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Villains of the Cosmere


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Does anyone know if there is a list of known or possible villains of the Cosmere? I looked to see if there was a list like this at all and didn’t find anything so I decided to ask here and make my own. I will most definitely miss some, so go ahead and help me out here with this list and I’ll edit it as more are brought to my memory/knowledge.

Also, as a preface, I know some of these characters may be argued to NOT be villains, or some have not been proven to yet be completely villainous per se, while others may have even been shown to not be villains like we assumed originally, but I’m going to make the list more INCLUSIVE, rather than EXCLUSIVE. I’ll add an asterisk for those that have DEFINITELY been found to not be a villain.

Obviously there are some SPOILERS here. So if you haven’t read the book/series yet, don’t read that section.


********SPOILERThis post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules******



·       Ahan

·       Dakhor Monks

o   Dilaf

·       Hrathen

·       Telrii

·       Wyrn



·       The Lord Ruler- FE

·       Marsh- HoA

·       Ruin: MB

·       Straff Venture- WoA

·       Zane- WoA

·       Bloody Tan- AoL

·       The Set- Wax and Wayne Series

o   Edwarn Ladrian/ “Suit”

o   Telsin Ladrian/ “Lady Sequence”

o   Miles “Hundred Lives” Dagouter

·       Trell- MB: Wax and Wayne Series

o   Red-eyed Faceless Immortals (Kandra) of Trell

·       Paalm/ “Bleeder”- Wax and Wayne Series



·       Bluefingers

·       Denth

·       Susebron IV*

·       Vasher*



·       Autonomy/ Bavadin - Has not been confirmed.

·       The Diagram

o   Taravangian

o   Graves

·       The Ghostbloods

o   Tyn- WoR

o   Iyatil- WoR

o   Mraize- WoR

o   Kabsal- WoK

·       Moelach- WoR

·       Nergaoul- WoR

·       Nale/Nalan

·       Odium / Rayse

·       Sadeas

·       The Sons of Honor

o   Amaram

·       Szeth/ The Assassin in White

·       Voidbringers


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31 minutes ago, Eccentric Hero said:

This is a good list. Since this is inclusive, it would make sense to add Gaz onto the list.

I am debating whether Stick would be considered a villain.

Short answer: No.  

Long answer: Stick is a plot device meant to show that Shallan sucks at Soulcasting.  Not a villain in the slightest.

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3 minutes ago, Landis963 said:

Short answer: No.  

Long answer: Stick is a plot device meant to show that Shallan sucks at Soulcasting.  Not a villain in the slightest.

I think that answer is not long enough. :P

Longer answer: Stick is not a villain. It is not a hero. It is not a fire. It is a stick, nothing more, nothing less. Stick teaches us to accept ourselves who we are. Stick is stick and that's amazing in it's own way. Because, although Stick teaches us to accept ourselves for who we are, we more than ever want to be Stick. And, that my friends, is the Stick Paradox.


Anyways, you didn't address whether Gaz should be considered a villain. And what about the woman who took over?

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4 hours ago, Eccentric Hero said:

Anyways, you didn't address whether Gaz should be considered a villain. And what about the woman who took over?

I think Gaz is definitely villainous enough to make the list.

5 hours ago, Landis963 said:

Short answer: No.  

Long answer: Stick is a plot device meant to show that Shallan sucks at Soulcasting.  Not a villain in the slightest.

Stick left Shallan to die! He's definitely a villain! :P

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If you want a truly exhaustive list, your Stormlight list should be very long indeed.


What about people like Danlan who was obviously spying on the Kholins?

And Jakamav, Hashal, Lamaril, Tvlakv, many of Szeth's masters (go find their names), Relis, Elit, That guy that was going to murder the whore, Jasnah's assassins, Ialai, perhaps Liss? Oh, and Roshone should be on the list (really, a lot of what I have listed are very minor characters, but Roshone is a real villain in tWOK). Maybe add that driver who tried to cheat Shallan in tWOK at the beginning but Yalb saved her. Also the book merchants, etc.

Add Lin to the list. And Helaran (Kaladin's POV).

Add Stormfather also, for attempting to wipe out the army.

Also add the Nightwatcher, who is seen as a villain by a lot of Rosharans.





Edited by Xaladin
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  • 3 years later...
On 9/8/2016 at 5:04 AM, Eccentric Hero said:

Because, although Stick teaches us to accept ourselves for who we are, we more than ever want to be Stick. And, that my friends, is the Stick Paradox.

That is actually an interesting paradox. If someone would be at peace, accepting themselves for what they were, then no matter how much they ask people to accept themselves, the people would want to be that person, and not themselves..

Stick is a philosopher.

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30 minutes ago, sylbladio said:

That is actually an interesting paradox. If someone would be at peace, accepting themselves for what they were, then no matter how much they ask people to accept themselves, the people would want to be that person, and not themselves..

Stick is a philosopher.

(Psst, we don’t usually necro threads from four years ago. :P

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10 hours ago, The Last Post said:


They probably copy-pasted it from Google Docs or something. (If you want to keep talking, let’s go elsewhere.) 

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It's really open-minded of Brandon to showcase religious antagonists and the effects of fundamentalism.

Though there are rather a lot of Cosmere antagonists that fall into this category, huh...

But we've had that trope subverted too, so I'm not complaining


You should visit the Coppermind pages of the Stormlight organizations, they have a list of all members there, @jtburrup

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