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The Bands of Mourning Chapter 2 Discussion.


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There are SoS spoilers to follow, but since this is a spoiler board for the book after SoS, no tags.

He does it because he needs to let go of Lessie, and the way for him to do it is right in front of him. He doesn't want to even consider another option, not even one that could potentially bring him happiness. Perhaps he believes that since he killed the woman he first loved-twice-he feels he doesn't deserve to be married to someone he loves. Remember, he is still hurting from Lessie's death, having only just recovered from the first time. It's like (WoK spoilers)

Kaladin realizing that he could have prevented Tien's death, but didn't for reasons beyond his control, coming to terms with that and just moving on, then having a member of Bridge Four dying in battle, only to discover that it had been Tien-who had been a kandra for some reason-who had died.

There are a lot of holes in that metaphor, but it's sort of a similar situation.

I don't think that Wax will ever be able to completely let go of Lessie until he finds someone who he feels similarly towards. Someone who puts his memories of Lessie into the background, who is to him everything Lessie was, but nothing of who she was. By the end of the book/series, this may be Steris or Marasi. I don't think it's going to be a new player, since it's not like Brandon to throw a character in at that point in the series just for that role. I am still curious about how Wayne is going to go about moving on.

Edited by Stormgate
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So Investiture and Identity... Does that mean if you can use TLR's metalmind you could become a Sliver of Infinity? Would his identity as a part-Shard be stored in the metalmind somehow? In other words, the user wouldn't just become a Mistborn Feruchemist, s/he would also have the enormous amount of investiture that a Sliver would have by combining the metalminds that store investiture and identity. Could that be how you can store excess Ruin? By storing the investiture in a metalmind? And how would that work, exactly?


Also, I am confused about this specific Kandra's intentions. Is this TenSoon? MaLaan? Who is this Kandra?


Finally, why does Steris think the Cosmere (at large, not Harmony) is out to get her? That she has bad luck? Is this a foreshadowing of her as a possible world-hopper? Or is it just mundane realism and pity-party after she can't find a suitor and the one she does find tends to have things break around him (sometimes due to his insane best friend).  Still doesn't explain why she thinks that she is bad luck though.  Does she perhaps store luck in a metalmind...?

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Slivers don't have "enormous amounts of Investiture" - they've had it one point, but the loss of the power is a requirement for them becoming Slivers. Apparently it leaves them "deflated", which is something we don't know much about.

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I strongly disagree about the emotional allomancy guesses. I think Wax has some real issues and is still emotionally raw enough to be affected by a genuinely difficult reminder of his pain. Calling it allomantic manipulation makes his struggle cheap and undermines the obstacles he faces.

You dare disagree with my theory?! Let is be pistols at dawn Sir! :angry:


Or not.

Wax does have strong underlying issues, no argument, but the way they just suddenly surfaced in force at that moment seemed off to me. I'm probably wrong, falling for the red-herring or something. We'll know soon.


Question: Is luck something that can be allomanticly stored? What is "luck" in the cosmere?


I tend to think  Steris is just (reasonably enough) having a personal pity party. She should compare notes with Sarene.


Editing to add another thought (8 days before book release): 2 boxing sez that when Steris turns around out of "embarrassment" while Wax is undressing, she is secretly downing a vial of metal.

Edited by Zea mays
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Luck is a Feruchemical property, not an Allomantic one. But you can store (and compound) it in chromium. I wonder if, over time, luck compounders will become more numerous than other compounders, simply because they might try to use their stored luck to game the generic system and produce offspring that can also compound luck. 


On the topic of Wax and his... troubles, I don't think there is any foul play. It is very reasonable to believe that he views his marriage to Steris as, in many ways, the final nail in the coffin of his life with Lessie. But I wouldn't put it beyond Wayne to hire a Rioter in case his plan with the flood didn't pan out.

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I guess my comment was more of a question about whether we think TLR stored any investiture over time or all at once towards the end of while he held the power of the Well. We know that he knew more about feruchemy and allomancy than he let others know. Perhaps he was storing investiture over the 1000 years as well, thinking perhaps that he could gain an edge once he took up the power of the Well again. 


Also, once he was deflated, wouldn't it make sense to start storing investiture to "restore" his sense of power? He was a megolomaniac after all. And who couldn't use a powerful dose of investiture all at once, or over the course of a long battle?

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The thing is, we have no idea how storing Investiture works. Obviously he couldn't have used it to restore himself to Shard-level power - either because he didn't know how or because that's not how the magic works. 

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How would compounding Nicrosil work, given the amount of Investiture in the Cosmere is constant? Also, would someone be able to store innate investiture, like Breaths on Nalthis? (I know that you can probably store Breath, but what about other innate Investiture?

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Again, we don't know anything about how this thing works.


But the finite amount of Investiture in the Cosmere is unlikely to be a problem, I imagine it's so vastly more than what humans can handle, even Compounders won't be making a dent in it. Plus, Compounders are restricted by the size of their metalminds - Compounding does require you to burn (parts) of your metalminds. So the benefits will probably plateau at some point.

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Again, we don't know anything about how this thing works.


But the finite amount of Investiture in the Cosmere is unlikely to be a problem, I imagine it's so vastly more than what humans can handle, even Compounders won't be making a dent in it. Plus, Compounders are restricted by the size of their metalminds - Compounding does require you to burn (parts) of your metalminds. So the benefits will probably plateau at some point.

That's not entirely true. We have the MAG. It may not be rock hard canon, but it does give us an idea.


(All of what follows is according to the MAG. Treat it accordingly)


MAG Feruchemical nicrosil lets a full Feruchemist store investiture (the small i is intentional) by converting charges of another stored attribute into what I call "blank" investiture. It's basically power without a shape... you can tap it on its own but it'll do nothing.


In that sense it's a bit like the investiture one draws on when one is burning metal or writing Aons - an undifferentiated energy that needs the metal or Aon as a key to tell you what form the power comes in - except this power has no form.


The way one can use it according to the MAG, is that one can tap it alongside tapping another property like Strength or Health or whatever. This other property "tells it what to do" and the investiture counts as more of the other thing you tapped. In that sense it is a "wildcard" metalmind that can be used for anything if used properly.


There are a couple of other ways to store it outlined. If one knew how, one could store the Mists, and one could also store the power at the well. However, this would most likely be the same kind of storage we've seen above - converting a source of power into a blank energy - and wouldn't let you store the well to use it's power later in the planet moving sense.


That said, I assume this works both ways... if one could store enough charges of investiture, one could theoretically use it to pad out the power of the Well in the same way one can pad out their Feruchemical charges... though given the amount of power at the well, surely this is but a drop of water in the ocean. A lot of effort for very little return.


In terms of a Twinborn with Nicrosil as their Feruchemical metal, I am convinced one could use the stored investiture to pad out their burning, or something like that, but I've had no confirmation on that.


For more musing on Feruchemical nicrosil and the MAG, please see my "Nicrosil Feruchemy Masterpost" in my Sig. Feruchemical nicrosil is one of my pet favourite abilities...

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How would compounding Nicrosil work, given the amount of Investiture in the Cosmere is constant? Also, would someone be able to store innate investiture, like Breaths on Nalthis? (I know that you can probably store Breath, but what about other innate Investiture?


Compounding is just hooking up the power hose of Allomancy (ie. Preservation's power in the Spiritual) to a Feruchemical trait. Compounding nicrosil should work the same as any other thing.


It's not a property unique to nicrosil that using it could, in theory, drain all of Preservation away from Sazed. It happens that way for ANY Compounding.


Normally, used Allomantic power returns to Preservation. Metalminds just trap it for a while and delay that.

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Compounding is just hooking up the power hose of Allomancy (ie. Preservation's power in the Spiritual) to a Feruchemical trait. Compounding nicrosil should work the same as any other thing.


It's not a property unique to nicrosil that using it could, in theory, drain all of Preservation away from Sazed. It happens that way for ANY Compounding.


Normally, used Allomantic power returns to Preservation. Metalminds just trap it for a while and delay that.

Yes, exactly, this!

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Late to the party...


Oh geez, that last line. Combined with this:



That's just pure unadulterated evil.

Could you imagine if Brandon left us on a massive cliffhanger?


In the heat of Battle Wax finally sees his mysterious foe for what they are: the men of red and gold. But how? And what was all that business with the perpendicularity?! Gritting his teeth, Wax drives the Bands of Mourning into his flesh. *credits roll*


*Commence two year wait*

Edited by Kadrok
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Could you imagine if Brandon left us on a massive cliffhanger?


In the heat of Battle Wax finally sees his mysterious foe for what they are: the men of red and gold. But how? And what was all that business with the perpendicularity?! Gritting his teeth, Wax drives the Bands of Mourning into his flesh. *credits roll*


*Commence two year wait*

That's pretty much what I'm expecting. Have you ever known a trilogy in the history of ever where there isn't a cliffhanger at the end of book two?

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