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New face, new writer.

Kyrt Malthorn

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Good day, Sanderson fans.  Yes, I'm new here.

I don't mean to stereotype, but if you're here on this very forum, I suspect have a good deal in common with me.  For instance, reading.  Fantasy and/or science fiction in general, Sanderson's style in particular.  That's why we're here, no?  I imagine a good number of you with just such an interest in the written word are also keen on crafting stories, yourselves.  There, now we have something in common.  We want to be writers.

Well, despite my passion for writing, I don't have a lot to show for it.  I have about fifty Chapter 1's laying around and a handful of Chapter 2s.  My mother advised I keep reading, and when I'm not stuck in a BAD book that's easy.  I have this thing about finishing the book I started, see.  I was stuck for a while in this one drab science fiction I literally had to give away to get unstuck from that being 'the book I'm reading'.  Shame on me for gifting inferior literature.  But I was free of that, and what was I going to read next?

I picked up Warbreaker.

I've read first three Mistborn novels, and the Reckoners trillogy.  My brother was reading Way of Kings and, based on his reaction, I'm thanking myself for staying away from it for now - I hate waiting for the rest of the series to come out.  I knew I enjoyed Sanderson, but I'd been deprived of good writing for a while.

Shortly into Warbreaker I was just about tearing my hair out; 'why can't I write like this!?', I begged myself.  In a mere dozen pages it seemed like, I knew of two vastly differing cultures at odds with each other, had glimpsed a fabulously unique magic system, and been endeared by the poor princess being carted to an unexpected situation.  There would be culture shock, the internal struggles of the princess, the politicking of states, and potential for some enormously intriguing action.  This was good writing, sucking me into the universe as surely as a spaceship hull breach.

On a spur of the moment, I looked up Sanderson's website and was pleased to find he'd written quite extensive posts of his own writing process.  I was shocked at some of the similarities to myself I found.  For one, being a linear writer - I'd always considered that a hindrance, because everyone else seemed so free to jump around and write whatever scene they felt most strongly about at the time.  Me, I was stuck ponderously imagining the climactic endings while slogging through the opening moments.  But being a linear writer was just such a casual mention as Sanderson described his process, it was clear it was a non-issue.  Not even something one had to work around; just the way the process works for him.  The way it works for me.

The similarities made me sit up and pay very close attention to the dissimilarities.  Yes, I read the disclaimer about everyone's writing process being personal, but I was dead stuck, willing to try anything.  Several things he mentions in his process were either new to me or reminders of things I sortof knew, but hadn't fully articulated.  I was able to turn new eyes on my own story ideas, pick one, and reshape it into something that got me excited about writing again.  Goodness, it has been so long since I was excited about writing!

So, as I said, I expect some of you are writers.  I find myself stepping into this community hoping to glimpse great ideas and find out where others like me, likewise inspired by Sanderson and other great authors, commune for ideas and sharing tips and such.

Maybe I'm not quite the typical fan?  Or maybe I'm VERY typical, I have no idea.

Maybe I'd be better off on a forum more oriented to writers in general rather than a Sanderson fan forum?  Perhaps, but they all have their own tone and I don't know which would be good for me.  Sanderson's style I know and love, and here I'm sure to find others who enjoy it.

Maybe I talk to much?  Most definitely; I shall have to work on that, because I refuse to use any sort of "TL;DR" conventions (and detest acronyms).



All that said, my final word is: Greetings, fellow admirers of Brandon Sanderson!


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Welcome! From the extensiveness of your Introduction, I could definitely see you as a writer. I would recommend reading Elantris next, if you haven't yet, (It was Sanderson's debut novel). Until you've read most of the books, I would advise staying away from the theories area of the website, because of all the spoilers. Also, don't accept the cookies, whatever they say. Don't eat the cookies!! :ph34r:

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48 minutes ago, Renoux said:

Welcome! From the extensiveness of your Introduction, I could definitely see you as a writer. I would recommend reading Elantris next, if you haven't yet, (It was Sanderson's debut novel). Until you've read most of the books, I would advise staying away from the theories area of the website, because of all the spoilers. Also, don't accept the cookies, whatever they say. Don't eat the cookies!! :ph34r:

Elantris was also the first I'd read - forgot about that one, it's been a while.  ^^;

And I can resist the temptation... until I catch wind of peanut butter cookies.  

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Hello! We have a forum for creative people, it's Creator's Corner. If you want to share or discuss over some loose ideas, I recommend "Creation Daily" thread.

Also, stay away from theories' threads until you're up to speed with Cosmere :)

Can I interest you in a peanut butter welcome cookie? :ph34r:

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1 hour ago, Elenion said:

@Kyrt Malthorn Most of the people on here are one of more of avid readers, fantasy writers, and fantasy role-players. I'm in the third category and a bit in the first so I don't follow the writing side of the forums much, but it sounds like you'd appreciate Creator's Corner.

I actually started out as a forum roleplayer!  After a handful of very influential experiences at it, I drifted away from the practice when too many RP forums died, and the ones I found after that burned me with either too many rules, or too many dull players.  These days I have so little time on my hands I'd rather not divide my creative attention and have to choose between a RP post someone's waiting on, and my own writing.  

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Hey, Kyrt! Welcome to the forums!

I'd consider myself something of a writer, but I have very little actual experience. I've started a few books, but it's hard to make them not fall into the generic Campbellian hero cycle or become redundant derivatives of books I personally like. I'm probably closer to the 1st and 3rd groups discussed above by Elenion, but that disclaimer aside I'd be perfectly willing to offer critique or help edit some of your work if you need it :) 

Also, if you happen to have some spare time, I'd highly recommend Sanderson Elimination, a mafia style RP that can be found at the bottom of the main forums page. There's currently an LG (the longest style of game) hosting signups that is based in Nalthis, the host world of Warbreaker. It'll be a couple weeks before the next spoiler-free game will crop up (possibly longer, dependent on the world in which the one-after-next is set), so if you'd like to try it out, I'd recommend joining now! 

Oh yeah, and to reiterate what was stated above, DO NOT take the cookies. They have dangerously high levels of iron... :P 

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7 hours ago, Bugsy6912 said:

Oh yeah, and to reiterate what was stated above, DO NOT take the cookies. They have dangerously high levels of iron... :P 

Ahhh...  now it makes sense.  I shall have to subject my sweets to a strong electromagnet before consumption.  Safe if they aren't magnetically attracted?  ^.^

Critique, hmm?  I don't have many beta readers at present.  Perhaps we should discuss further?  

Edited by Kyrt Malthorn
Absurd spacing, I blame this phone.
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17 hours ago, Kyrt Malthorn said:

Ahhh...  now it makes sense.  I shall have to subject my sweets to a strong electromagnet before consumption.  Safe if they aren't magnetically attracted?  ^.^

The cookies I offered you are not magnetically attracted :ph34r:

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