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Hi! Welcome to the 17th Shard!

There are several ways. The best, in my opinion, is to go to a signing. You can ask him questions while he signs your books.

Another way is through personalizations, which you can order through the store on his website. You put in a name, or in your case a question, and he'll answer it. However, in general the questions you can ask are limited because he has to be able to answer very succinctly, whereas at a signing he's free to talk at length.

There's also a submission form on his website, but he is very slow in responding due to his workload and even then that's more for general gushing than specific Cosmere questions.

And I definitely suggest running your question past the members of this site. We'll be able to tell you if it's been asked before, and even if it's a more general question our regular transcribers should be able to give a rough approximation or some links to places where he gives a good answer.

Hope that helps!

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There is also an entire archive of answers to questions that he's already been asked, along with a master list of questions people want to see asked.  Just take a look at the "Links" drop-down from the top of the page.


The interview database is searchable, so you can enter key words for the sorts of things you want to know and pull a list of results.

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I'm new here and I have one question for now. How can you ask Brandon Sanderson questions?

You exist?   That's so weird...me too!!!  (in theory anyway...with the internet you can never really be sure...) anyway...welcome to the shard!


Have fun...also...you will find a large number of ridiculously informed fans on the forum who may very well be answer your questions if it's something that has been addressed in the past...(I find it's easier and more engaging that looking through old Q&A posts)


And if an answer doesn't exist already...make a post about it...and we'll all have fun running through the possibilities!


Have an upvote for being new! 

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If you want to ask questions, your best bet is book signings or personalizations. He occasionally does Q and A's in various settings, like Reddit, or maybe Twitter. He actually does them on this site sometimes. In my less than two months on this site, I have never been present for one, but I'm a veteran in everything except time.

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