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Spren of each KR order


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Hello, sharders!

First of all, I'm not a native English speaker. If I made any grammar mistake, I'm truly sorry and please correct me.


We know that each order of KR is bond with a specific type spren. We've seen some of them, but most of them are still unknown.

I am going to make some wild guess about what sprens they might be.

If there's a similar thread before, I'm sorry about the repost.


Another popular theory is the shardplate is made from the main spren's "cousin", which are more common sprens but less sentiment than the main spren, so I'll also give it a try.



Main spren: We know it's honor spren, but I'm still curious about the relation between protection and the two 

                   surges of Windrunner.

Side spren: Windspren. Honorspren and windspren are so similar. My guess is that Tanavast is fond by wind, 

                   so his intent(honor) is correlated to wind on Roshar. And its color is light blue, just like the color

                   of Windrunner.



Main spren: Highspren. They have the same problem as Windrunner. What's the relationship between law and


Side spren: No information. My guess is rainspren. This mostly base on Kaladin doesn't like rainspren, and

                   Windrunner and Skybreaker don't like each other. And wind v.s rain sounds poetic. And it fits the    

                   color (blue-purple-ish).



Main spren: No idea. Bravespren maybe? or darespren. Dustbringers seem quite badass.

Side spren: My bet is on firespren. Though I've seen someone suggest rotspren, that make sense, too. But

                   hundreds of rotspren crawl on you and become a armor? Sounds awful. Both of the spren are

                   red-orange color, so it fit quite well.



Mainspren: We've seen Windle, but we don't konw what type of spren he is. There's confirmation it's something

                   like cultivatespren. My guess is carespren. It draws by people who care about others, and Windle

                   is a gardener which fits the topic.

Side spren:  No good thought. Lifespren? I think it fit Truthwatcher more.



Main spren: We know Glys. And Ym's spren probably is this type, since Ym can regrowth and his spren doesn't

                   look like Windle. Observationspren? It would fit the theme of Truthwatcher. Besides, Renarin and

                   Ym are not the action type, observe sounds like what they do a lot.

Side spren: I think it's lifespren. It's glowing little thing, just like Ym's spren. And it's green! That fits




Main spren: Cryptics. They fit Lightweaver so well.

Side spren: Creationspren. An interesting thing is that Pattern doesn't like creationspren, but Syl love to play

                   with windspren. Maybe Cryptics consider their cousin too stupid. The color doesn't fit, though. But

                   color should not be a problem to Lightweavers, right?



Main spren: We know Ivory is one of them, but not a clue about what they might be. My thought is

                    challengespren. It draws by extrodinary person who wants to accomplish big things, like Jasnah.

                   At the begin of WoR, Ivory pull Jasnah into Shademar and draw his sword toward her. I think he is

                   challenging her to see if she is qualified to bond with him. I feel the ideal of Elsecaller might be

                   something like " I'll accomplish things that no one else can"

Side spren: Logicspren, maybe? Big things needs solid argument. And thundercloud fit the dark blue/grey

                   color of Elsecaller.



Main spren: Not much information.Judging by Eshonai's hobby, I would say discoverspren or freespren. These

                  two are fit to the Willshaper's "free-style" theme. After Eshonai transformed to stormform, she saw a

                  little comet-like spren around her, could it be the bonding spren?

Side spren: I'll guess starspren. It has the astronamical theme with the comet-like spren. And they seem so

                   free. We don't know the color of starspren, so nothing here.



Main spren: We don't know much about Stoneward, but endurancespren sounds quite fit.

Side spren: I'm pretty sure if there is a side spren for each order. It would be painspren for stoneward. It fit the

                   theme so well. The orange-brown color fit as well. Plus, It seems that there's no such thing as




Main spren:There are too many theories about the Bondsmith's spren. So I'll just call it godspren.

Side spren: Gloryspren. Because Bondsmith is awesome. And its color is gold.



So that's it! I'm pretty sure that most if them will be soooo wrong, but making wild guess is fun!


What do you guys think? Is there any good choice I might miss here?


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My one objection is that all of the main spren you've cited are emotion spren.  I would assume that (like Wyndle), some half of the main spren would be nature spren instead.  Others have already suggested which orders are aligned with each type of spren (though without going into the detail of the specific spren for each order like you have), so that would be a good starting point (I don't recall them offhand, but there's a topic here and maybe a Wiki page).


Still, great job overall!  I definitely agree with a lot of these, despite the objection I noted.



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That's an excellent breakdown you'd made! I really like most of your guesses.


Dustbringers were disliked for similarities to Voidbringers, and I think it was implied it's more than just the name issue. What if their secondary spren were angerspren (those appear in WoK)? In similar vein, looking at their Surges (Abrasion and Division), could their primary spren be something like destructionspren maybe? Although darespren look promising as well.


Why painspren for Stonewards? I know Taln's the one who always suffers the most, but this isn't necessarily all he's known for. The Stonewards are supposed to be the ones who "stand when others fall" - their schtick could be, much like Taln did, to have a victorious last stand and/or go down in a blaze of glory, like an order of 300 Spartans. I could see gloryspren being their secondary spren. 


Regarding bonsmiths, I think their main spren are too unusual to have a set type of secondary spren. If we assume that there are indeed three godspren they bond with - Cuciseh, Nightwather and Stormfather - then I find it likely that every knight would have their own secondary type of spren, "keyed" with the godspren they bond with.


Oh, and regarding why Honorspren and Adhesion: my guess would be that honor binds people, hence Windrunners get the ability to bind things (ditto for Bonsmiths, who are supposed to be leaders). No idea about gravity and honorspren.

Edited by Rasarr
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  • 1 month later...

Regarding Honorspren and gravity, gravity can be seen as an object being bound to the ground. Honorspren manipulate bonds, so to me it makes sense that they can manipulate an object's bond with the ground and change it to another surface or direction.


I really like Cultivationspren/lifespren for Edgedancers. I think it really fits their caring, growth, and healing natures. The only tie I see between Truthwatchers and lifespren is that the related gemstone is particularly good at soulcasting wood and plants.


For Dustbringers, what about Decayspren for their bondspren? Syl mentions Decayspren at one point in passing, but no one calls the spren attracted by decaying matter "decayspren." People call that spren "rotspren." If we assume that these are two distinct types of spren and not two names for the same spren, then Decayspren would make total sense for the Dustbringers - a spren tied to destructive change that is not one anyone knows about. That would make their associated lesser spren rotspren most likely, though I can see the argument for flamespren or deathspren.


For Elsecallers, they're the prime liaisons between humans and spren. Sure, Jasnah is really into learning and logic, but those aren't qualities associated with the Order of Elsecallers. Elsecallers are associated with the properties Wise and Careful (Truthwatchers are the ones associated with Learning). If we look at what Ivory is like, Ivory is extremely careful around others and first appears as a shadow pointing in the wrong direction. If Syl first appeared looking like a Windspren and Pattern forms various shapes before he regained consciousness kinda like a creationspren, I'd think Ivory's spren-type's linked spren would be something to do with shadows. Perhaps shadespren or darknessspren if such things exist? (Definitely not Nightspren though; we all know those are voidspren!) So, shadowy, wise, careful, ambassadorial... maybe Ivory's spren type is something like Intriguespren? Seems like it'll be something to do with the shadier areas of politics.


For Skybreakers, if Highspren have something to do with law and order, like some kind of high judge, then I'd think their associated spren would be similarly inclined. But, I'm not seeing any spren in the list of mentioned spren that are associated with law and order, except possibly captivationspren. Maybe there's some kind of judgmentspren that come out when someone is proclaiming judgment on another?


I want the Willshapers' bondspren to be Adventurespren :D But it's more likely something like what you said, Discoveryspren or Freespren or Wildspren.



I do agree that it's likely many of these spren will be more naturey and we keep suggesting more emotiony spren, but emotion spren are just easier to link to abstract concepts than nature spren. For all we know, the spren for Willshapers will be some wild force of nature, like Hurricanespren or Catspren.

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I've always thought that Radiant spren are naturespren (was that the name Shallan used?) that transformed into emotionspren. Like honorspren are basically windspren, but they got a bunch of Honor's Investiture and over time they became to be associated with keeping promises and protecting people. Or maybe windspren got associated with protecting so they became Invested with Honor, which doesn't really make sense but whatever. The point I'm trying to make is all Radiant spren are emotion spren and they are associated with one Surge. Their "cousins" are whatever spren that represents that Surge. My thinking is something like this:


  • honorspren - Adhesion (air pressure) - windspren
  • Skybreaker spren - Gravitation - gravityspren
  • Releaser spren - Division - decayspren
  • Edgedancer spren - Abrasion - lifespren (okay, this doesn't make sense but Wyndle seems lifespren-y)
  • Truthwatcher spren - Progression - lightspren (same as above; Ym's spren looks lightspren-y)
  • Cryptics - Illumination - patternspren? symmetryspren? something like that. remember when Pattern said dead Cryptics become patterns in nature? that's my thinking
  • Elsecaller spren - Transformation - shadowspren maybe
  • Willshaper spren - Transportation - uhh, no idea really
  • Stoneward spren - Cohesion - again, no idea
  • Bondsmith spren - special case, they bond with Godspren for lack of a better term like Stormfather, Nightwatcher, and whatever else there is

Admittedly, it's not a perfect pattern. It breaks down with Edgedancers, so maybe it's not the Surges but Essences or maybe a mix of both? I don't know. But I still feel fairly confident with the whole "cousins" are always naturespren thing.

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I was thinking the side spren for sky breakers might be those star spren that were mentioned once.


This makes much sense. Highspren and starspren - always high in the skies - look like fitting cousins. Also, did anyone consider analogy of falling stars (AKA meteorites) and Skybreaker using Gravitation downward and hitting the ground with Division? 

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About light weavers, creation spren make most sense to me, but I feel like rain spren are also candidates even though they don't really match, since kaladin dislikes them and Shallan finds them intriguing (that's what I think I remember, correct me if I'm wrong). That seems to follow the wind runner and light weaver conflict (though shallan doesn't hate windspren)

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About light weavers, creation spren make most sense to me, but I feel like rain spren are also candidates even though they don't really match, since kaladin dislikes them and Shallan finds them intriguing (that's what I think I remember, correct me if I'm wrong). That seems to follow the wind runner and light weaver conflict (though shallan doesn't hate windspren)


I feel like character preference is really not a good indicator of anything. Kaladin doesn't have any sort of love of windspren, nor does Syl really. Shallan doesn't think anything of windspren either. Kaladin hates rain because it's depressing and reminds him of horrible days in his past where it happened to be raining.


Someone's like or dislike of a type of spren says far more about how they feel about the natural force or emotion that attracts that type of spren than how they feel about the actual spren themselves.

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  • 7 months later...
On 3/4/2016 at 10:56 AM, Rasarr said:

Oh, and regarding why Honorspren and Adhesion: my guess would be that honor binds people, hence Windrunners get the ability to bind things (ditto for Bonsmiths, who are supposed to be leaders). No idea about gravity and honorspren.

Gravity also pulls things together. And their powers are what associate them with the wind.


On secondary spren: The secondary spren seem to be attracted to the surgebinder while they use their powers. When Kaladin moves through the air he attracts Windspren, when Shallan is creating things she attracts Creationspren, when Lift grows things she attracts lifespren, when a dustbringer dustbrings something they get... firespren?


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My friend and I had this convo about Willshaper's spren. 

TRG: mayybe....like creationspren?
TRG: like you create something and soon it becomes like the spren of .....creating making stuff up, eutrprenureing, being absent minded procrasinating, ect
Me: So Willshapers are all about.... like, willpower in the moment. Inspiration and drive. Not necessarily permanent, just enough to do one big push and get it over with. Almost like a panic, or a rush of anger. Creationspren almost works, but Cohesion is more destructive. It's molding and willing things into position. It's like... the the surge of power after you've procrastinated too long and you shift into maximum overdrive. It's like Flaring in Allomancy.
Me: ^^^Good analyzation?
TRG: Pretty much. and not just flaring...like flaring +that ferechemical ability to speed up the brain
Me: Maybe... like, storagespren of some sort? Putting off, saving up, then BOOM. SUCK IT..
TRG: imaginationspren?
Me: That could work. Not reliable, but it comes in spikes.

But she likes the idea of a Freespren of some sort too. 

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