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Endpaper Revealed on Tor.com

The Rooster

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Tor just posted this saying  it's the endpaper art for WoR.  Does this mean that the KR Table and "Voidbinding Stained Glass" are not permanent for all SA books?  This is totally beautiful.  Kind of wish it was the cover.  Tho Action Jackson Kaladin is growing on me.  There's a lot of cool Double Eye of the Almighty imagery on her boots and satchel  (and you can see a hint of that safe-hand!.. tho it's gloved as well -_- )



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WANTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT if Michael Whelan sell a paint of this like the first cover I will buy =)


I now that plenty of people don't like covers with drawings of the characters but this one captured the spirit Shallan very well the curious face, the drawing, the clothing, is like she is looking for something, trying to figure out the wolrd.





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That's just Sadeas smoldering over Dalinar being appointed Highprince of War.

Sadeas is a dustbringer?

Edit: forgot to talk about the drawing. It's definitely the best Shallan picture I've seen, though the face is a little off to me.

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Tor just posted this saying  it's the endpaper art for WoR.  Does this mean that the KR Table and "Voidbinding Stained Glass" are not permanent for all SA books?  This is totally beautiful.  Kind of wish it was the cover.  Tho Action Jackson Kaladin is growing on me.  There's a lot of cool Double Eye of the Almighty imagery on her boots and satchel  (and you can see a hint of that safe-hand!.. tho it's gloved as well -_- )




The picture is absolutely beautiful, and I do think it's a great representation of Shallan, but if that's her safe hand peaking out there, what on earth is wrong with it?  Those fingers look massive and odd.  Or is that just me?

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I think that that is just some fancy edgework on the end of her sleeve.  Doesn't resemble fingers at all to my eye.

It looked to me like a glove poking out from under her sleeve.


PS>  I love that cremling!

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It looked to me like a glove poking out from under her sleeve.


PS>  I love that cremling!


I just saw that the OP thought it was a glove, too.  Which is a good explanation, but would be another Whelanism as she wears a full sleeve and not a glove.  At first glance, it looked to me that the third finger had a nail, but much more likely to be another gloved finger.  *note to self: finish reading and look more carefully before posting.

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As to the glove, it could potentially be accurate to the scene. Darkeyes wear gloves, after all, so it could simply be a matter of lighteyed women in the field wearing gloves for utility's sake. A bit less than ladylike, but certainly still proper. Recall that Ben was consulting, so I doubt he'd let a bigish continuity error like that slide.




You got a response to your question about the endpages, btw. ;)



5. Irene:

AG Rooster: We did shift things around for this. I don’t want to commit to what went where, since the office closed this week and I can’t double check my facts. But when you have a Whelan, you make room. ;-)

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As to the glove, it could potentially be accurate to the scene. Darkeyes wear gloves, after all, so it could simply be a matter of lighteyed women in the field wearing gloves for utility's sake. A bit less than ladylike, but certainly still proper. Recall that Ben was consulting, so I doubt he'd let a bigish continuity error like that slide.




You got a response to your question about the endpages, btw. ;)



Yeah , they're really going all out on Stormlight Archive, which is super exciting.  I think now that WoT is done it's their current flagship series!

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This painting is truly exquisite. The Stormlight Archives is not just a literary masterpiece, in a sense it's also an artistic masterpiece.


Also and I wanted to ask you Botanica, I loved your drawing of Hoid/Wit. Could you draw him in  the modern era Scadrial in the second trilogy? (not the wax and wayne one). What do you think he'd wear? T-shirt and Jeans?? A suit???

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Yeah , they're really going all out on Stormlight Archive, which is super exciting.  I think now that WoT is done it's their current flagship series!


Man I really hope that "The Stormlight Archive" gain space in the popculture (like Game of Thrones) so we could gain some movies, series, games,animation, etc about this serie. That would be awesome =) If one little picture maked my day imagine when they annouce that After the hobbit Peter Jackson will do a 3 part film of the way of kings, or some major animation company will do a serie =0 Hahahahahaha =)

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This really has me floored. Probably my favorite of any of Whelan's paintings, except perhaps the one of Rand.


Also, Irene mentioned later that we'll probably see the updated cover art of Words of Radiance later this week. Whelan worked on his face, so fingers crossed for him looking just a tad younger.

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This really has me floored. Probably my favorite of any of Whelan's paintings, except perhaps the one of Rand.


Also, Irene mentioned later that we'll probably see the updated cover art of Words of Radiance later this week. Whelan worked on his face, so fingers crossed for him looking just a tad younger.


Read again,  She says NEXT week :wacko: .  Probly going to be a dry week for WoR news after this.


Anyone else find it interesting that Whelan struggled with the Kaladin cover (3 attempts), but then knocks this one out of the freaking PARK!  I'm sure having InkThinker helping out couldn't have hurt.

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This picture is awesome. I honestly wouldn't mind if Shallan took over the cover since this is her book after all, but I'm fine with Kaladin too.

I hope Whelan gets it right this time. On another note, I know Kaladin isn't described as handsome, but I wouldn't mind if Whelan made him look like Henry Cavill. I mean, that man was toxic in Tudor costumes.

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Michael paid Ben so many compliments. It kind of blows my mind.


Well deserved. All the artist of this series are awesome =)


And the fanart are awesome too. (Botanica, Exmakina I looking at you). In true everyone I fell that everyone have contact with The Stormlight Archive love so much this series that kind give best in their way. All the member of community that moderate and contribute for free maybe this is way this site fandom are so awesome =)


PS: Don't mind mind me =)

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Me too. I'm trying to convince myself they're warranted... Michael did all the hard work.


What Whelan said gave me the impression that you went above the call of duty, then decided that wasn't far enough and went beyond it; so I'm sure it's deserved. ;)

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If this is what we get when Whelan and Inkthinker collaborate (to an extent) I hope we see more like it in the future! This is definitely the best piece of art for the SA yet! Can't wait for 8 books after these of great art!

Is it too much for me to hope that all of Brandon's future books have this level of art in them? The Stormlight books are shaping out to be so beautiful that basically everything pales in comparison.

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If this is what we get when Whelan and Inkthinker collaborate (to an extent) I hope we see more like it in the future! This is definitely the best piece of art for the SA yet! Can't wait for 8 books after these of great art!

Is it too much for me to hope that all of Brandon's future books have this level of art in them? The Stormlight books are shaping out to be so beautiful that basically everything pales in comparison.

Michael has expressed an interest in continuing to work on the Stormlight series, and I know Isaac and myself are firmly attached. And we're all unreasonably obsessed with continuing to improve our skills, so I think that bodes well for the future. :)

-EDIT- or did you mean ALL of Brandon's future books? As I said, Isaac and I aren't going anywhere, but the way artwork is integral to the Stormlight Archive is a little bit unique. Not every Sanderson series uses art the way Stormlight does, and many of them don't need to.

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