth said:

Odium/his lackeys massively out-thought Cultivation/the Nightwatcher if this is the case, though

Well, it is Odium we are talking about, so entirely plausible. There's nothing in the boon/bane that we know of that suggests the capacity to save humankind would come in the form of The Diagram.  It also seems a bit odd in that he's not guaranteed to have a ridiculously highly intelligent day or a particularly stupid day.  

If that was the plan, then I could buy into the theory The Diagram was created on one of his dumbest days since we would be easier to manipulate and the threshold there is probably lower and thus more likely to occur. It's also possible the ability to manipulate him was added as part of the boon/bane, in which case it wouldn't matter.

Do we know when the capacity tests were devised? I think it was after The Diagram, but I didn't catch anything in a quick skim through the Interlude.

5 hours ago, Yata said:

I had the impression that a new people for Honor's vision was chosen if previous one dies

Isn't there a death rattle that suggests someone else was receiving the visions? Though now that I think about it, you could still be right. That may even make sense -- the old Dalinar was probably not vision/bondsmith material, so after Gavilar dies, the visions may have gone to someone else, and after that person (or persons) dies, went to Dalinar.

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15 minutes ago, Argel said:

Isn't there a death rattle that suggests someone else was receiving the visions? Though now that I think about it, you could still be right. That may even make sense -- the old Dalinar was probably not vision/bondsmith material, so after Gavilar dies, the visions may have gone to someone else, and after that person (or persons) dies, went to Dalinar.

No ok, I checked and I was wrong.

1167: Gavilar (host of the Visions) dies

1172: Kal is made slave and in a less of a year reaches the Plains....where Dalinar was already reciving the Visions

1173: The potter (suggested host of the Visions) dies and the note say that he recive visions from 2 years

There is at least a year where Dalinar and the Potter both recived Visions in the Highstorms (or course if the Potter's ones were of the same source of Dalinar's ones)

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59 minutes ago, Argel said:

Do we know when the capacity tests were devised? I think it was after The Diagram, but I didn't catch anything in a quick skim through the Interlude.

I believe Taravangian mentioned (inner thoughts) about devising them on "one of his better days". Most likely after the Diagram, but nothing directly stating either way

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It's always bothered me that the Diagram was simply written "on a day of brilliance". You don't see the future just by being smart enough. If Tarvangian's situation is as simple as is described, something else was definitely at play with the Diagram.

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7 minutes ago, jofwu said:

It's always bothered me that the Diagram was simply written "on a day of brilliance". You don't see the future just by being smart enough. If Tarvangian's situation is as simple as is described, something else was definitely at play with the Diagram.

You see the film "limitless" imagine something like that but to an highter degree.

Some misure of future sight for the next years is possible with you and your man that try to correct where it needs

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3 hours ago, jofwu said:

It's always bothered me that the Diagram was simply written "on a day of brilliance". You don't see the future just by being smart enough. If Tarvangian's situation is as simple as is described, something else was definitely at play with the Diagram.

I've made the Chess analogy in one of these threads recently. Become intelligent enough and given enough information it should be possible to predict ahead X number of moves out. We are already seeing deviations in The Diagram that suggest we are starting to run into how far out Taravangian could predict.

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On my first listen through after many reads:

I think Brandon may have left an Easter egg in support of my theory.  In Taravangian's interlude, where his inner monologue explains about how more missed guesses occur the further they get from his "day of brilliance", he talks about patching and altering the diagram.

The exact phrase used is


But the farther they went from that day and the knowledge he'd [supposedly] had then, the more the Diagram needed tending and Cultivation to stay on course.

(emphasis and capitalisation added). There are definitely other phrases he could have used with the exact same meaning, even some that would have been more in character for Taravangian (by all accounts not a man familiar with agriculture, or the day-to-day of gardening).

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6 hours ago, Krandacth said:

even some that would have been more in character for Taravangian (by all accounts not a man familiar with agriculture, or the day-to-day of gardening)

He knows the Shin well enough to fluently speak their language, and farming is one of the highest ranking roles in Shin society (warriors being the lowest). There's no way he knows that much about the Shin without picking up some of that knowledge.

It could still be a hint, but I do not understand why everyone thinks Taravangian is a simplton. That's the act he puts on for the rest of Roshar, but we know from the books and know he has a scholarly streak. It's not an accident his kingdom has the best medical system, the best library, etc.

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