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Uses for Feruchemical and Allomantic Abilities


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After reading AofL, I wondered if there was actually a use for allomantic Chromium other than being a damsel in distress. So this post will be for discussing the use for things like gold and chromium, and theorizing about things like Bendalloy+Cadmium and Feruchemical necrosil.

Other than reducing wait time, I don't think cadmium does much by itself. But, as a Twinborn, you could store your ability in normal time, and then use it in cadmium. The cadmium would extend its use time, so things like chromium and zinc would last longer. Actually, a cadmium-chromium Twinborn would be BETTER than a Bendalloy-Chromium Twinborn. Why? Because if you have a minute of luck stored and you use bendalloy, you still get the bullet distortion, for less than a minute in real-time. With cadmium, you would have the bullet distortion with more than a minute of luck.

However, bendalloy does work quite well with Feruchemy, with the opposite of cadmium. You could use bendalloy, then store a minute of abilities in much less time, and then use the ability in real time.

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After reading AofL, I wondered if there was actually a use for allomantic Chromium other than being a damsel in distress. So this post will be for discussing the use for things like gold and chromium, and theorizing about things like Bendalloy+Cadmium and Feruchemical necrosil.


We had a whole thread on this a while ago.  From what I remember, it's all about context.  Cadmium isn't as impressive in a fight as Bendalloy (but it does have its uses; it's very effective at neutralizing part or all of a threat if you get the geometry right), but in terms of, say, emergency response services, it could be very useful.  Somebody only has a couple of minutes to live if they don't get help?  Well, those "couple of minutes" can abruptly turn into "couple of hours".


In the civilian sector, Chromium is a fine metal.

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A chromium misting would indeed make a fine first responder for a variety of situations.  When I first read AoL I immediately began imagining a real life superhero who calls himself "The Waiter."  Get it...he makes people wait...


There are definitely other, outside the box, ways that A-chromium could come in handy though.


Simply burning a little bit at a time in order to speed your way through minutes or single hours at a time could be really useful in making better use of your time.  I would do this habitually, if nothing else you would theoretically be extending your own life span a little bit at a time.  If you did this a lot, starting at a young age, you would find yourself at 30 years old on paper, but having only lived through 27 years of time.  Over a lifetime this could really add up.


Ever since reading the scene with the wagon in BoM, I've been wondering about the possible offensive applications of A-chromium.  Imagine that there is a high speed chase going on...you can see the fleeing suspect speeding down the road toward you.  You stand off to the side, out of their path, but close enough to catch them in a bubble.  As soon as they are in range you put up the largest bubble you can, and the fast moving car goes from 85 mph to almost zero, starting with the front end, while the rear portion is still trying to move at 85mph.  In theory, this would be like they were slamming into an invisible wall...halting their flight, and potentially killing the driver.

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Imagine that there is a high speed chase going on...you can see the fleeing suspect speeding down the road toward you. You stand off to the side, out of their path, but close enough to catch them in a bubble. As soon as they are in range you put up the largest bubble you can, and the fast moving car goes from 85 mph to almost zero, starting with the front end, while the rear portion is still trying to move at 85mph. In theory, this would be like they were slamming into an invisible wall...halting their flight, and potentially killing the driver.

The problem with that scenario is that objects are either in a bubble or not, never halfway. The entire car will be in or out. It could still be very useful to slow them compared to the outside. The police could have time to set up spike strips, barriers, etc, that the fleeing car could never avoid in time once the bubble dropped.


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The problem with that scenario is that objects are either in a bubble or not, never halfway. The entire car will be in or out. It could still be very useful to slow them compared to the outside. The police could have time to set up spike strips, barriers, etc, that the fleeing car could never avoid in time once the bubble dropped.



Yeah, this is an example of "getting the geometry right."  There's a good example of this kind of tactic in Bands of Mourning, and it makes sense that it would work.

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Having read AofL, I found the discussion between Marasi and Wayne about their conflicting powers was interesting.  It led me to thinking about how that could possibly be used constructively.  And I thought of something.  If we have a Pulser set up a large field, we get a cloud around which time passes very quickly.  If we get a Slider set up a small field in the middle of that, would it outright cancel the entirety of the Pulser field, or would there be a large ring of Pulser field, in a doughnut type shape?




If I could choose a single Mistborn power, I'd choose to be a Subsumer.  For the simple reason that I eat way too much and it would be a simple solution.  I guess if I was Twinborn, I'd choose to be a Tineye Subsumer.  Because I feel that that would be amazing when eating food.

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It acts logically, I believe. If the time was going 2x in the cadmium bubble, and .5x in the bendalloy bubble, they'd cancel each other out. They basically multiply together, so if one was flaring, and the other was on a slow burn, the time in the middle would be the product of that.

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So, in essence, you believe that the area of cadmium outside the bendalloy would remain unaffected like this?


The white is where time passes normally (assuming the alterations of time with cad and bend cancel out), and the orange is where just the cadmium is in effect.



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After reading AofL, I wondered if there was actually a use for allomantic Chromium other than being a damsel in distress. So this post will be for discussing the use for things like gold and chromium, and theorizing about things like Bendalloy+Cadmium and Feruchemical necrosil.

Other than reducing wait time, I don't think cadmium does much by itself. But, as a Twinborn, you could store your ability in normal time, and then use it in cadmium. The cadmium would extend its use time, so things like chromium and zinc would last longer. Actually, a cadmium-chromium Twinborn would be BETTER than a Bendalloy-Chromium Twinborn. Why? Because if you have a minute of luck stored and you use bendalloy, you still get the bullet distortion, for less than a minute in real-time. With cadmium, you would have the bullet distortion with more than a minute of luck.

However, bendalloy does work quite well with Feruchemy, with the opposite of cadmium. You could use bendalloy, then store a minute of abilities in much less time, and then use the ability in real time.

My biggest issue right now, is the people who keep saying Chromium, when they mean Cadmium, Chromium allomancy works like external alluminum that can be used on other people, Cadmium creates the time slow bubble. Chromium mistings make the ultimate Hazekillers if they can get close.

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That is very much an issue.  And a good catch. Thank you.


However, I'm still unsure as to whether anyone has anything concrete that would blow a large hole in my logic, destroying its possibilities.  If so, please explain the issue.  If not, I will gladly talk about possible uses of a cadmium ring cloud and its disadvantages in each situation.

I am quite happy to talk it through on a private chat(if such a thing exists on here), and create a new thread if I feel I get enough responses.

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Cadmium would be great in any kind of ticking clock situation, not just from a first responder scenario. Think about a surgeon attempting a new procedure that he is unsure of. Keep a Pulser on standby to make a small bubble just around the patient and stand just outside the bubble, taking all the time you need to study the situation before acting. Similar thing with bomb disposal or any other kind of high intensity activity where time is normally the main enemy. You could always take the time to consult your reference materials, talk with other experts, get the perfect tools all ready, and make whatever preparations you need before you ever need to take action.

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Oh one more. This one's a bit frivolous, but how about a cook? Some subtle time dilations around the right elements in the kitchen to make sure everything is done just at the right time. Leave the finished food with a pulser by the table until those who are to be eating are ready, thus ensuring it never gets cold or goes off.

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Due to the horrendous costs of bendalloy and cadmium, and the fact that they are both rare metals, frivolous usage like restaurant cooking is highly unlikely (not to mention the high burn speed of bendalloy).  Theoretically, that would make cooking so much less hassle (and so much more fun), but the costings outweigh the benefits in that situation (unless you are ridiculously wealthy (Scrooge McDuck level) and can afford the stuff).  I do like the way you think, though.




If I could choose a single Mistborn power, I'd choose to be a Subsumer.  For the simple reason that I eat way too much and it would be a simple solution.  I guess if I was Twinborn, I'd choose to be a Tineye Subsumer.  Because I feel that that would be amazing when eating food.

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Well the cost might not be super terrible, after all, allomancy only requires a few flakes of pure metal. Sure the initial cost of a large quantity of bendalloy and cadmium would be high, but if you used it right and sparingly, it would pay for itself in no time. Lets look at a restaurant scenario. It's a simple case of quantity over quality. My theoretical restaurant specializes in catering super big events. Get a Slider in the kitchen and presto! After the wedding party sits down, fresh, huge quantities, of food come out of the kitchen in 5 minutes. Meals that by all rights, should have taken hours to cook, and they did, in the bubble. Payed for itself right there. and I could feasibly do this multiple times in one day off of just a small pile of Bendalloy shavings.

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Well the cost might not be super terrible, after all, allomancy only requires a few flakes of pure metal. Sure the initial cost of a large quantity of bendalloy and cadmium would be high, but if you used it right and sparingly, it would pay for itself in no time. Lets look at a restaurant scenario. It's a simple case of quantity over quality. My theoretical restaurant specializes in catering super big events. Get a Slider in the kitchen and presto! After the wedding party sits down, fresh, huge quantities, of food come out of the kitchen in 5 minutes. Meals that by all rights, should have taken hours to cook, and they did, in the bubble. Payed for itself right there. and I could feasibly do this multiple times in one day off of just a small pile of Bendalloy shavings.


I like this approach!  Rule one of business is that you need to spend money to make money.  It's money well spent if the ROI is good.  And at the high end of catering, you could probably pull exactly this kind of stunt.

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Having read AofL, I found the discussion between Marasi and Wayne about their conflicting powers was interesting.  It led me to thinking about how that could possibly be used constructively.  And I thought of something.  If we have a Pulser set up a large field, we get a cloud around which time passes very quickly.  If we get a Slider set up a small field in the middle of that, would it outright cancel the entirety of the Pulser field, or would there be a large ring of Pulser field, in a doughnut type shape?

I was actually thinking the exact same thing! A slider could set up a bubble, and then the Pulser. This would allow the Mistings (or Mistborn), to move in real time, while everyone around them is near-frozen. And, you could shoot people frozen in time, allowing easy dispatchment. Now, I am aware that a bullet's path is unpredictable with bubbles, but you could still hit people at point-blank, right? Another thing. What if, instead of the two mistings making a doughnut, they made a crescent moon? And then, the mistings could escape the people around them.

ANYWAY, what do you think of an Augur? Do they have any purpose to their powers?

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