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A war between Scadrial (era 2) and Roshar


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There's also a possibility, depending on why and how an invasion of Roshar happens, that many darkeyes in the Vorin regions will defect. Their situation is in many ways similar to the skaa, a connection the Scadrians will be more than happy to reinforce.

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All valid points, and filed under 'superiour technology' and 'why they'll probably win the pitched battles'.


The main difference, however, is that Roshar has a military culture and experience. These are people used to warfare, used to losing sons, brothers, husbands, fathers to the rigors of war. Soldiers who have seen death, and commanders who have known what it's like to have a battle plan fall apart, but know how to salvage the plan anyway. 


What Roshar has, and Scadrial lacks, is experience, and more crucially, experienced officers. And in warfare, that makes an incredible difference. 

The Elendel basin completely lacks military experience and emotional hardening. So they WILL suffer casualties, and minor defeats. They WILL have significant loss of life and materiel. They'll win all the big battles for sure, but with the casualties piling up, and with progress much slower than expected or forecast, the Elendel public would likely very rapidly lose the motivation to pursue an offensive war. 


So while Scadrial would 'win' the war, I doubt they'd successfully conquer Roshar unless they had incredible motivation, which is lacking in the proposed scenario. 

The Zulu's had an empire built on militaristic culture, and held their own with their poorer weapons when compared to the Europeans, yet technology won in the end. You can do a lot with a little with experience and knowledge, but it can only get you so far depending on the resources you have. 

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Most of you assume that Scadrial would get the benfits of Hemalurgy, Koloss armies, Southern Scadrian magic, and other advantages that most people on Scadrial have no clue even exist. Now, we can either make this war so that the full might of Roshar and Scadrial fight each other, or it can be current Roshar and current Scadrial.


With the full might of both Shardworlds, it would be a tough war. Assuming that the entire Scadrian army can worldhop, they would likely end up either on the Horneater Peaks or the Purelake (if the rumors of a Shardpool in the center are true). If they started at the Horneater Peaks, they would be stuck there because of the extreme cold and would likely die without a ton of heat Medallions. If they came out in the Purelake, it would be much easier for them, but their guns and other metal technology would rust, slowing down their expansion. Scadrial would lose almost all battles due to the Radiants and Heralds crushing the Scadrian lines, but Scadrial might be able to win a few by attacking in multiple places at once. However, even the full might of Scadrial would not be able to hold up against thousands of Radiants plus the Heralds. If a TLR Mk II showed up, the KR would have a hard time dealing with him, but the Heralds would be able to take him down after an extended fight. If that failed, Nightblood, since it's on Roshar, would utterly destroy TLR Mk II. Scadrial would be crushed in this scenario.


If the war is with the current era, remember that Mistborn Era 2 takes place after the first five books in SA. By then, there will probably be several dozen Radiants, plus their squires, and a few Heralds might snap out of their insanity. A lot of the advantages people attribute to the Scadrians are railroads and telegraphs, but it takes a lot of work to get these set up. In WWI and WWII, invading armies would take advantage of already existing infrastructure. If Scadrial was invading Alethkar, there would be no existing infrastructure for those technologies, and it would take far too long to set up new ones. Scadrial only has the advantages of guns and Allomancers/Feruchemists. Roshar would lose the first few battles, due to the Scadrian's guns, but Rosharan scholars seem to know a lot about physics. They know that sounds is a wave, have a pretty good understanding of the laws of motion, and even are pretty good chemists (the medicines that Lirin uses are made with pretty advanced extraction methods). They wouldn't take long to make rudimentary guns, especially with ones scavenged from Scadrian corpses to study. After the first few battles, Roshar would be narrowly winning. A lot of people make the point that the darkeyes would revolt and join the Scadrians, but at the end of WoR, there are already riots in Kholinar, so by the end of book 5, there will probably already be a lot of reform in the Vorin social structure. The lighteyes could also just say that the Scadrians are Voidbringers or something, and that their invasion is a Desolation. Also, with current fabrial technology, the Alethi could build viable hovercraft by using Navani's archer platform, but by stacking the counterweight on top of the floating platform. Add a pressure fabrial, and you can fly over the Scadrial army and drop glass shards, or even Shardblades, on them. A metal Repeller fabrial would keep any bullets away. Fabrials can duplicate all the powers of Allomancy, as we've seen fabrials that can affect emotions, sensations, warn of nearby Investiture (I assume that the Warning fabrials work by detecting the inherent Investiture in humans), push or pull objects (and not just metal!), increase strength (Shardplate also does this, but it is more limited) and they can even affect objects and people that don't have inherent powers. Scadrial is limited by the amount of Allomancers or Feruchemists it has, but fabrials can do a lot for the Rosharan army, and work for anyone. Scadrial would have a hard time learning about fabrials, as all research would have to be on Roshar, because spren only appear in the Physical Realm on Roshar. Even then, it would be really hard to discover how to trap spren in fabrials. By the time they discovered how to make basic fabrials (not the advanced ones that Navani has), the war would already be over. Public support for Scadrial's invasion would decline rapidly, and the Alethi would win after a few years.

Edited by Kevino36
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The full might of Roshar is utterly hypothetical. The full might of Scadrial is current.

If you want to use historical mights and guess what Roshar might have available in terms of Radiants, Scadrial get the Lord Ruler, and win pretty much straight away

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My assumption about the Heralds was for the first scenario, where the full might of both worlds is brought to war. In one of the quotes from Words of Radiance (the in-world book) there's a statement about several thousand Radiants in a single battle.

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You're making up a hypothetical scenario that isn't either the current lineup between the two worlds, or the world's at their greatest. You're making wild guesses as to what the future of Roshar will be, and then assumptions (that I think are unfounded) about their scientific capability to reverse engineer in a world that has from what we have seen very little in terms of complex mechanics and no knowledge of gunpowder itself. Personally, I think after Stormlight 5, the popular of Roshar will be in pieces and their world at the very brink of utter destruction

And you've just invented some Fabrials!

You are far more optimistic about the future of Roshar than I can be, I think they are barely getting out of their own series in a functional state- much like Scadrial

Edited by IndigoAjah
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Which is exactly my point. There is a scenario where both worlds have all that is or ever has been avaliable to them, and one where the war happens at the time of Scadrial Era 2. My assumptions about Roshar at the time of Era 2 are pretty reasonable. As for your comment about complex mechanics, just look at the elevator system in the Palanaeum, or Dalinar's mechanical bridges. Also, Mistborn Era 2 is 10-20 years after the end of Stormlight 5, so I assume that there's a lot of time to rebuild, especially with the help of Soulcasters.


I haven't invented any fabrials either, besides the Repellers, but it's reasonable to assume that if you can reverse conjoined fabrials simply by changing the gemstone type, artifabrians will figure out how to reverse Attractors by Era 2.

Edited by Kevino36
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Unless you think SA part 2 is going to be barely surviving in a post apocalyptic wasteland post the release of Odium, which seems to me to be the most likely possibility.

I think Scadrial cake-walk both scenarios. I think 1000 Radiants vs a prepared LR is still a curb-stomping

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My assumption about the Heralds was for the first scenario, where the full might of both worlds is brought to war. In one of the quotes from Words of Radiance (the in-world book) there's a statement about several thousand Radiants in a single battle.

The full might is not the same as every figure from history, if you want to claim that it is the Scadrial gets Sazed, TLR, VIn, Kelsier, all the Inquisitors, the entire Koloss army, all of the Kandra and all of the Southern Scadrians and their technology.

Also a bit confused as to why you think that Scadrial wouldn't be able to work out how Fabrials work even though they have vastly superior scholars and education but Rosharans would be able to analyze guns and work out how to produce enough of them to balance the scale in a tiny period of time.

Also, sorry to say but TLR beats Nightblood any day of the week, yes Nightblood could probably successfully kill TLR but TLR has the advantage of not needing to be wielded. He could decimate their entire army in an instant, steal Nightblood from whoever was holding it and then hurl it into a nearby moon if he felt like it.

Now give Scadrial access to their 'full might' and you're not just talking TLR either. If they were really giving it their all then every single member of the Scadrian army would have access to their own bands of mourning. Imagine an army of Lord Rulers. Now imagine that army with a knowledge of Hemalurgy too. Now imagine them with that and also an army of Koloss and a bunch of Kandra spies.

Sorry, no matter what way you spin it Scadrial wins this fight in a heartbeat. The only way you could possibly spin a victory was if you had Scadrial from after TLRs death and before Sazeds Ascension against Roshar back when there were an organized force of Radiants and Heralds to lead them. And also force Scadrial to fight in open fields and never deploy Vin. And have them land in the middle of a Highstorm.  :unsure:

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If the war is with the current era, remember that Mistborn Era 2 takes place after the first five books in SA. By then, there will probably be several dozen Radiants, plus their squires, and a few Heralds might snap out of their insanity.

You're so right. Almighty, you're so right.

We either have Roshar on the beginning of WoK versus Scadrial few years before AoL OR we have Roshar at the end of Book Five versus Scadrial at the AoL. I imagine quite a lot Radiants running around at that time and Brandon knows what else.

We have Scadrial at the very beginning of electrification (or even before it!) versus current Roshar or Scadrial at "now" versus Roshar at largely unknown state.

Edited by Oversleep
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Most of you assume that Scadrial would get the benfits of Hemalurgy, Koloss armies, Southern Scadrian magic, and other advantages that most people on Scadrial have no clue even exist. Now, we can either make this war so that the full might of Roshar and Scadrial fight each other, or it can be current Roshar and current Scadrial.


With the full might of both Shardworlds, it would be a tough war. Assuming that the entire Scadrian army can worldhop, they would likely end up either on the Horneater Peaks or the Purelake (if the rumors of a Shardpool in the center are true). If they started at the Horneater Peaks, they would be stuck there because of the extreme cold and would likely die without a ton of heat Medallions. If they came out in the Purelake, it would be much easier for them, but their guns and other metal technology would rust, slowing down their expansion. Scadrial would lose almost all battles due to the Radiants and Heralds crushing the Scadrian lines, but Scadrial might be able to win a few by attacking in multiple places at once. However, even the full might of Scadrial would not be able to hold up against thousands of Radiants plus the Heralds. If a TLR Mk II showed up, the KR would have a hard time dealing with him, but the Heralds would be able to take him down after an extended fight. If that failed, Nightblood, since it's on Roshar, would utterly destroy TLR Mk II. Scadrial would be crushed in this scenario.


If the war is with the current era, remember that Mistborn Era 2 takes place after the first five books in SA. By then, there will probably be several dozen Radiants, plus their squires, and a few Heralds might snap out of their insanity. A lot of the advantages people attribute to the Scadrians are railroads and telegraphs, but it takes a lot of work to get these set up. In WWI and WWII, invading armies would take advantage of already existing infrastructure. If Scadrial was invading Alethkar, there would be no existing infrastructure for those technologies, and it would take far too long to set up new ones. Scadrial only has the advantages of guns and Allomancers/Feruchemists. Roshar would lose the first few battles, due to the Scadrian's guns, but Rosharan scholars seem to know a lot about physics. They know that sounds is a wave, have a pretty good understanding of the laws of motion, and even are pretty good chemists (the medicines that Lirin uses are made with pretty advanced extraction methods). They wouldn't take long to make rudimentary guns, especially with ones scavenged from Scadrian corpses to study. After the first few battles, Roshar would be narrowly winning. A lot of people make the point that the darkeyes would revolt and join the Scadrians, but at the end of WoR, there are already riots in Kholinar, so by the end of book 5, there will probably already be a lot of reform in the Vorin social structure. The lighteyes could also just say that the Scadrians are Voidbringers or something, and that their invasion is a Desolation. Also, with current fabrial technology, the Alethi could build viable hovercraft by using Navani's archer platform, but by stacking the counterweight on top of the floating platform. Add a pressure fabrial, and you can fly over the Scadrial army and drop glass shards, or even Shardblades, on them. A metal Repeller fabrial would keep any bullets away. Fabrials can duplicate all the powers of Allomancy, as we've seen fabrials that can affect emotions, sensations, warn of nearby Investiture (I assume that the Warning fabrials work by detecting the inherent Investiture in humans), push or pull objects (and not just metal!), increase strength (Shardplate also does this, but it is more limited) and they can even affect objects and people that don't have inherent powers. Scadrial is limited by the amount of Allomancers or Feruchemists it has, but fabrials can do a lot for the Rosharan army, and work for anyone. Scadrial would have a hard time learning about fabrials, as all research would have to be on Roshar, because spren only appear in the Physical Realm on Roshar. Even then, it would be really hard to discover how to trap spren in fabrials. By the time they discovered how to make basic fabrials (not the advanced ones that Navani has), the war would already be over. Public support for Scadrial's invasion would decline rapidly, and the Alethi would win after a few years.


Not to be rude but there are incredible amount of wild assumptions in here that, upon further scrutiny, do not hold true (to me). I will try and address the most egregious examples one-by-one in the order they appear (note: I added bold to what I consider to be the most extreme assumptions).


As a side note, Kevino36 seems to be assuming that the full power of each world is available (as in, the world is at whatever point in history is the strongest militarily) for the first part.


1) If [the Scadrians] started at the Horneater Peaks, they would be stuck there because of the extreme cold and would likely die without a ton of heat Medallions


Any military would scout their invasion point in some manner so the Scadrians would not be surprised by the cold. They would definitely prepare, in some manner, to appear in cold, mountainous heights.


2) If a TLR Mk II showed up, the KR would have a hard time dealing with him, but the Heralds would be able to take him down after an extended fight


There is literally no way to know the full power of a Herald and there is even less of a way to know how that unknowable Herald power compares to a Fullborn. We saw Wax's power when holding the Bands of Mourning and it was definitely over 9000. I do not think it is possible to speculate on whether a Herald could handle a Fullborn or vice versa. I think it is pretty fair to say, however, that if the Fullborn (or Marsh) has access to Atium then things could go pretty poorly pretty quickly for a Herald.


3) Nightblood, since it's on Roshar, would utterly destroy TLR Mk II


We have not seen how Nightblood interacts with non-Nalthis magic systems. We have no way of knowing if Nightblood would negate Allomantic powers; especially the Allomantic powers of a Fullborn. Claiming Nightblood would "destroy" a Fullborn is a claim that I do not think there is evidence to support. Feel free to WoB me though if there is something out there about this.




- - - - - At this point, the speculation switches to a current Scadrial compared to a possible-future Roshar that is chronologically matched to Era 2 MB. - - - - - 


4) If Scadrial was invading Alethkar, there would be no existing infrastructure for those technologies [railroad, telegraph], and it would take far too long to set up new ones


I think this point *might* be valid but some of it depends on what the Scadrians can bring through a Worldhop. We have already assumed they brought a massive army so I do not think it is that crazy to think they could bring through equipment and supplies to build a rail line and a telegraph line from wherever they establish their initial foothold to wherever they start their conquest. I imagine many people would be surprised at how quickly railroad track can be laid even if a lot of the work is done by manual labor.


5) They wouldn't take long to make rudimentary guns, especially with ones scavenged from Scadrian corpses to study


I find it interesting that the OP is convinced Scadrians, who know how to make railroads, would be unable to duplicate that feat on Roshar whereas the OP is similarly convinced that Rosharans, without any knowledge of guns, would be able to quickly reverse engineer and begin making guns. Especially when you have to consider that firearms are not only precision engineered devices in and of themselves but that gunpowder is a precisely mixed and produced chemical substance.


6) by the end of book 5, there will probably already be a lot of reform in the Vorin social structure


Absolute speculation that I do not think has evidence to support it.


7) Also, with current fabrial technology, the Alethi could build viable hovercraft by using Navani's archer platform, but by stacking the counterweight on top of the floating platform. Add a pressure fabrial, and you can fly over the Scadrial army and drop glass shards, or even Shardblades, on them. A metal Repeller fabrial would keep any bullets awayFabrials can duplicate all the powers of Allomancy, as we've seen fabrials that can affect emotions, sensations, warn of nearby Investiture (I assume that the Warning fabrials work by detecting the inherent Investiture in humans), push or pull objects (and not just metal!), increase strength (Shardplate also does this, but it is more limited) and they can even affect objects and people that don't have inherent powers


There is a lot in these few sentences. Navani's platforms are very new and consume Stormlight fairly quickly. Turning those prototype towers into hovercraft is a huge stretch imo.


A metal repelling fabrial might keep bullets away while it has Stormlight but that Stormlight would, rather quickly if not instantaneously, evaporate when trying to repel tens of thousands of bullets/coins. If a metal repelling fabrial was as powerful as you imagine then why do the Alethi not use them against arrows?


While fabrials seem able to mimic certain forms of Investiture I do not think they can, necessarily, mimic all forms of Allomancy - allomantic gold, atium, lerasium, bendalloy and cadium do not seem to be anything that fabrials have mimicked or even been hinted at.


8) Scadrial is limited by the amount of Allomancers or Feruchemists it has


Mistings and Ferrings are fairly common on Scadrial. If I remember correctly, I believe 16% of people are Allomancers. If Elendel Basin has a population in the millions then that means there would literally be hundreds of thousands of Allomancers. There would be more Allomancers than soldiers in the entire Alethi army on the Shattered Plains. Some of them would be useless (duralumin misting, aluminum misting etc.) but that still leaves multiple tens of thousands of thugs, coinshots, lurchers, tin eyes, soothers, rioters, nicrosil mistings etc. Even if Roshar had "thousands" of Radiants there is just no way to fight off that many Allomancers, especially if they have Southern tech that allows for all sorts of Twinborns.



Roshar, unless it is given equivalent, or near equivalent tech, just does not have the might to stand up to an industrial military with modern weapons and hundreds of thousands of magic users. They would simply, in time, be overwhelmed imo.

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When I said "full might of both worlds," I meant if both armies had access to all the powers that ever existed on their world. I'm pretty sure that an army of TLRs never existed on Scadrial. But, if you want to play it that way, then what if every soldier on Roshar has all 10 Surges (which probably doesn't help much against your army of TLRs), every spren has the might of the Stormfather, every Listener is in their most powerful form, and if you want to bring Shards into it (which is kind of unfair for both sides, as they could just rip the planet in half), Roshar has both Cultivation and Honor, which aren't opposing forces. Sazed couldn't use the full force of his power, as his Shards are opposites and make it hard for him to act.

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You're so right. Almighty, you're so right.

We either have Roshar on the beginning of WoK versus Scadrial few years before AoL OR we have Roshar at the end of Book Five versus Scadrial at the AoL. I imagine quite a lot Radiants running around at that time and Brandon knows what else.

Or we have Scadrial at the very beginning of electrification (or even before it!) versus current Roshar.

The former is one sided towards Scadrial, the latter is impossible to consider as we have no idea what Roshar will look like after it gets whacked hard by a Desolation it is in no way prepared for, and even then I think it's hard to imagine a set up that sees Roshar getting close to a win.

The last option, once again hypothetical as we have no idea what either side looks like...

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When I said "full might of both worlds," I meant if both armies had access to all the powers that ever existed on their world. I'm pretty sure that an army of TLRs never existed on Scadrial. But, if you want to play it that way, then what if every soldier on Roshar has all 10 Surges (which probably doesn't help much against your army of TLRs), every spren has the might of the Stormfather, every Listener is in their most powerful form, and if you want to bring Shards into it (which is kind of unfair for both sides, as they could just rip the planet in half), Roshar has both Cultivation and Honor, which aren't opposing forces. Sazed couldn't use the full force of his power, as his Shards are opposites and make it hard for him to act.

War on his planet might be one of the few things that allows Harmony to match his two halves perfectly- it's acting together in everyone's best interest in tandem (Harmony), for the Preservation of his people and the Ruin of theirs.

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It's also worth pointing out that Navanis elevators only work because they are stationary, you couldn't turn them into a hovercraft without  a heck of a lot of difficulty.

Scadrians arguably could with a rail line, but the actual craft would only go in one direction.

And Scadrians actually do have access to flying transport.

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I have been of the opinion that the most interesting possible fight that we have evidence to argue either way for Scadrial and Roshar would be the Final Empire Scadrial against Roshar at the end of tWoK but before the Everstorm of WoR. The combat tech would be pretty similar and I think Shardbearers and Inquisitors would be pretty evenly matched. Also, Shardbearers fighting Koloss sounds AWESOME!


The one issue is that the TLR is a Fullborn of epic power. I submit that he should be too disinterested in invading Roshar to participate as he knows the Well of Ascension will soon be full.

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I have been of the opinion that the most interesting possible fight that we have evidence to argue either way for Scadrial and Roshar would be the Final Empire Scadrial against Roshar at the end of tWoK but before the Everstorm of WoR. The combat tech would be pretty similar and I think Shardbearers and Inquisitors would be pretty evenly matched. Also, Shardbearers fighting Koloss sounds AWESOME!

The one issue is that the TLR is a Fullborn of epic power. I submit that he should be too disinterested in invading Roshar to participate as he knows the Well of Ascension will soon be full.

Shardbearers would destroy Koloss, though eventually get overrun. Koloss are bad at fighting in a unit though, although Inquisitors with doubled emotional Allomancy might get them to do it.

Mistborn assassins would play a big part too- Szeth alone is definitely more dangerous than a Mistborn who isn't a main character, but he made Shards, leaders, soldiers all look utterly hopeless. A bunch of Mistborn would do a lot of damage off the battle field never mind on it. And then assassinate a leader, replace him with a Kandra and watch the Rosharian effort collapse

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We need to rethink the conditions, because it is getting silly.

We have no idea what the Roshar we'll be like a the time period AoL is in.

On the other hand, Scadrial at the time period WoK is in is rather... well, quite a few years BEFORE AoL starts. So I'm not even sure Scadrial would have electricity already.

Edited by Oversleep
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We need to rethink the conditions, because it is getting silly.

We have no idea what the Roshar we'll be like a the time period AoL is in.

On the other hand, Scadrial at the time period WoK is in is rather... well, quite a few years BEFORE AoL starts. So I'm not even sure Scadrial would have electricity already.

It would be when Wax was born, around 10-20

Years old, so they very very likely have guns, though

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When I said "full might of both worlds," I meant if both armies had access to all the powers that ever existed on their world. I'm pretty sure that an army of TLRs never existed on Scadrial. But, if you want to play it that way, then what if every soldier on Roshar has all 10 Surges (which probably doesn't help much against your army of TLRs), every spren has the might of the Stormfather, every Listener is in their most powerful form, and if you want to bring Shards into it (which is kind of unfair for both sides, as they could just rip the planet in half), Roshar has both Cultivation and Honor, which aren't opposing forces. Sazed couldn't use the full force of his power, as his Shards are opposites and make it hard for him to act.

No it didn't, but it's insanely easy to create one, it's not even possible for every soldier to have all surges or for all spren to be the Stormfather. If you'd rather they only enter with what they had then ok they enter with TLR, a Fullborn of unknown identity but is probably Kelsier and Wax with the bands.

Those three immediately on entering Roshar create three more bands, then give them to three soldiers. Those 6 then create 12 bands, those 12 then create 24...
And TLR being the kind of person he is turns them all into spikes too so he can control the others I guess.

I wasn't talking about Shards actually but if you want to and you want everyone to be involved then technically Scadrial has 5 Preservations and two Ruins (Or 4 Preservations and 1 Ruin and 1 Harmony)



I have been of the opinion that the most interesting possible fight that we have evidence to argue either way for Scadrial and Roshar would be the Final Empire Scadrial against Roshar at the end of tWoK but before the Everstorm of WoR. The combat tech would be pretty similar and I think Shardbearers and Inquisitors would be pretty evenly matched. Also, Shardbearers fighting Koloss sounds AWESOME!


The one issue is that the TLR is a Fullborn of epic power. I submit that he should be too disinterested in invading Roshar to participate as he knows the Well of Ascension will soon be full.

Sorry to say but I think Inquisitors would destroy Shardbearers. They have mobility and range on their side. Shardbearers vs. Mistings could work I suppose, but there are way more Mistings than there are Shardbearers.

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We need to rethink the conditions, because it is getting silly.

We have no idea what the Roshar we'll be like a the time period AoL is in.

On the other hand, Scadrial at the time period WoK is in is rather... well, quite a few years BEFORE AoL starts. So I'm not even sure Scadrial would have electricity already.

That's one of the slightly more evenly matched scenarios but it leaves Scadrial with an army of magical warriors and Roshar with a very small number of people with slightly enhanced physical abilities as well as magic swords.

I mean full honesty, Wax alone could level half a Rosharan army, steelpush down on them all while massively tapping weight and there goes all their weapons and half of them just got crushed by their armour.

It's basically come down to Shardbearers and the odd KR vs. the entire Scadrian army, a large number of whom are Mistings, Ferrings or both.

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