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BB, do you want one of the other Mandos to find you and help you? Also, I think we should start a Mandalorian clan on the Shard

speaking of which, how should we do that? different threads? Group PMs? secret handshakes? 


Post is up, let me know what you think.

upvote. upvote is what I think. :D


tempted to have my sith lord contact him with a job to hunt down valran. he's not a jedi after all :P

Edited by WarriorMark16
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BB, do you want one of the other Mandos to find you and help you? Also, I think we should start a Mandalorian clan on the Shard

Yeah, I'd be fine with that. Meeting up with another Mando sounds like a good idea, but I think we first need to have people land on a planet, so the meetup can be there, instead of in the middle of space, as well as needing an actual reason to be together. Maybe the other Mando needs help with a bounty, and hires my guy? It's slightly general OOC of Mandos, but if they were having a lot of trouble, then it could work.

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Post is up. Please give feedback. Feedback will be loved here.

anything can be bought on the black market these days. -_-


curiosity, that famous cat killer, has asked me to ask you which sith he will be hunting and was also wondering if we might have a strange moment when both our characters bump shoulders without realizing that they just both walked by a protagonist :P

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Sorry, I didn't know that you were supposed to post here first... :ph34r:

Name: Faolin Nirdaesa

Race: Human

Height: 6'2"

Weapons: A custom blue lightsaber, usually a blaster, and whatever else is on hand.

Ship: He goes through ships really fast, as they tend to get destroyed. He doesn't usually name his ships, as they are destroyed often enough that he doesn't bother.

Abilities: He has terrible Force sensitivity when compared to the Jedi, and can barely execute a decent Force Push, but has excellent precision in using the Force.

Personality: Basically a more cheerful Kaladin.

Background: He was raised by the Jedi in the hopes that he would be a powerful Force user, but once he started training, it became clear that he had very little connection to the Force. He was later dismissed from the New Jedi Order for his lack of powerful Force abilities and for lacking the ability to contain his emotions, and has roamed the galaxy for various reasons ever since.

Appearance: Brown hair and light grey eyes.

Edited by Kevino36
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I think Kaladin can be cheerful.

He's just never cheerful on his own.

he needs friends.

which is why...

everytime he finds himself in a hard position...

he finds the people around him....

and holds onto them...

as hard as he can...

but friends are like fine pottery...

they break if you shoot them with half a dozen arrows and trample them as you carry a heavy bridge.


yeah. I know.


anyway, here is something I find fun


Obi-wan sass. its almost as if he's looking up to the thing I wrote. :D

Edited by WarriorMark16
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BreathTaker, did you want Rook to show up to one of the sentinel training sessions? Vornskrs (what Storm is) can actually detect the force. Maybe the younglings could be given a test/trial, and Rook and Storm could help supervise (if that's alright, of course). 


Warrior, perhaps your Sith could hire a group of bounty hunters? Those who want to participate in the hunt for Valran can, but if they had some other direction they wanted their character could go through they could instead pursue that? I don't know, I'm just trying to throw out some ideas. 


Edit: I'm also a bit confused on what we are doing for the whole council thing. How exactly does that work? 

Edited by Patar
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Warrior, perhaps your Sith could hire a group of bounty hunters? Those who want to participate in the hunt for Valran can, but if they had some other direction they wanted their character could go through they could instead pursue that? I don't know, I'm just trying to throw out some ideas. 

Okay. that sounds like an idea worth working for.



Edit: I'm also a bit confused on what we are doing for the whole council thing. How exactly does that work? 

What I think we should do is have the council meetings be a big collaborative... thingy. anyway, if we did it the way I think we should, we would have it be from the perspective of the person the council is interviewing and they would do react to what we make our council characters say and do.


or we could do it the old fashioned way, post by post.


btw, what planet is the council on. I vote Yavin 4 or Naboo.

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I have always thought it better to have a personal sub plot so when the writing gets isolated and you don't know where to move you can always throw your antagonist into the mix and spice things up.


maybe you could have this assassin character to play that role?

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BreathTaker, did you want Rook to show up to one of the sentinel training sessions? Vornskrs (what Storm is) can actually detect the force. Maybe the younglings could be given a test/trial, and Rook and Storm could help supervise (if that's alright, of course).

Warrior, perhaps your Sith could hire a group of bounty hunters? Those who want to participate in the hunt for Valran can, but if they had some other direction they wanted their character could go through they could instead pursue that? I don't know, I'm just trying to throw out some ideas.

Edit: I'm also a bit confused on what we are doing for the whole council thing. How exactly does that work?

I like it. PM me and we'll talk deets

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sweet! I have two posts ready on my typing device thingy, but I cant find the cord that connects it to the computer...


first world problems.


anyone ready to accept the call?




because Ventrus is sending out a recruitment transmission to the bounty hunters.

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hey guys, I just wanted to ask is who's interested in hunting down Valran? there's lots of $$MULA$$ in it for  you  your character

I'll have Rook start tracking him as soon as his meeting with Kalin is concluded. 


Also, 400th post. 

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