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A Crazy Theory on Kandra


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This is an interesting thought I had. It probably won't turn out to be true but hey. It's possible so far as I know.

So basically, we know there are two kinds of Amian on Roshar. Hoid lets us know that one of them is the "Dysian Amian" which apparently is sort of pieced together.

We've also seen an Amian in one of the interludes of WoR. I would guess this is a Dysian Amian if my theory is true. This one did not seem much like a kandra.

This theory is... Simply put... What if the second kind of amian is actually just kandra? I think somewhere else it has already been established that kandra might have at one point been able to worldhop... They share certain similarities with the Amian description, like being able to shape their flesh.

Edited by Drake Marshall
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Hm, I'm not sure the timeline works out on that one. The chronology of the Cosmere on the Coppermind puts SA around the time of Alloy of Law, which is approximately 1300 years after the Lord Ruler's Ascension. Given that TLR created the Kandra, and controlled them (or at least their population) for the first 1000 years of their existence, I would call it a stretch to say that Kandra migrated to Roshar and set themselves up as a new race, supposedly related to the other Aimans, within ~300 years of WoK. 

In case that didn't make sense, the important thing to remember is that the Kandra were created by TLR at the time of his Ascension by transforming his former Terris friends. They can't be related to the Aimans, especially if we assume the Aimans existed on Roshar before TLR's Ascension. 

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That one is a Siah? Huh. I guess it could be said then that Dysian Amians are kandra, but I'm not sure if hoid's description is an obvious match.

Anyway Irkutsk I know it's a long shot for several reasons. But chronologically, we don't really know that both type of amians have been around before TLR's ascension...

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10 hours ago, CaptainRyan said:

Also, without Mistwraiths and spikes, how would the Aimians, if they are kandra, reproduce?

Well, when a daddy Kandra and a mommy Kandra loved themself a lot....after some time they may produce a new Mistwrath, of course they need a couple of Spikes to turn the new born into a Kandra (it's the same problem the Kandra have to Scadrial, they may reproduce. But they are uncapable of made new Spike without killing someone).

A more liberal kandra may go to Roshar an far from Harmony supervision began to made Offspring.

But the Timeline is wrong, the Kandra would be too new to Roshar, to be considerate a stable spiece and not some kind of newformed monster. Much more the Kandra are master of disguise and stealth, who did the people discovered them as not human?

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7 hours ago, Yata said:

Well, when a daddy Kandra and a mommy Kandra loved themself a lot....after some time they may produce a new Mistwrath

Whoa! Kandra produce new Mistwraiths? I always thought it was Mistwraiths that produced new Mistwraiths. Mind = exploded.

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35 minutes ago, CaptainRyan said:

Whoa! Kandra produce new Mistwraiths? I always thought it was Mistwraiths that produced new Mistwraiths. Mind = exploded.

Yes the Kandra are actually Mind-Improved Mistwraths, thay may reproduce but they gave birth to a Mistwrath. Those new Mistwrath needs Hemalurgy to gain a fully developed Kandra's Mind

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43 minutes ago, Yata said:

Yes the Kandra are actually Mind-Improved Mistwraths, thay may reproduce but they gave birth to a Mistwrath. Those new Mistwrath needs Hemalurgy to gain a fully developed Kandra's Mind

Oh I know that Kandra come from Mistwraiths but I never realized that Kandra could produce Mistwraiths. Neato. Thanks for the info.

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On 8/1/2016 at 3:26 PM, CaptainRyan said:

Also, without Mistwraiths and spikes, how would the Aimians, if they are kandra, reproduce?

Maybe from some type of symbiotic bond with spren allowing sexual or asexual reproduction

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4 hours ago, Stormgate said:

Weird side theory:

Could one create more kandra by giving Mistwraiths infused gemstones with spren in them?

mmm Maybe... I think if you may manage to make the Mistwrath bonds with the Spren, He may develop sentence, I don't know if this new creatures may be called Kandra but to stay simply I think it's similar enough.

The problem is that instead of Intrusive Hemalurgy who force Spirit-Web in the reciver without the need of actions/will from the reciver... The test with the Spren need more to work. Also the Listeners who are designed to do something like that. Need preparation, will and other factors.

I imagine for the Mistwrath to be worse...Maybe an actual Kandra may do this (expliot the Sentience and the Hemalurgy weakness for the Spren-Bond) and then remove his own Blessings .

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On 6/08/2016 at 2:08 PM, Stormgate said:

Weird side theory:

Could one create more kandra by giving Mistwraiths infused gemstones with spren in them?

Depends if you're of the "Hemalurgy always uses metal spikes" camp, or the "Hemalurgy uses a local focus or catalyst as a spike" camp. ;)

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Local focuses are a tricky business.

I mean, would an allomancer on Roshar need to burn gemestones as well?

I kind of think not. You see, the magic system allomancy is not really only a product of preservation. It is a product of the interactions between the shard of preservation and the planet scadrial, as I understand it. This would mean that the planet the magic is from still matters if you are on a different planet. So probably either the magic wouldn't work on a different planet, or (more likely, given what we know of worldhoppers like hoid) the magic would simply keep it's native focus.

I know vasher can live off of stormlight, but I bet he still needs biochromatic breath to perform awakening. Investiture is investiture, and I suppose it doesn't matter what kind if you are just going to consume it. But to perform actual magic I imagine the focus remains that of the source planet.

Edited by Drake Marshall
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  • 2 weeks later...

Didn't MeLaan say in SoS that the Kandra population is locked at about 300 after the Catacendre and that they can't make any more? That's why they didn't want to kill Bleeder. It's weird, cause Harmony reformed the Koloss to be able to reproduce naturally but he didn't seem to extend the same courtesy to Kandra. What's up with that? *sigh* Always another secret... I'm gonna be so relieved/empty inside when the Cosmere series gets wrapped up in a few decades. At least still still have a ton of content to look forward to.

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4 hours ago, Djarskublar said:

@zeppomarks I seem to be replying to all your posts... It's not that they can't make more kandra, just that they don't want to kill people to do it. Simple as that.

lol, it's all good. The better I understand all this stuff, the happier I'll be. I love these novels and it's why I joined the site. Well, that and I had to get all these absurd theories out and my cousin is way too far behind to talk to yet. lol

That makes sense. Although, weren't all mistwraiths created when TLR changed the Terris Worldbringers into them? They can't make more mistwraiths, can they? Also, where did all the spikes from the several hundred Kandra that didn't survive the Catacenre go? This is giving me some wacky ideas, but I'll need to do some research and get some sleep before I'll feel comfortable spouting more nonsense. lol Either way, I'm still kind of curious why the Koloss got to reproduce naturally and the Kandra didn't. I wonder if that'll end up being a point of contention between Harm and the Kandra in later books. They're obviously bummed by their dwindling numbers. Oh wait... The Kandra were Feruchemists, which means they might still have the sDNA for full Feruchemy, right? Maybe that's why they're stuck where they are. Maybe Harm doesn't want anymore TLRs showing up now that allomancy and feruchemy are freely mingling. It would make sense.

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@zeppomarks, koloss children are only koloss-blooded; they still need spikes to become full-fledged koloss, and IIRC, they only get those upon maturity; they might have a lot more of spikes going around than kandra do, thanks to having larger numbers from the outset. I don't recall if kandra can breed or not, but if they can, it's likely they need spikes to make their kids into "full" kandra rather than mistwraiths, just as koloss don't birth "true" koloss.

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I think BoM talks about the memory holes and their source yes.

Anyway, unless Harmony actually designs a spikeless kandra species, I imagine the kandra population will be fixed at about 300. Still, it won't likely dip below 300 unless they lost the spikes for their dead a lot.

I think spikeless kandra would be pretty difficult to make though which is probably why harmony didn't make them. I mean... Their very beings are based on magic. Their consciousness is founded on hemalurgy. It would be hard to redesign them to work off of no magic or with something other than hemalurgy I imagine.

Edited by Drake Marshall
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