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If an Elantrian had Nightblood

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Seems to me like it drains innate investiture- like Allomancers Elantrians just have an access to outside sources. Awakeners have the power already in them.

I think the Elantrian would need an aon that continually draws forth power to feed Nightblood. Maybe have to continually draw Aons to make it work.

Same with an Allomancer- they'd need to keep burning metals and the power would go into NB without manifesting Allomantic effects.

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Nightblood will feed of the Elantrian's Dor connection. But rememeber that Nightblood "hunger" keep grow while you use it.

In the end, he would overcome the Elantrian ability to channel Dor (the same thing with an Allomancer)

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I think the Elantrian would need an aon that continually draws forth power to feed Nightblood. Maybe have to continually draw Aons to make it work.


I wonder if you inscribed aons like these on Nightblood's hilt if you could somehow feed it's unquenchable hunger, overwhelming IT with the Dor and somehow destroying/suppressing it's sentience.

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What does Nightblood do with the Investiture it consumes?  Is this one of those "conservation of energy" scenarios where the energy of Investiture cannot be created or destroyed, but changed/transformed into something else?  If so, it's possible carving a direct IV line of Investiture into Nightblood would just create a never-ending cycle that could render it useless, omnipotent...or just destroy the cosmere :-P

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Pretty sure there is a WoW that mentions that Nightblood is an exception to that rule, so Nightblood reduces the amount of investiture in the cosmere.


Edit: from http://www.theoryland.com/intvsresults.php?kwt=%27investiture%27


Q74: Is there a finite amount of Investiture?
Brandon: Yes.
Q75: So, is Nightblood reducing the amount of Investiture in the cosmere?
Brandon: Yes. At a very slow rate, but yes.

Edited by Argel
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If I don't rememember wrong he clarify that WoB in a way that made think that Nightblood didn't reduce the amount of Investiture, but reduce the amount of usefull Investiture (like if Nightblood trasforms Investiture in unusable Investiture) and after a lot of time that Investiture will return avaliable.

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Pretty sure there is a WoW that mentions that Nightblood is an exception to that rule, so Nightblood reduces the amount of investiture in the cosmere.

Edit: from http://www.theoryland.com/intvsresults.php?kwt=%27investiture%27

Which makes me wonder...

Nightblood was created with the command to "Destroy Evil," correct? So if he is literally destroying investiture, differently from everything else in the Cosmere, is investiture Evil?

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Which makes me wonder...

Nightblood was created with the command to "Destroy Evil," correct? So if he is literally destroying investiture, differently from everything else in the Cosmere, is investiture Evil?

As awesome as this sounds, and as cool the idea of Investiture being evil is...  I gotta say no.  I think there is a WoB that he is just corrupting the investiture.  I know that there are a few WoB that conflict on this issue, but I am going to say that he is just corrupting it.  And, even if he is 'Destroying' Investiture, I doubt that it is a direct function of his Command.  Also, I think that the way he 'destroys' investiture is largely because he consumes vast quanities of it,

(Like Honorblades do stormlight.)

 And he uses it in such a way that most of it is rendered useless.  Sort of like, when you cook bacon, you always end up with a smaller piece of bacon then you started with, because excess fat/oils are rendered away.  Yes ladies and gentlemen, investiture is basically bacon.  

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There is a WoB that inidicates what many would call corruption is mixing of shard powers, though he RAFO'd whether Nightblood was a mix of shard powers.


The problem with the command given Nightblood is it was not suddenly given an innate, perfect understanding of what "evil" is. I would not be surprised if someone who thought they were good but was actually evil could use Nightblood to commit evil acts. Probably why Szeth will be able to wield him.


What happens to the investiture could be a by product of how Nightblood works. Or he could perceive all other investiture as evil. Note that Brandon has stated that he (Brandon) does not consider the shards good or evil and goes on to give an example of an Honorspren that could be cruel. I think that was from the Odysseycon transcript.


Nightblood consumes Breaths/Investiture/Spark of Life when being wielded, which could be independent of his mandate. For example, if his mandate was to protect puppies would he he would still consume investiture? I'm inclined to believe he would. Brandon did sy Nightblood was like a robotic spren, so maybe rendering investiture useless/destroying it is a flaw in his creation (the Frankenstein monster of spren....).

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I'm stealing that.


No Problem.   :D  Although it would be cool if you made the picture a link to the post I made.



Nightblood consumes Breaths/Investiture/Spark of Life when being wielded, which could be independent of his mandate. For example, if his mandate was to protect puppies would he he would still consume investiture? I'm inclined to believe he would. Brandon did sy Nightblood was like a robotic spren, so maybe rendering investiture useless/destroying it is a flaw in his creation (the Frankenstein monster of spren....).


What I said about bacon translates to his consummation of investiture uses a combination of stormlight-like investiture, and breath-like investiture, and because of this, he cannot use certain parts of some magic systems.  What he cannot use is 'rendered' off, into the black smoke-like stuff he emits when wielded.

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Good idea, done. :-)




I actually vaguely remember a WoB that Hoid likes bacon. Not sure though . .

Even more awesome.


Edit:  Found that quote.



  • 7

    INTERVIEW: Jan 24th, 2015 QUESTION
    Can you give us some more tidbits about Hoid?
    Can I give you some more tidbits about Hoid? He loves bacon. *laughter*
Edited by Magestar
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  • 9 months later...

This is an intersting question. If you found an Eon that could channel base Dor, (Investiture) And metallically inscribed it or welded or added a Dor Rune (for lack of a better word) That channeled the dor directly into nightblood without hosting, you could become dangerous enough to kill a splinter or sliver but you would eventually drain the cosmere.

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11 hours ago, Themasterhunter said:

This is an intersting question. If you found an Eon that could channel base Dor, (Investiture) And metallically inscribed it or welded or added a Dor Rune (for lack of a better word) That channeled the dor directly into nightblood without hosting, you could become dangerous enough to kill a splinter or sliver but you would eventually drain the cosmere.


Isn't Aon Rao supposed to be for spirit/investiture? I'm pretty sure that's why the Elantris metropolitan area is in the shape of it and why Elantrians went through the Shaod when the massive Aon become incomplete.


However, I can't imagine Aon Rao doing more than creating a connection to the Dor... That would run out or potentially not work outside of Sel.


10 hours ago, Spoolofwhool said:

Nightblood isn't actually reducing the amount of Investiture in the Cosmere.



Yes, basically Nightblood increases the entropy of the Investiture system while decreasing the exergy (Investiture/energy able to be used).

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On 3/22/2017 at 9:04 PM, Themasterhunter said:

This is an intersting question. If you found an Eon that could channel base Dor, (Investiture) And metallically inscribed it or welded or added a Dor Rune (for lack of a better word) That channeled the dor directly into nightblood without hosting, you could become dangerous enough to kill a splinter or sliver but you would eventually drain the cosmere.

I think it would "only" drain the Dor, not the entire Cosmere. Although Nightblood with most of the power of two Shards might be insanely scary, depending on whether he really stores some of the Investiture he consumes or if all of it becomes black smoke. (I think he probably does, since a thousand Breaths wouldn't be enough to make him so crazily Invested.)

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8 hours ago, cometaryorbit said:

I think it would "only" drain the Dor, not the entire Cosmere. Although Nightblood with most of the power of two Shards might be insanely scary, depending on whether he really stores some of the Investiture he consumes or if all of it becomes black smoke. (I think he probably does, since a thousand Breaths wouldn't be enough to make him so crazily Invested.)

I don't even know if Nightblood could manage that amount of Investiture. We know It falls asleep if It eats too much.

More, Nightblood leaks and I suppose more Investiture has, more It leaks...So probably feed Nightblood to the Extreme Will not have a Extreme impact in it in the long term.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it would "only" drain the Dor, not the entire Cosmere. Although Nightblood with most of the power of two Shards might be insanely scary, depending on whether he really stores some of the Investiture he consumes or if all of it becomes black smoke. (I think he probably does, since a thousand Breaths wouldn't be enough to make him so crazily Invested.)


Um. someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isnt the "dor" just anther source of investiture? It feeds off of the whole cosmere, but manifests in a different way, because its being channeled through a different shard. This Is how i've always thought of it, because it explains a lot of things, especially about shardpools and worldhoppers.

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