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CONFIRMATION - The Weapon that killed Adonalsium no longer exists


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I dont think Preservation was referring to "The" weapon but rather the atium and the number 16 being what led to them figuring out the 1/16 pattern of people snapping and getting atuim powers not the original 16 vessels.  Also when talking about the freezing and boiling points he was saying that he was going to use that as a possible clue bit was scared the units would change, so like from Celsius to Fahrenheit.  So that wouldnt of worked.

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Preservation's 'weapon' was the atium cache (and the atium mistings) who could at the last moment burn away Ruin's body and prevent him from reclaiming his full power for long enough that Vin could carry out her role in Preservation's Master Plan. Nothing to do directly with Adonalsium. That the number sixteen is important to both may not be a coincidence but it's not a deep connection. We know that Shards can exert some degree of influence over the magic systems they create even though many aspects of it are out of their control, such as Preservation tweaking things to make his sixteen symbolism work out, Ruin leaving a hole in hemalurgy through which one could control sufficiently spiked entities and probably other things we don't know about yet. So Preservation may not have been able to control how his magic manifested but he might have been able to tweak things so that there were sixteen metals to correspond to the sixteen Vessels, as a way of preserving a memory of the Shattering or for some other reason.

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you mean the cache of atium in the Kandra homeland? that was the lord ruler who had them bury it, and I think Preservation (for Future reference, can I call him Fuzz?) was talking about his thought process from before he trapped ruin.

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19 minutes ago, ethan_sedai said:

you mean the cache of atium in the Kandra homeland? that was the lord ruler who had them bury it, and I think Preservation (for Future reference, can I call him Fuzz?) was talking about his thought process from before he trapped ruin.

TLR held the well, which was filled with Preservation's power. 

It's where he got the compulsion to horde Atium, per Preservation's plan. 

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that may be, but since sixteen was the number of metals, since the beginning of Scadrial it must have been his past thought process, since around the same time he thought to bury the atium, so it was before all of that, and buried was past tense, so I'm still not sure.

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here is why I think you guys are being ridiculous. this is not intended to ridicule, or insult, or anything like that. I'm just trying to get my point across.

Preservation, before he trapped Ruin:

"I will need a sign! A sign one of the Atium I buried, I mean I will bury, I mean that I think I will have TLR bury, but I'm not sure, it's hard to see the future! I know! I will use sixteen, because Atium is one of the original sixteen allomantic metals! oh, wait! no it's not! I'll use sixteen anyways!"

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12 minutes ago, ethan_sedai said:

is there something wrong with what I said? if so, please explain.

Just go to Brandon's site and read the HoA annotations. It is stated outright that all of this was about the Atium. The number of metals wasn't supposed to be forgotten. The "weapon" was that Atium. 

You call us ridiculous for disagreeing with you, but our disagreement is based off of information. Your insistence that we're wrong is based off of guesswork. 

You're not going to get a good reaction from people when you want to make your point and ignore them. And any sentence that starts with "I'm not trying to be mean/insulting/etc." is something that the person speaking usually knows is insulting and should just not be said. 

Edited by Calderis
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Unless, he forgot about it or didn't mention it...

JK-his mind wasn't that far gone. I still think that the Core of Scadrial would be an awesome hiding place it could just be hiding something else, or even nothing. might be related to The Well of Ascension and the Magnetic field of the planet? 

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On 9/8/2017 at 7:50 PM, ethan_sedai said:


I think I know who knows, or rather, knew, where the remains of the weapon is: Preservation!

in secret history, Preservation says 

"I needed a sign. Something he couldn't change. A sign of the weapon I'd buried. The boiling point of water, I think. Maybe it's freezing point? But what if the units change over the years? I needed something that would be remembered always. Something they'll immediately recognize. Sixteen."

a sign of the weapon, and sixteen, being one of those signs, and how many Shards it split Adonalsium into, is too much of a coincidence.

Also, Ruin and Preservation created Scadrial, so they could design aspects of it in special ways. If he had buried it at the core of the planet, no one would be able to get to it, not on the Physical Realm, not without Either Ruin or Preservation noticing, and they wouldn't be able to get to it in the Cognitive Realm, as the investiture in metal makes it so that Shards cannot touch or influence it and probably are unable to get past it, so Shards would not be able to get to the core of the planet, because the inner and outer cores would be made out of metal. In addition, Ruin and Preservation are so heavily invested in the planet that they can't leave. Sounds like a good way to prevent them from being pressured into leaving the weapon defenseless.

The only thing I can't figure out is what the boiling/freezing point of water has to do with the weapon of opposition of Adonalsium.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but when Presevation said "the weapon I buried," I thought he was talking about the atium mistings which were the weapons (of sorts) that defeated Ruin.

Edited by ILuvHats
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@ILuvHats yes, that is correct, as Calderis stated.

@ethan_sedai for the love of all that is reasonable, please don't double post like that. Especially with such small posts... If you have more to say and nothing new to reply to, just edit your post. You can find the button for that at the bottom of your posts. I can see that at least one of your posts have been edited (I assume it was you and not a mod), so just do that. Also, why are you still on about the Adonalsium killer? The whole basis for your idea was shown conclusively to be false. If you have more evidence, I'd love to see it, since I'm very interested in the Weapon. My current head-canon for that is that it's buried on Threnody. I feel like there might be WoB against that, though... I can't remember off the top of my head. I know we have discussed it in the past if you want to search for the thread.

Also, instead of saying someone is ridiculous, you could just say that your guess is different, and ask if they have a source for theirs. As a hint, if someone's post count (below their name and profile pic) is in the thousands, they probably know what they are talking about. Not always, and a lot of what people say is conjecture, but at least they've been around long enough to have posted that much, and therefor usually know enough to make decent guesses. Lower post counts like mine can mean any number of things. In my case I've been around a long time, but don't post as much as some people. (looking at you, Calderis and Extesian <.<)

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8 minutes ago, Calderis said:

My post count is only evidence that I have a problem. 

Naw, just that this is your problem. Everyone has problems. Anyone who looks like they don't just has a problem of being either dishonest or manipulative. I'm one of the latter ;p

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Just now, Djarskublar said:

Naw, just that this is your problem. Everyone has problems. Anyone who looks like they don't just has a problem of being either dishonest or manipulative. I'm one of the latter ;p

I didn't say I wasn't OK with my problem. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry about that earlier post. But I'm back, ready to be proven wrong again, but I wanted to present my side in a more orderly manner, and all that. I'll probably still be wrong, but I wanted you guys to see what I meant. I also read the HOA annotations you guys mentioned (well, really, I just skimmed them, I had a limited time frame, and I really wanted to read the new chapters being posted every week.)

On 9/14/2017 at 10:45 PM, Djarskublar said:

If you have more evidence, I'd love to see it, since I'm very interested in the Weapon

Here it is!

1. When Preservation and Ruin created they made sixteen the number of metals in allomancy. This could have been Preservation trying to Preserve a memory of the other Shards, but if that were so, I think he would have made it just a little more obvious by which I each the sixteen allomantic metals would each have an effect that would mirror a Shard in Allomancy (because he controlled how allomancy was made, even if it wan't 100 percent, he would have found out a way to make the metals themselves or their allomantic effect correspond with a Shard) If this is actually true, I would very much like to see which metals correspond to which Shards. It seems like he was just trying to preserve a memory of the number Sixteen, which is related very closely with the Weapon that killed Adonalsium.

2. Even if I am wrong about ordinary metals corresponding to Shards directly, he still put it there as a sign of the sixteen shards and the Weapon, so if he Made the number of metals sixteen to preserve a memory of the Shattering, then it is still a sign of the Weapon

3. If what you guys are saying is true, and it is the Atium, I am still confused, although, Preservation was very careful in his plans, because he followed them through, even though he had forgotten them, so It makes sense that he knew exactly what he was going to do. But even so, Atium is not one of the original sixteen metals, so the ratio of Atium mistings was not 1 in sixteen, even if you Atium as one of the sixteen metals in Mistborn Era 1, because the other metals were unknown, (did it mention any of the Mistfallen that didn't get powers? I'm not sure, but I think I would remember that, but I also didn't remember any Mistfallen that got aluminum, duralumin, and a few others.) but even so, because even if you did, there were still two metals that were unknown, so it isn't really a ratio of one to sixteen with the atium either way. (again, I still could be wrong.)

4. The Atium cache and the Atium mistings were an advantage, an edge, not really a weapon, any more than a tripwire would be a weapon if you put it there, knowing your opponent would trip over it, leaving you able to defeat them. I didn't really see Brandon calling it a "weapon" in his annotations, but I just skimmed over it, so I could have easily missed it. 

5. Also, Preservation didn't explain the how the Well worked to Kelsier, even though he could have, so he probably didn't want to. I think that if he had said "Sixteen, because it means the number of Shards of Adonalsium" it would have left Kelsier even more confused, and Preservation would have had to explain a LOT, and he didn't even seem to want to explain how the Well worked to Kelsier at first, so Preservation probably just gave him the short answer, and told him that there were sixteen metals, which he didn't know, but didn't change his perspective on the cosmere, which would have changed him, and gone against his nature of Preserving things exactly as they are. (again, I could be very much wrong.

Someone please explain how I am wrong, if I am, instead of just silence until I ask if anything I said was wrong, like last time I tried to convince you guys I was right. (although, I admit that that was a very bad attempt.)

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