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Elantrian Connection Device and Parshendi Orbs


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Did anyone else see a similarity between the Elantrian Connection Device that Kelsier uses to get Preservation's Power and the orbs that the Parshendi use to change forms?


It describes the Elantrian device as


A kind of arcane device in the shape of a sphere. You could break it and absorb the power within, which would briefly Connect you to Preservation-


So there was some sort of Connection stored up inside which temporarily makes the user/smasher more connected to Preservation.


Doesn't that remind you of the way the parshendi would gain their new forms? I don't have the text in front of me but I seem to recall that when eshonai changes forms she smashes a sphere holding a spren during a highstorm. Using different spren results in different forms. Presumably this would mean that the spren provide the Connection to the form that the Parshendi wants. It says on coppermind that the parshendi can change form without a spren but the results are unpredictable.


This also got me thinking about Kaladin's connection with Syl. The more he aligned his actions with her beliefs (for lack of a better word) the more she seemed to be brought into the physical realm. Is this connection at work again?





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I was wondering about this as well. It sounds similar to what Eshonai did to change forms, only in her case the spren appears to connect to Odium. And he then proceeds to control her in a very similar way that Ruin controls the Inquisitors. Maybe there's a correlation to these spheres and hemalurgic spikes. Like maybe they operate in the same way in establishing connection with shards, but the mechanics of making them work are different. Has anyone asked Mr. Sanderson about this yet? 


Maybe the Eyre have been to Roshar and studied the spheres and gemstones, and the Parshendi's transforming method. Then made their own versions(and I'm am 98% sure that's what Kelsier found, andstole). They did  seem to know about other worlds, like Threnody, after all. 

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The traditional method of transformation was apparently to stand in the highstorm, attract the spren you want, and wait for "the moment" to come.

The sphere method was reverse engineered from first hearing of the concept of spren trapping from Alethi artifabrians. More reliable, as you now don't have to try to attract a spren while camped out inside a massive, deadly storm cell and pull it off in a few minutes without getting the wrong one. Do it in advance then just wait for the time to come and smash it.

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