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You got sixteen powers. Choose.


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So, you get powers associated with 16 metals, but only one power per metal. So choose between weight Feruchemy and Ironpulling and so on. Hemalurgy is an option (so you can get a double Ironpulling by choosing steel to be Hemalurgic spike charged with Allomantic iron). But double Steelpushing is impossible, as the spike needed to steal Allomantic steel is steel itself. Similarly double Feruchemical pewter is impossible.
As you can see, Compounding is only possible by Hemalurgy.

Explain why did you choose a specific combination and explain any neat tricks you found. And a challenge: try to make use of the powers you wouldn't normally choose. Like Allomantic aluminum, for example. Or Allomantic gold.

Here, a template:



Gold: (I suspect it's gonna be a popular Feruchemy pick)



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Iron: Feruchemical to help with steelpushing
Steel: Allomantic because flying is awesome
Tin: Feruchemical because it's more useful especially now that the mists aren't everywhere
Pewter: Allomantic because I wouldn't want to store it all the time or look like the hulk when I tap it.

Zinc: Allomantic
Brass: Hemalurgic Zinc feruchemy spike for compounding because Zinc is something I would just never want to store
Copper: Allomantic to safeguard against emotional allomancy
Bronze: Feruchemical, I hate hot weather a lot so being able to change my temperature would be awesome.

Cadmium: Feruchemical because it's slightly more useful
Bendalloy: Feruchemical because while time bubbles are cool and all they're not that practical nowadays
Gold: Allomancy, because I actually think it would be pretty neat to see another possible you and storing health would suck,
Electrum: Feruchemical, be a nice way to offset my random bouts of depression.

Chromium: Allomantic if other metalborn exist, if not then feruchemical.
Nicrosil: Feruchemical.
Aluminium: Feruchemical so that with my Nicrosil as well I can give abilities to other people. Or sell them.
Duraluminum: Allomantic, because we don't really know too much about its feruchemical effect other than translation, and we already have translators.

Atium: Hemalurgic feruchemical steel spike. Because steel compounding is clearly the way to win all of the everything.

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Frankly I'm with Voidus ^ except for tin, chromium, and electrum.

Tin: allomantic - I'm lazy and this requires less effort, not to mention has some better applications with practice

Chromium: Feruchemical - because regardless of whether there were other metalborn, I'd love to be lucky at will

Electrum - I don't have bouts of depression(sorry to hear that by the way) and I'd totally become an electrum savant and rule the stock market.

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Iron: Allomantic, so that I can pull on stuff instead of having to walk over and phyically grab it
Steel: Feruchemical  :D 
Tin: Hemalurgic, because if I do it right I could be like a tineye without needing metals, and if I do it wrong a become a Hemalurgic abomination
Pewter: Allomantic, the balance and durability are helpful

Zinc: Feruchemical, so that I can ace all of the tests
Brass: Hemalurgic, stealing Feruchemical Copper
Copper: Allomantic, to protect against Seekers and finally find out what Copper Compounding actually does!
Bronze: Hemalurgic, stealing Allomantic Zinc for manipulating people and Compounding mental speed 

Cadmium: Feruchemical, like Voidus said, more useful
Bendalloy: Feruchemical, so that I can eat more and then not get hungry later
Gold: Allomantic, because I think there's probably a use for that beyond what we're lead to believe (half of these powers are for theories of mine, wow)
Electrum: Feruchemical. All the way.

Chromium: Feruchemical, because Luck storage sounds amazing
Nicrosil: Feruchemical, so that I can either boost all of my other powers or possibly Compound everything, depending on what it actually does
Aluminum: Hemalurgic, double Nicrosil. Investiture Compounding
Duraluminum: Allomantic, boosting myself is helpful

Atium: Hemalurgic, stealing Allomantic Bendalloy, just because it sounds fun :P

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Iron: Allomancy! For extra security with steel. Smashing into a telephone pole is not a fun experience.
Steel: Allomancy! Why walk when you can leap through the air in a mistcloak?
Tin: Feruchemy. There are times when I don't want my ears to work (loud party) and there are times when I do want my ears to work (eavesdropping).
Pewter: Feruchemy. I can fill my pewterminds whenever I'm sitting for 10 or more minutes. Contains lead, so I'd have to be a bit careful.

Zinc: Feruchemy. I don't trust myself with the ability to manipulate emotions.
Brass: See above.
Copper: Feruchemy. Time to start wearing my copper jewelry to tests (it isn't cheating if I'm using my own memories).
Bronze: Free information about investiture use vs ability to regulate my sleep cycle... this one is hard. If on Earth, Feruchemy, if on Scadrial, Allomancy.

Cadmium: It's carcinogenic, and hard to get rid of. I refuse to put it in my stomach or have copious amounts of it touching my skin. Pass.
Bendalloy: Also carcinogenic, but easier to get rid of. Allomancy.
Gold: Feruchemy, of course!

Aluminum: If on Scadrial, Allomancy. If I figure out how to worldhop, I might need a way to get rid of these pesky Lashings those "Knights Radiant" keep putting on me.
Duraluminum: Allomancy. Extra power with steel/iron? Yes please.

Atium: Allomancy. I wonder how it would work with computers...

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Iron: Allomancy! Subtly pulling small objects is always fun, especially when people don't know you're an allomancer
Steel: Allomancy! Sometimes pushing isn't enough.
Tin: Allomancy, just to be Daredevil.
Pewter: Allomancy, easier to use than feruchemy, don't want to rip my shirt by being too muscular. 
Zinc: Allomancy! Having power over others is fun.
Brass: Hemalurgy, stealing feruchemical zinc. Storing basically intelligence isn't very appealing, better to have infinite storages.
Copper: Feruchemy. Still being in school, I'd kill for this.
Bronze: Allomancy, more mistings than mistborn, people.  
Cadmium: Feruchemy, there are uses for everything, even the storing.  :ph34r:
Bendalloy: Feruchemy, going to an all-you-can-eat buffet once a month and never having to eat leaves a lot of time for other things. 
Gold: Feruchemy, storing in class or over breaks, tapping in life threatening situations. Or sports.
Electrum: Feruchemy, having control over your level of determination is too helpful. 
Chromium: Allomancy. Shake hands with any powered person, their stores are gone. 
Nicrosil: Feruchemy. Giving out unkeyed metalminds for money as a fallback. 
Aluminum: Allomancy. Just to show I can. 
Duralumin: Feruchemy. Just to mess around in Spanish. 
Atium: Hemalurgy, stealing Feruchemic Chromium. Just as useful as atium sometimes, with more comedic effect. 


I... spent way too long on this. 

Edited by Onceler
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Iron: Allomancy, wont have to get up to get things and I can sort of fly.
Steel: Feruchemy, hard choice but I always imagine just being able to dash somewhere in the blink of an eye.
Tin: Allomancy, yes being able to store hearing is useful, but I'd rather see in the dark.
Pewter: Allomancy, Ive gone on rants over how useful pewter is before.

Zinc: Hard one, probably feruchemy, but I do really want to manipulate others emotions.
Brass: So I guess I am going allomantic brass, even if storing heat during summer and tapping it during winter would be so useful.
Copper: Feruchemy, store all weird ideas for when I can write them down.
Bronze: Feruchemy, I should be sleeping at the moment, I need to wake up in 5 hours, I cant sleep.

Cadmium: Allomancy, I hate waiting.
Bendalloy: Hard one, do things really fast or never having to bring food anywhere again? Ok, feruchemy.
Gold: Feruchemy, while allomancy would be mildly interesting feruchemy is just more useful. And I can store the extra health I get from pewter in it.
Electrum: Feruchemy.

Chromium: Luck, luck, I want all the luck~
Nicrosil: Feruchemy, store my metalminds for me please.
Aluminum: Feruchemy
Duraluminum: Store when I am feeling anti social, tap when I a want to be social, and I can speak any language awesome.

Atium: Im going to completely cheat here and say hemalurgy, steal a windrunners surges so I can fall in style.

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Iron: Allomantic. Just for the ironsight. I don't give a damnation about flying around with Steel, and storing weight, while it could be useful, doesn't appeal to me much. Plus being able to pull things towards me is useful.
Steel: Feruchemical. The most broken feruchemical power, even if it is hard to actually store up most of the time I'd prefer this over steel allomancy. Being able to go fast would be fun for a change.
Tin: Feruchemical. I love this because storing is just as useful as tapping. While it may not enhance my night vision that much, I can learn to be Daredevil and just use my hearing instead.
Pewter: Allomantic. Rolls several feruchemical powers together that I can store. I'd love this one so much since I could be Captain America for a while with it.

Zinc: Feruchemical. Useful. I usually don't have to worry about thinking fast, and I often think too much. And tapping it would be such an interesting experience, maybe actually let me get my story inspiration going when I get stuck.
Brass: Feruchemical. I hate the heat. Summer sucks simply because of heat and humidity. It kills me every year. I am so gonna abuse feruchemical brass to keep that from happening.
Copper: Allomantic. While I have a bad memory in general, in the Mistborn universe, this would let me hide my limited allomantic abilities very well. Our world, I'd still take this because of Atium hemalurgy.
Bronze: Feruchemical. I'm a night owl and sleep in as it is, why not make good use of it so I can stay up when I need to? Not to mention it cures mental fatigue, which I have issues with during the day.

Cadmium: Feruchemical. My favorite feruchemical power, especially with Allomantic Pewter, don't ask why, I have no idea why. Still, the ability to go without breathing could be fun.
Bendalloy: Feruchemical. Eat all I want, store up the nutrients and caloric energy, get the taste going, and even lose weight? Sign me up. Seriously, this would be the best way for me to diet ever.
Gold: Feruchemical. Who doesn't want damnation near regeneration?! This would be a prime one to get doubled down with Atium or Pewter Hemalurgy. Use it to feign sickness and get out of work, tap to get over being sick for the fun. Or double down to compound and be a superhero.
Electrum: Allomantic. I don't need the determination much, while I am prone to moments of lethargy and apathy, I think I can be determined when I need to be.

Chromium: Feruchemical. Luck is fun. I love luck based builds in games for the sheer fun of it, plus my money problems would be over once I hit a casino.
Nicrosil: Feruchemical. Amplify my allomancy? Sure thing! Even with only Iron, Electrum, Pewter, and Copper, I think I'd like this one a lot. Plus with Aluminum I can hand off my metalminds for other people to use. Fun.
Aluminum: Feruchemical. Mainly for the above handing off of metalminds.
Duraluminum: Feruchemical. Language! God I want to go to Japan so badly! This would let me speak with people there and make friends quickly. Hell, I'm tempted to grab Allomantic Duralumin with Atium Hemalurgy just for that option!

Atium: Hemalurgic. So many ways to do this. Grab Duralumin or Gold allomancy to enhance the feruchemy or grab feruchemical copper to get a perfect memory. Allomantic Tin so I can have the night vision without the other obnoxious senses giving me issues. Allomantic chromium for infinite luck or allomantic nicrosil for infinitely enhanced allomancy. Allomantic Zinc for compounding so I can write better as well as manipulating people some. Allomantic Brass to calm people down since I hate people being angry. Wouldn't compound though, I hate the heat. Maybe Feruchemical Electrum so I can stay on course with my stuff and stop second guessing myself. God I don't know which I'd pick. Probably Feruchemical Copper for the eidetic memory compounding would give me, but there are just so many options!

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Iron: Hemalurgic--steal strength (this is one of the 'physical alterations' ones, I think, so I'll just naturally be stronger rather than gaining, say, Allomantic Pewter). 
Steel: Also hemalurgic--steal a copy of Allomantic Pewter.
Tin: Allomantic (tin savants are cool; in my opinion, it would totally be worth the downsides). 
Pewter: Allomantic. A-Pewter is a superior ability, and I've now basically doubled up on it, plus the enhanced strength I get from iron hemalurgy, which gives me vastly superior physical attributes without having to worry about losing mobility, as pewter Compounders would (plus the extra dexterity/durability/healing thing).


Zinc: Allomantic (Rioting is cool. Also, zinc Compounding). 
Brass: Hemalurgic--steal Zinc Feruchemy, so I'm now a zinc Compounder, which I think would be extraordinarily effective (increased intellect and bullet-time, from what I can gather from decidedly ambiguous WoB's).
Copper: Definitely Feruchemical (a very useful ability, to be certain).
Bronze: Allomantic (Seeking beats storing wakefulness, which is basically what sleeping does anyway...).

Cadmium: Allomantic (mostly because I want to play around with time distortions).
Bendalloy: Allomantic--very useful, also the same as above.

Gold: Admittedly, I'm torn on this one--on one hand, Gold Allomancy isn't something we've seen very much of, and I would like to experiment with it, but on the other, Gold Feruchemy is really useful (especially with my infinite allomantic pewter--I doubt I would even notice storing a significant amount of health). So I'd probably go with the latter, but perhaps regret it.
Electrum: Definitely Allomantic (it's cool, as well as underused). 

Chromium: Definitely Allomantic (what are these 'metal reserves' you speak of?).
Nicrosil: Allomantic, I suppose. Admittedly, without Feruchemical Aluminum F-Nicrosil is kind of pointless.
Aluminum: Okay--at this point, I'm spikier than Kredik Shaw's portcullises, but I'm going to take an additional copy of Allomantic Duralumin (what does it do? Who knows!)...
Duralumin: Allomantic. Now, with my multi-pewter and dual Duralumin, I can punch people halfway to Roshar (*giggles in crazed manner*).


Atium: Hmm...I'll probably go with a second copy of Allomantic Electrum, just so I can get the additional future-sight benefit, and use it in place of Atium's power itself. Or maybe I could take a third copy of Allomantic Pewter (*laughs manically*)...Nah, probably Electrum.

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Iron and Steel: Allomantic, because in a world with large quantities of metal available to push or pull, this would have endless applications

Tin: Feruchemy. I wouldn't mind storing any number of senses at various times (Such as reading while flying on a plane), and since I could retrieve these stores later it'd be a win-win

Pewter: Allomantic, because as a runner it'd be nice to occasionally have a pick-me-up, plus the balance, coordination, and strength would allow me to excel at any physical activity

Zinc: Feruchemical. It'd be useful for exams, plus I have a base IQ of 156, which means I'd likely be able to store quickly and accomplish amazing things while tapping

Brass: Hemarulgic Zinc Allomancy for compounding. I'd rather have stronger Feruchemical than allomantic, so Allomancy is the one with decay

Copper: Feruchemical. Never forget a name or date again, plus I have solid enough control of my emotions to resist allomancy, imo

Bronze: Feruchemy any day, I need to be able to store sleep

Cadmium: Feruchemical for the purpose of swimming and cross country

Bendalloy: Feruchemy, it'd be great to eat when I wanted and not otherwise

Gold: Feruchemy. Duh.

Electrum: Feruchemical just for the basic utility of it

Chromium: Feruchemical Luck all the way

Nicrosil: + Aluminum: Feruchemy, to make storages of my powers to sell

Duralumin: Allomancy. I wonder, if you burned duralumin while tapping luck, would you immediately win every lottery?

Atium: Hemarulgic gravitational surges

ETA: I've had this tab open and idle for the past 4 hours, so I got super ninja'd. Sorry for inadvertently copying you on Atium, Morzathoth!

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Ooh, tricky tricky.  


Iron: Feruchemic, because Wax shows us what an amazing power it is.  
Steel: Feruchemical steel.  Because Steelrunning is OP.  
Tin: Allomancy.  
Pewter:  Ooh, tossup between Allomancy and Feruchemy. Possibly Feruchemy, if only because of the monetary cost.   

Zinc: Allomantic Zinc, because Rioting could be useful.  
Brass: Hemalurgic spike, charged with F. Zinc.  Because Zinc compounding is pretty broken.  
Copper: Feruchemy, because the hemalurgic power is a pale imitation of what the Feruchemic power can achieve, and 'clouding is useless unless there are other Allomancers around.  
Bronze: Feruchemy, because I can never get to sleep on time.  

Cadmium: Feruchemy.  Because it'll be useful whenever I go on hikes.  
Bendalloy: Allomancy.  Because Wayne showcased it so well.  
Gold: Feruchemical Gold.  No contest.  
Electrum: Feruchemical Electrum would be most useful, I think.  Unless it does something cool Hemalurgically.  

Chromium: Feruchemy, because Luck is always a good thing to have on your side.  
Nicrosil: Allomancy.  Without Feruchemic Aluminum, one can't jailbreak your powers.  
Aluminum: Hemalurgy, charged with A. Chromium.  Because Luck is always a good thing to have on your side.  
Duralumin: Allomancy.  Because I'd love to supercharge my super speed, among other powers.  

Atium:  Hemalurgy, charged with Allomantic Steel.  Because Steel compounding is OPOP, plus Coinshot powers are easily the most dynamic of the bunch.  

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Iron: Allomancy, some what limited telekinesis is still telekinesis lol
Steel: Allomancy, same for the reason above
Tin: Feruchemy, I like being selective in my senses, being to amplify some and deaden others, instead of all immediately being maxed
Pewter: Allomancy, it just covers so many bases, keeps me warm when its cold, heals me, makes me durable preventing damage, makes me faster, stronger, and greater endurance which covers to a lesser extent steel speed, brass warmth, bronze wakefulness, bendalloy energy, and gold health

Zinc: Feruchemy, I like the idea of being able to accelerate my thinking processes in critical situations, and any effect I would get from rioting, I could also get by soothing but by dampening instead of inciting.
Brass: Allomancy, I don't need brass warmth because I have pewter, so a little soothing to grease the palms persay and be extra charismatic never hurts.
Copper: Feruchemy, for storing memories
Bronze: allomancy, for seeking on scadrial, or feruchemy on earth to help me sleep at night

Cadmium: Allomancy, although Marasi thinks it is useless, I think it would be helpful in day to day actions. I would never need to be impatient because I would just have to burn it and ding whatever I am waiting for is done
Bendalloy: Allomancy, similar as above, time manipulation, even though it is localized and small bursts, can still be used in a myriad of fun ways
Gold: Although pewter heals, it is still slow, so a little extra health in a moment that could kill me outright never hurts, and by burning pewter, storing gold would be a breeze.
Electrum: Allomancy, poor man's atium. Between regeneration, durability, time control, accelerated thinking, emotion control, telekinesis and enhanced senses, I figure I am already pretty hard to kill, so electrum is more to nullify if an enemy is using atium. 

Chromium: Don't fully understand this ability yet, so hard to pick, but if on Scadrial, then Allomancy to be a leecher. Never hurts to be able to touch your opponent and remove albeit briefly all his abilities he is using against you at just the right moment. If on earth and no other allomantic enemies, then probably feruchemy for luck even though we do not know how it works yet. 
Nicrosil: I personally do not fully understand how this power works, but what little I do get, I say feruchemy. On earth with no other allomancers, being able to enhance someone else's metals does not make sense (unless my fiance also got to pick her powers, then we would team up lol), on Scadrial it would be also iffy. I wouldn't necessarily need to enhance someone else, except again unless my fiance got powers too.  
Aluminum: Allomancy, if it works as suggested, then on Scadrial it would get rid of any investiture being used on me. If on earth, I never have to worry about burning out all my metals before I sleep. I just burn aluminum and I am good
Duraluminum: Allomancy in a heart beat. Being able to do any of the allomantic abilities I have selected jacked out is just too good to pass up for me. 

Atium: If on Scadrial then a spike to steal allomantic copper to smoke, if on earth then feruchemy because I know there will be days that if i felt younger I would be able to accomplish things I wouldn't as I get older. 

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F. Iron

A. Steel

A. Tin

A. Pewter

H. Atium (F. Tin)

Wax has shown what a versatile combination Crashers have. Throwing A. Pewter into that mix would be even more awesome, letting me throw my stored weight around with even more impunity. Adding compounded Tin (using an atium spike) for ridiculous senses and I have the start of something pretty awesome.

A. Zinc

H. Brass (F. Zinc)

F. Copper

F. Bronze

Using a spike to get compounded Zinc, now I can riot emotions and think at super speed without the downside of storing much. F. Copper lets me store the vast amount of sensory data that I take in and process it at my convenience. A. Pewter offsets some of the downside of storing F. Bronze.

F. Cadmium

F. Bendalloy

F. Gold

A. Electrum

A. Pewter also helps offset storing health and breath. I took F. Bendalloy because it goes well with cadmium, and with super mental speed, adding in speed bubbles just seems broken. But A. Bendalloy is a tempting alternative, especially with F. Nicrosil to compound allomantic strength. A. Electrum, especially compounded with F. Nicrosil, lets me glimpse the future and analyze it with compounded mental speed.

A. Chromium

F. Nicrosil

F. Aluminum

F. Duralumin

With A. Chromium I can neutralize most other metalborn (assuming I've learned how to void metalminds). F. Nicrosil lets me compound the strength of my abilities when I'm not using them (no real need for A. Duralumin when you have that), and combined with F. Aluminum I have some limited capability to grant my abilities to friends. F. Duralumin lets me be social or antisocial as I choose, and plays well with A. Zinc.

So I am basically Wax + Spiked Spook + Super Sherlock Holmes + significant endurance and ability to manipulate people.

All that and only 2 spikes, few enough that it will be very difficult for anyone to come around and exploit my Flaw.

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Terminator build!
Iron: Crasher combination.
Steel: Allomancy for metalsight and Steelpushing. On long distances faster than Feruchemical steel.
Tin: little difference.
Pewter: Allomantic, simple.

Zinc: Finally decided for Feruchemical. Tough one.
Brass: Hemalurgy, Feruchemical bronze. Compounding wakefullness to be literally restless. Gets along with pewter.
Copper: Allomantic, you need to blend in. Or maybe Feruchemical to remember every possible info about who you are after.
Bronze: Allomantic, you have to be aware of potential threats and useful for detecting your Allomancer victims

Cadmium: Obviously Feruchemical. Gets along with allomantic pewter.
Bendalloy:Obviously Feruchemical. No stopping to eat or drink.
Gold: Obviously Feruchemical. Pewter helps to offset storing.
Electrum: Obviously Feruchemical (he's a deTerminator, after all).

Chromium: Allomantic to make your victims helpless.
Nicrosil: Probably Feruchemy to augment your powers.
Aluminum: Feruchemy. Store it all the time.
Duraluminum: Feruchemy. Store it all the time along with aluminum to make yourself unnoticeable.

Atium: Allomantic electrum, because Compounding electrum all the time. You don't want an electrum Copounder after you, that's pretty terrifying.

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I forgot to mention the Flaw. But the passerby Mistborn is surely thankful for his own Inquisitor plaything :D

Well with a mental fortitude spike as well that'd be pretty difficult. And we also don't know how something like allomantic copper would interact with it.

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Iron: Feruchemy - combined with allomantic steel and pewter, this makes a deadly combination, and is really useful by itself
Steel: Allomancy - while super speed would be great, this is one of those powers that is totally unique, nothing else really grants the well rounded trio of usefulness.  Steelsight, flight, offenside / defensive pushing.
Tin: Feruchemy, I like the idea of the separate senses being used as opposed to the all at once version with allomancy.
Pewter: Allomancy, again, the full package of human enhancement is way better than turning super bulky.  I also have a hunch about allomantic pewter working really well with some of the feruchemal powers...mostly gold.


Given the option to only have 4 powers, I would take 3 of these with F-gold instead of F-tin.  As others have pointed out, the combination of a Crasher/Thug sounds wicked, and adding the ability to heal just inceases the wickedness.  Since I can get the F-gold also, adding supersenses to the package just seems unfair.

Zinc: Feruchemy, see below...
Brass: Allomancy, the way I figure it, you really only need one of the two emotional allomantic powers, and I'd rather have the feruchemal power to store mental speed vs warmth.
Copper: Feruchemy, since I'm going with allomancy below, I've got myself covered on the "other allomancers" thing...any hey...who doesn't want to have a great memory?
Bronze: Allomancy, if all you guys (an presumably others) are throwing around allomancy, I wanna know about it


I think that increased mental speed coupled with A-brass would be a great combo...especially when adding the enhanced senses of tin...being able to observe better and think harder about using A-brass would make you a much better soother. I think that A-bronze would also couple really well with F-zinc.  For the F-copper, the first thing I would memorize would be how to make all of my own viable metals.

Cadmium: Feruchemy, while there are a lot of uses for allomantic cadmium, I can see even more for the feruchemal side...particularly when paired with allomantic peweter.
Bendalloy: Feruchemy, while far an by one of the least flashy of the F-powers, I just want to be able to go camping for weeks in the back country with out carrying tons of food and water.  Plus, coupled with F-Cadmium and A-pewter, being able to stay perfectly hydrated, nourished AND oxygenated while on a pewter drag would probably be pretty boss...
Gold: Feruchemy for sure...I am convinced that you can use A-pewter to cheat with this one...and even if you can't, still way more useful that being and Auger...
Electrum: Allomancy, I'm a little weak on this decision, but basically so I don't have to worry about and Seers...plus I've picked feruchemy for the other 3 temporal/hybrid powers...


F-cadmium, bendalloy, and gold would all work really well with A-pewter.  Even if you can't use the A-pewter to store more of these traits, the combination of being able to tap these qualities while burning pewter would midigate some of the dangers that A-pewter presents.

Chromium: Allomancy, mosty because it would be great for any seeker...and also because I don't really know what the cost of storing luck would be
Nicrosil: Feruchemy, now I'm not sure about this one...but it seems like it would give you the ability to make the fuel for your powers interchangeable...maybe I'm wrong...but that's the idea.
Aluminum: Feruchemy...for sure..."Here...now you can do neat stuff too!!!" instead of..."Now I can't do anything"
Duraluminum: Allomancy, while we don't yet know a great deal about the possible F-applications of this, it's something that any allomancer should have in their pocket...especially with my A-brass...and how many of you are using spikes...

Atium: Hemalurgy, I had to think for a long time about this one...I think I would use it to spike myself with F-Atium.  It would be my only spike, making a very small flaw to exploit, and I would be able to use my spike as an in grown metalmind for age.


If I'm thinking right, while F-atium is a zero gain power, being able to use the investiture from other powers to store more youth could extend your life significantly without compounding.

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Assuming I'm the only one who has powers:

All metals Allomancy except copper, bronze, aluminum, nicrosil, chromium, gold, electrum - which would all be Feruchemy. No spikes.


Assuming I'm not the only one who has powers:

All metals Allomancy except aluminum, nicrosil, gold, and electrum - which would all be Feruchemy. No spikes.

Edited by vividox
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Can't pick Lerasium to be a Mistborn, or for its direct F/A uses then or as a compound to be a misting in one of the other metals without using it? If we can, compounding is easy!

If I can't cheat like that, I'd still like the mystery quality of F Lerasium but for now I'll ignore it:

Haemalurgy would be useful but I just can't accept the way you get power with it. So just A and F for me.

A Atium- future sight handy even if Atium is at a premium. Have it just in case

A Duralumin- this is tough, as Allomatic Duralumin is a bit of a gamebreaker in the original series. However, I think that having Feruchemical Nicrosil and Duralumin together would let you basically tap any magic system. However, I suspect to do that in a meaningful amount, one would probably have to be a compounder in at least one, and as I can't do that without Lerasium, medallions or haemalurgy, I'll go for the tried and tested power.

F- Gold- ability to store health useful for anyone.

A - Tin. Much easier to use and an easy to find metal

F - Zinc. Storing a burst of mental ability would be invaluable

A- Bronze. Would be very useful in a world with few Mistborn, and even with copperclouds, I have A Duralumin.

A - Copper. My memory is quite good anyway, and A Copper is always handy just in case

A - Brass. Only need one of the mental push/pulling powers, as you can do the same with either- I'll take Brass as I'm already using Zinc

A- Bendalloy. Time bubbles always useful. Also might help me fill my Steelminds whilst functioning

A- Cadmium. I think A Cadmium is pretty useful in certain situations, for example tending a wounded person

F- Steel. A stored up burst of F Steel, though hard to fill, would be useful in almost any situation, though A Steel is also very cool and multipurpose.

A - Iron. Less ideal than A Steel but gives some of the perks as so is a compensation prize.

F- Chromium. I think both Chromium powers are great but tapping luck could be a gamebreaker.

A - Pewter. As it's cheap, makes sense to use a free source of strength rather than store it up.

F- Nicrosil. I think A Nicrosil is pretty awesome too, but F Nicrosil would be a great way to store powers in case of an emergency and also possibly help others with medallions.

F - Aluminium. It's a tough one between this and the 2 Electrums. However, I'm already pretty determined and think being able to be sure of yourself might be very useful in times of crisis, maybe more so than determination, and could have the added benefit of protecting me against possible possession by a god etc. A Electrum could help if there were Atium users about, but I have access to Atium use too and we know Vin's clever trick to beat Atium (actually, I think if you were filling a Duraluminmind or maybe Aluminiummind or Electrummind, through differing mechanics it might be possible to make Atium unable to read your future).

Even if I use the ones I haven't picked, I think you can combine powers in a fancy way. I actually think with access to other powers, they are all useful except maybe A Alluminium

I am very tempted to switch Duralumin for Feruchemical and try to hack other worlds' magic though. And sad not to have copperminds. And VERY tempted not to switch both my Iron and Steel around

Edited by IndigoAjah
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I intentionally didn't include lerasium in the list. Allomantically it would be a game breaker and we don't know its other uses.

At first I didn't intend to include atium, but then I though "why not?". Feruchemically it can be interesting, Allomantically its's badchull, and Hemalurgically it balances having to pick only one power per metal - so you got a spike for anything.

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