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Hint from Brandon

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At the signing in Sugarhouse on the 21st Brandon was chatting with us and we brought up the end pages in WoK, specifically the expanses and such.  He gave out the tidbit that "to the casual observer, the mists of densities should be pretty obvious."  He also told us that it might require a leep of logic, but it make sense.


So, what do you guys think?  I am thinking personally that it would be dense as in densely populated, but at the same time... I want to see what everyone thinks.  Which world is that refering to?

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What expanses are you referring to? I apologize if I am missing something obvious.


She is referring to the four corners of the Shadesmar map in the endpapers of WoK.  (I.e., expanse of densities, broken sky, and vapors).

Edited by Shardlet
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My immediate thought is that the Expanse of Vapors refers to Mistborn's Scadrial due to the mists, which would mean the Expanse of Densities is either Elantris' Sel or Warbreaker's Nalthis. Neither makes any particular sense to me.


Frankly, Expanse of Densities could be Scadrial too.


For anyone who wants an image: http://stormlightarchive.wikia.com/wiki/Shadesmar

Edited by Moogle
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Thanks for bringing this up. Until now I hadn't been aware of the WoB that the expanses refer to other worlds, at least one of which we've seen before.

  • Just by association, Vapors makes me think of Breath, so Nalthis. Alternatively it could be the mists, so Scadrial (as Moogle points out above).
  • Broken Sky actually sounds like Final Empire era Scadrial to me, but I doubt that's the case. Especially since, chronologically, Harmony already fixed that whole too-close-to-the-sun problem. (Although, given that very little information has made it across from Shadesmar since the Recreance, we may be dealing with centuries-old information anyway.) I suspect this is a world we haven't seen yet.
  • Densities... I don't know.

I'm probably going about this the wrong way. Viewed from Shadesmar, it's likely that the feel of the ideas, rather than any physical manifestations, contribute to the name.

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I wonder if you looked at a shades mar map from another world what the expanse for roshar would be


My knee-jerk guess is light.


If the expanses are that... One wonders about the other planets in the system. Shouldent they be on there too? atleast one was inhabited right?


These are just the expanses (Worlds) which are adjacent to Roshar's corresponding location in Shadesmar.  To get to other worlds (other than the adjacent 4) from Roshar, you would have to travel through the Shadesmar correlary for one of the adjacent worlds.


Here are some related quotes:



I went to the signing last night in San Jose, CA, and a couple of interesting things came up as part of Q&A and signing:

  • The various Expanses of Shadesmar correspond to Shardworlds.




Brandon Sanderson

Expanse of the destinies = a world you know.




So I ust got back from the signing.  The Q&A didn't have anything Cosmere related but I asked a couple questions when I was getting my books signed.


So I asked whether the Teoish and Duladen could get their own magic systems.  The answer was theoretically yes.  The other question I asked was what the name of the expanse on the Shadesmar map that was covered up by the word Shadesmar was.  The answer was the Expanse of Vibrance.


Edited by Shardlet
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Shardlet yeah, just thinking that it would be some sense in those planets being near in shadesmare since theyr alot closer outside shadesmar, being in the same solar system.


But I guess they may be one of the other expances.


Densities... Mistborn would make sense, being a magic system built around metals.


Sel maybe, magic being tied to geography, wich could be seens as shifting densities of matter.

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Which would link us back to Warbreaker (colours) and breaths.

hehe - yep they all seem to be in a musical chairs game. Each one could be at least one other one...because the shards are pieces of the same thing maybe so the cognitive idea of the planet (or magic system if that's what the names are based on) could maybe overlap...if that makes any sense at all.

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I am less convinced.  It seems like most of us are extracting and twisting something from Scadrial to make it fit densities rather than starting at something from Scadrial and following a logical road which may be tied to density.  In other words it seems like we are shoehorning stuff to make it fit rather than finding something that more naturally does fit.

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Certainly we are shoehorning. But none of them fit neatly really since they all seem to overlap a bit (given that each is plausible for a couple of places)...and since it is a leap of logic, but one that makes sense...I'll stick with Scadrial  (mist being dense vapor, density of metal, mists of densities) for now but freely admit it could be somewhere else...that's what makes it fun (for me anyway!) I think its great that there are so many things like this that can be followed in multiple directions...more entertaining that way!  :)

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Expanse of Vibrance is almost certainly Nalthis, leaving us with Scadrial or Sel for Expanse of Densities. I'm in favor of Expanse of Vapors being Scadrial, which leaves Sel for Densities. Or some other world we know, but I'm unaware of any other Cosmere planets that could fit.


Sel can fit, because of how the Dor works - it's like there's a great pressure trying to force it out whenever an Elantrian draws a symbol in the air. The difference in pressures between the Dor and the physical world could be seen as dealing with densities. Kind of a stretch, but I can see how it would be the logical leap Brandon was talking about.

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Does the Cognitive Realm look the same on Scadrial as it does on Roshar? Are cognitive aspects still glass spheres?


Is it possible the words for the expanses don't have to do with the worlds themselves, so much as they have to do with how the Cognitive Realm appears?


I realize this is a massive speculative stretch... but if so, I guess Densities is Sel. For the following reason: That I know of, it's the only world that's discussed the Cognitive Realm much. Brandon has specifically pointed to Densities as one we've seen the Shardworld of, and that while there's a leap of logic, you could still maybe see it. Therefore, I suspect that it's Sel, as the only place where we've heard of the Cognitive realm and heard it described, even if we've never seen it, and based on my speculation that the description of the Expanse refers to how the Cognitive Realm looks there, not based on the world itself.


...This all assuming that Lightsong's deathvision wasn't in the Cognitive Realm.

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Ok, I haven't gotten the faintest clue about what the Expanses of Densities, Vibrance and the Broken Sky could be, but I do not think any of you are properly considering the fact that there are a bunch of other planets in the Cosmere, many of which we have not even heard of. Permit me to be the first to make a list of the worlds I know of and their corresponding magic system:


Greater Roshar system:

  • Roshar - Surgebinding, Voidbinding, Sprenbinding etc.
  • Ashyn - Feverweaving (my invented name - you get magic by getting sick) NB! Planet of the unpublished Silence Divine.
  • Braise - Unknown

Other planets belonging to unknown systems:

  • Scardial - The Three Metallic Arts: Allomany, Feruchemy and Hemalurgy
  • Nalthis - Awakening
  • Sel - Regional magic systems: AonDor, Soulforging, Bloodsealing, ChayShan etc.
  • Taldain - Sand Mastery, (Skycolours)   NB! Planet of the unpublished White Sand.
  • Yolen - Lightwieving, Aethers NB! Hoid's origin planet. Planet of the Liar of Partinel and Dragonsteel.
  • Unknown - Magic from Parasites NB! Planet of Sixth of the Dusk.
  • Unknown - Wraiths NB! Planet of Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell.
  • Unknown - Aethers NB! Planet of Aether of the Night (not sure this will ever be published)


There is probably several other planets around, but these are all I know of that have been mentioned, or even hinted at.

Edited by Aether
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Good quotes, Shardlet. I hadn't known about Vibrance--I thought it was odd that there were only 3 corners labeled. I agree with several who've already posted, that's definitely Nalthis.


Also, thanks for the planet list, Aether. It helps to have them all in one place.

Working from the assumption that cognitive and physical topology are correlated (not necessarily true but it makes sense to me), I would guess that Braise and Ashyn account for two of the elements on there. Vapors fits remarkably well with the disease motif of Ashyn, and Broken Sky is an easy Odium association for me even though we don't know anything about that world yet. 


All the reasoning for Densities so far seems forced. I can't make a connection to "a world we know."

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I really don't buy any justification based on physical qualities of the planet (i.e. Broken Sky on Scadrial).  From the standpoint of someone in the Cognitive Realm, what would they see looking towards other planets?  If every rock has a cognitive existence, it's going to be messy either way.  


But here's a question: If I'm in Shadesmar and looking at some sort of ball that represents Vin, what happens to the ball when Vin burns a metal?  For every use of Investiture, is it visible from Shadesmar?  If so, that's what would separate the different expanses.  Especially when it's a glow on the horizon.

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