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The Church of Wayne


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I'm wondering if I should join this. High Priestess Kamyth, would you mind demonstrating your Church's devotion to Wayne by giving a nice mixed drink recipe?


I shall give you the best mixed drink recipe.


Bunny Foo Foo:


Take one hollow chocolate bunny.  Make sure its bottom is sealed up with no cracks.  Cut the tops off the ears.

Pour in 1 shot of Kahlua

Pour in 1 shot of milk

Depending on the bunny size, you may also add some Coke.


Drink slowly enough to enjoy, but quickly enough that the heat from your fingers doesn't melt holes in the bunny.

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I shall give you the best mixed drink recipe.


Bunny Foo Foo:


Take one hollow chocolate bunny.  Make sure its bottom is sealed up with no cracks.  Cut the tops off the ears.

Pour in 1 shot of Kahlua

Pour in 1 shot of milk

Depending on the bunny size, you may also add some Coke.


Drink slowly enough to enjoy, but quickly enough that the heat from your fingers doesn't melt holes in the bunny.


*gobbles up liquid-filled bunny in one go*




*gives Kamyth my lucky 25 Philippine centavo coin as trade*


That right there is a genuine lucky coin, Kamyth. I swear that I have never died while in possession of that coin. You're welcome.


I might come back later to trade for more drinks.



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You see, the great part about living in sweden is that no one really pays attention to american fantasy authors who are not RR Martin. So I'll just order the book and when they get it (which is obviously a few days earlier then it is released) they sell it to me.

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Why are we not speaking of our preparations for the newest book that comes out in- may I remind you- less than a month?

I, for one, shall wear my finest hat.


I am torn.  Should I wear my fancy steampunk top hat, or my Jayne Cobb Very Cunning Hat?  Decisions!


You see, the great part about living in sweden is that no one really pays attention to american fantasy authors who are not RR Martin. So I'll just order the book and when they get it (which is obviously a few days earlier then it is released) they sell it to me.


And once again, we will all hate you for it. :P

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I am torn.  Should I wear my fancy steampunk top hat, or my Jayne Cobb Very Cunning Hat?  Decisions!



And once again, we will all hate you for it. :P

Fancy steampunk hat, definitely fancy steampunk hat.


If it makes anyone feel a little better I hate myself a little during the time I cant talk about it XD

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Fancy steampunk hat, definitely fancy steampunk hat.


If it makes anyone feel a little better I hate myself a little during the time I cant talk about it XD


You could spare yourself all of that shame and pain by just waiting until you're supposed to.  You know.  If you wanted to.

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You could spare yourself all of that shame and pain by just waiting until you're supposed to.  You know.  If you wanted to.

If I wanted to, yes, but I just ordered it, so no waiting. Well, I still need to wait a little, but hopefully I only have to wait 20 days rather than 24.

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I'm a licensed bartender in NY! Does that translate well into the Cosmere? 'Cause if so, I would love to join the Church of Wayne! My skills, though rusty, are still effective. ;)


I think that'd work just fine.  Bonus points if the next time you make a drink for someone, you wear a ridiculous strikingly appropriate and fashionable hat.

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