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Question 17


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*Face-palms.  I must of missed that, I was picturing them crashing on the ground.  How tall is the building?  There don't seem to be too many tall structures in the Dalles.  Maybe Taylor is calling up to them from the ground?  I can change my post to reflect that if you don't have a reason to bring them down.  


Other than that, I'm glad you liked it :)



It'd be a fairly small building, yeah. Her calling up to them would work pretty well, especially since Frostfire is still right by the edge.

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Got a Dalles post up, in which Quicksilver makes fun of Arsenal and breaks his toys because Arsenal tried to break his first.

Coupla big toddlers if you ask me.



Next time in The Dalles: Arsenal starts bawling and throws his bowl of mashed peas across the room. :P

Edited by Kobold King
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And, here's an update of Legacy and Peregrine.  I've tweaked Legacy's powers slightly, improving her ability to cope with the new memories.  One thing I forgot to mention (that I'll add in right away) is that another way for her to come to her senses is to be killed by an epic (including her teammates).  


I scrapped the whole 'uses weakness to remember herself' idea, and went with Voidus's key symbolic objects idea.  


Not much has changed with Peregrine, since people seem okay with him.  





  • Adaptive Resurrection (Vanillas): When killed by a regular human, Legacy will resurrect instantly in a blinding flash of light.  The resurrection will only take place upon actual death, and thus can be delayed by any efforts that prolong her life.  Upon resurrection, Legacy inherits the identity of the person who killed her, including all of the skills, talents, abilities, and memories of the person.  These traits stack, and so the more times she is skilled, the more traits she acquires.  Immediately after resurrecting, her most recent acquisition will be strongest, and will overpower her, usually making her believe she is the person who just killed her for a time.  The effect is less prominent if she is killed multiple times in quick succession.  Focus on a particular objective and adrenaline also lessen the effect, however, once her adrenaline dies away and people stop killing her, sometimes all of the new memories will hit her at once.  Over time, Legacy has collected trinkets that help to remind her of who she is.  She's wears them on her person at all times.  Once this effect wears off, Legacy still often has difficult piecing together which memories or tendencies are her own, and which have been acquired from others.  The memories she inherits exist as if she had always had them, and like regular memories, they are not easy to organize or gather information from.  Prolonged use of particular skills or contemplation of particular memories, especially when they come from a single source, will often make the rest of that person's traits become more prominent again, which can be a source of some confusion for Legacy.  Being killed multiple times by the same person has no effect, in order for her skills and abilities to stack she needs to be killed by different people.  Deaths with no human cause have no effect, and will just cause her to resurrect normally.  
  • Adaptive Resurrection (Epics):  Legacy's resurrection power works differently on epics than it does on regular humans.  The focus of her power is identity, and thus Calamity's influence changes how Legacy's power works.  If she is killed by an epic using their powers, Legacy will reincarnate possessing the power that was used to kill her.  She will also inherit their skill and ability at using the power, so if she inherits powers from a new or inexperienced epic, she will be less capable with her powers than if she inherits abilities from an epic who uses their powers often.  This ability does not allow for her to stack powers, as she loses each acquired power upon her next death.  Usually she will only acquire a single power, unless the epic who kills her uses multiple powers to do so, in which case she would inherit all the powers which were used to kill her.  She can acquire passive powers, such as super strength, speed, enhanced reflexes, or precognition, if the epic holding those powers used them to kill her.  For example, if an epic with super strength stabbed her, or an epic with enhanced vision shot her with a gun, then she would inherit their respective powers.  If either epic poisoned her, she would reincarnate normally and inherit nothing.  The stipulation that she needs to be killed by a power in order to inherit it prevents her from acquiring most PIs or defensive capabilities.  When inheriting and using another epics powers, Legacy also becomes subject to that epics particular brand of corruption, leading her to be inconsistent at times.  Because it is the epic's identity as an epic, rather than as a person, that Legacy inherits, she does not gain an epic's memories or skills that are not related to the use of the inherited power.  Legacy uses this to her advantage, sometimes getting her epic allies to kill her after acquiring many skills.


High School Classrooms (Location Based)

MO: Legacy gathered a small team of mid-strength epics, and together they work as mercenaries for the more powerful epics of Oregon.  She also tracks and studies powerful epics, in the interest of finding opportunities to acquire their powers.  Under the right circumstances, she will even accept particularly useful powers as payment for her services.  In between powers, Legacy tries to get herself killed often, and by as many skilled people as possible.  Sometimes, if she needs a particular skills set, she will hunt a person possessing the skills she needs down and force them to kill her somehow.  She also uses her powers for gathering information, by inheriting people's memories, and then getting members of her team to question her while the memories are fresh.  When she has a particularly valuable power, Legacy tries to avoid dying at all costs in order to hold on to the power for as long as possible.  Though her powers make her somewhat unpredictable, when in control of herself, she usually tries to be calm and methodical when planning and in action.  During missions, she will sometimes get members of her team to kill her in order to acquire their powers.  Having inherited the skills of several squadrons of soldiers during the early days of Calamity, Legacy is a fierce hand-to-hand combatant and a competent strategist.  
Until recently, her team consisted of herself, Peregrine, Fast-Forward, and The Iron Ogress.  Several months ago, Fast-Forward and the Iron Ogress inexplicably betrayed Legacy, leaving her squad to join a mysterious epic named Insight.  

Appearance: Legacy is an asian-american woman in her early thirties, with dark eyes and thick black-brown hair.  She usually wears her hair up in a tight pony-tail.  She favours comfortable athletic gear in dark colours, usually choosing leggings, hooded sweaters or jackets, and sturdy boots.  She also usually carries a gun in a holster and a few knives hidden on her person.  




  • Calamity Sense - Peregrine can sense epics and their powers.  The more powerful or more corrupted the epic, the farther away Peregrine can sense him or her from.  When epics are not using their powers at all, it is very difficult for Peregrine to sense them unless they are very close.  Similarly, he can sense motivators only when they are use, and only at close range.  His Calamity Sense not only tells him the location and intensity of the power being used, it can also tell him the nature of the power (ie what it does).  
  • Linked Gateways - Peregrine can link doorways to one another, and use them to travel.  There is no range limit, so he can use linked doorways to travel across the globe instantly.  To link doorways to one another and form a gate, he needs to visit each individual doorway in person first, and then walk through it to another door in order to create the link.  He can take other people with him through the gates, but he needs to be touching them.  At maximum, he can only link up to ten doorways at a time.  To unlink a gate, he must use it and then unlink it, meaning he cannot return the way he came after intentionally unlinking a gate.  If he tries to link more than ten doorways, the oldest link will fade.  Since this is more desirable than leaving himself stranded at some rather doorway, he prefers to use this method.  
  • Personal Telekinesis - Peregrine has limited telekinetic powers.  He can move objects from anywhere within his line of site as if he were moving them with his hand.  His powers are limited by his own physical capabilities; he can only use his telekinesis to lift something as heavy as he could lift himself, and only keep it aloft for as long as he personally could hold it.  When using his telekinesis, his body feels the same strain it would feel if he was actually lifting or moving objects.  He can also use this power to deliver sharp blows or to shove people, but the offensive force he can muster is limited to the amount he could generate with a physical punch, kick, or shove.  While he can use this power with mental effort alone, it takes enormous concentration, and it is usually easier to make the actual motions that correspond to the movement of the object.  


His powers won't work properly on someone who is crying due to genuine strong emotion.  The more severe the crying, or the stronger the emotion, the greater the effect on Peregrine's powers.

MO: Peregrine is Legacy's second in command.  He supports her by finding epics to serve or steal powers from, and by making sure they always have a way out.  Since he is physically weak, Peregrine usually doesn't participate in the fighting, and instead observes the field offering support, and remaining ready to provide the team with a means of escape.  If she isn't interested in acquiring skills during a fight, Legacy will also sometimes order Peregrine to kill her with his telekinesis before a mission, to give her an extra edge.  With her inherited talent for combat, she is able to use his telekinesis to much greater effect than he can.  

Appearance: Peregrine is very particular about his hair, and wears it up in perfectly styled spikes.  He usually wears goggles, skinny jeans,  fashionable scarves, and utilitarian hoodies.  Since he is asian-american, he and Legacy are often mistakenly seen as brother and sister, despite the fact that she was adopted from South Korea, and his family originally came from Japan.  

History: coming soon...

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Still love Legacy and Peregrine. :D


So with time travel, only stable loops are allowed back in time. For example, an Epic telling someone to go recruit them that morning.

Personally I'd rather we didn't even use those, it really was just meant as a one-off. I sincerely doubt any Epics would have the ability to travel backwards in time.

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Of all the Epics Taylor could have met in the Dalles, she's managed to run into one (of two, total) that can (and will) realistically see through her deception (Shapeshifting abilities, not the whole Taylor Swift thing. Although I imagine he'd be pretty skeptical about that, too. :P) immediately. This is going to be interesting... :ph34r:


(Also, Quicksilver just kind-sorta made one of his bases and his current location very much public with the whole "giant column of steel," thing. O.o Things are moving way faster than I thought they would. :P)

Edited by Aonar Faileas
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Of all the Epics Taylor could have met in the Dalles, she's managed to run into one (of two, total) that can (and will) realistically see through her deception (Shapeshifting abilities, not the whole Taylor Swift thing. Although I imagine he'd be pretty skeptical about that, too. :P) immediately. This is going to be interesting... :ph34r:


(Also, Quicksilver just kind-sorta made one of his bases and his current location very much public with the whole "giant column of steel," thing. O.o Things are moving way faster than I thought they would. :P)

He completely just destroyed Impacts lovely view.  :angry:

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That sounds good to me!

As for location, the closer to Corvallis she is, the more we'd have to suspend disbelief, whereas the farther away she is, the more likely she is to run into a random explosion.

Or, another idea: with the ghouls still running around, we could always have an epic with some explosion related powers create a blast that would allow Converter to reincarnate. Maybe, this explosion epic (who, let's say can shoot little blasts of power at people that explode on contact), was chasing some Ghouls out of town, and accidentally crossed over the border while the bubble was down. Once the ghouls he or she was chasing were dealt with, the epic realizes their mistake, and tries to get back in. In their frustration, they shoot explosions at the bubble, one of which Converter appears from. Then, she could kill or align herself with the explosion epic, and start trying to find a away back in? If you decide you want Converter in the bubble, this excuse could also work, now that I think of it.

That might be a little too convenient, but its one idea. Maybe wait to see if anyone else has a suggestion before posting

I think she should form a ways outside of the bubble, but still able to see it. That way, she has to spend time steaming bout rainmaker killing her. She could form from the explosion caused by a lighting epic sticking some gasoline. Edited by TheSilverDragon
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Of all the Epics Taylor could have met in the Dalles, she's managed to run into one (of two, total) that can (and will) realistically see through her deception (Shapeshifting abilities, not the whole Taylor Swift thing. Although I imagine he'd be pretty skeptical about that, too. :P) immediately. This is going to be interesting... :ph34r:

(Also, Quicksilver just kind-sorta made one of his bases and his current location very much public with the whole "giant column of steel," thing. O.o Things are moving way faster than I thought they would. :P)

As far as bases go, he can make a new one fairly easily, and he'll destroy the old one before Arsenal can spend too much time snooping. Plus he has more than one base.

As far as current location, well, he's more concerned about the missiles.

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As far as bases go, he can make a new one fairly easily, and he'll destroy the old one before Arsenal can spend too much time snooping. Plus he has more than one base.

As far as current location, well, he's more concerned about the missiles.

But he can't defend against missile strikes forever, in fact now that he's even trying he's pretty well pinned down, every Epic in the city can come attack him and unless he's willing to run and stop stopping the missiles they'll probably get him.

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Okay, new Epics.]


Timekeeper: When he touches a clock, it is repaired, the battery is charged, and it is synchronized to the correct time. If he changes the time on a clock, it is still correct, he just travels through time. Unless the clock has an option for a calendar, he can't travel outside of the day he is in. Unless it has a year option, he can't travel outside the year he is in.


The Unstoppable Force: Superspeed and minor superstrength. Can't touch this.


The Immovable Object: When he uses his powers, he cannot be moved relative to what he is on at the time. If he is in a plane, he isn't getting out of that seat. He also has invulnerability only when he is Immovable. He is friends with the Unstoppable Force.


Bugger: This guy is evil. His two abilities are to annoy anyone he wants and to be unable to be killed by someone who is upset at him.


Phaseshift: can heat up or cool down an object to the point of its phase change as long as she is touching it. Can turn solids to liquids, liquids to gases or solids, and gases to liquids. If an object would burn before being liquefied or evaporated, or cannot exist as that state of matter, the power doesn't work. Has a range for control about 5 cm for gases, a yard for liquids, and she can do basically what she wants with solids except turn the Earth's surface into lava. Has heat and cold resistance to let her touch stuff like magma or liquid nitrogen and be unharmed.


Diagnosis: If he gives someone a diagnosis, they have the condition he described for the next two hours. Can only do physical problems, however.


Slapshot: can turn his hand into a gun barrel by holding a bullet and fire it by slapping the back of the hand barrel


Wear'n'Tear: can make any object turn into what it would be after a long period of wear and tear.


Athlete: has enhanced speed, strength, agility, accuracy, etc. only when doing something similar to what would be done in a sport. Can also make sporting equipment for any game from objects of similar size and shape.


Vector: when he focuses on an object, he instinctively knows all the vectors influencing it at any time, and can change the direction of one of those vectors for five minutes. The maximum mass he can influence is a tank. He hates Despicable Me.


Locator: He can know where something/someone is as long as he has previously set a 'tag' on them. Accuracy increases with proximity. For example, he can only know the continent if it's on a different continent, city if it's in the same state, etc.

The Immovable Object: What if someone moves the chair?


Bugger: So how exactly does his powers work and to what treshhold ect?


Phaseshift: How would that interact with turning liquids into gas, if they just evaporate from touch and thus should instantly turn back?


Diagnosis: What about instantly fatal diagnosis, missing limbs or stuff like poisoning?


Wear'n'Tear: How much are we talking about here? Does he turn fabric more fragile or just riddle it with holes, for example?


Timekeeper can go back in time, just not to the previous day. 12:01 that morning is about as far as he can go without being very precise.


Is there a problem with putting them all in Astoria? I'm dabbling with the idea.

Voidus got that quite right, I was not asking a question.


The problem isn't so much with putting them there but the idea that anyone in the city would be stupid enough to join some upshot in a fight against Epics that can slaughter them within seconds.


Hey all, I'm in an RP mood, so let me know if I owe you a post.  I'm starting with a T-Swift one and then going from there.  I'll be splitting my time tonight between here and MBI, but I'll be pretty available for once.  

Well, it isn't required but if you're in the mood then nothing speaks against a GOOD post, while we're waiting on Blaze getting Buttercup there.


And, here's an update of Legacy and Peregrine.  I've tweaked Legacy's powers slightly, improving her ability to cope with the new memories.  One thing I forgot to mention (that I'll add in right away) is that another way for her to come to her senses is to be killed by an epic (including her teammates).  


I scrapped the whole 'uses weakness to remember herself' idea, and went with Voidus's key symbolic objects idea.  


Not much has changed with Peregrine, since people seem okay with him.  





  • Adaptive Resurrection (Vanillas): When killed by a regular human, Legacy will resurrect instantly in a blinding flash of light.  The resurrection will only take place upon actual death, and thus can be delayed by any efforts that prolong her life.  Upon resurrection, Legacy inherits the identity of the person who killed her, including all of the skills, talents, abilities, and memories of the person.  These traits stack, and so the more times she is skilled, the more traits she acquires.  Immediately after resurrecting, her most recent acquisition will be strongest, and will overpower her, usually making her believe she is the person who just killed her for a time.  The effect is less prominent if she is killed multiple times in quick succession.  Focus on a particular objective and adrenaline also lessen the effect, however, once her adrenaline dies away and people stop killing her, sometimes all of the new memories will hit her at once.  Over time, Legacy has collected trinkets that help to remind her of who she is.  She's wears them on her person at all times.  Once this effect wears off, Legacy still often has difficult piecing together which memories or tendencies are her own, and which have been acquired from others.  The memories she inherits exist as if she had always had them, and like regular memories, they are not easy to organize or gather information from.  Prolonged use of particular skills or contemplation of particular memories, especially when they come from a single source, will often make the rest of that person's traits become more prominent again, which can be a source of some confusion for Legacy.  Being killed multiple times by the same person has no effect, in order for her skills and abilities to stack she needs to be killed by different people.  Deaths with no human cause have no effect, and will just cause her to resurrect normally.  
  • Adaptive Resurrection (Epics):  Legacy's resurrection power works differently on epics than it does on regular humans.  The focus of her power is identity, and thus Calamity's influence changes how Legacy's power works.  If she is killed by an epic using their powers, Legacy will reincarnate possessing the power that was used to kill her.  She will also inherit their skill and ability at using the power, so if she inherits powers from a new or inexperienced epic, she will be less capable with her powers than if she inherits abilities from an epic who uses their powers often.  This ability does not allow for her to stack powers, as she loses each acquired power upon her next death.  Usually she will only acquire a single power, unless the epic who kills her uses multiple powers to do so, in which case she would inherit all the powers which were used to kill her.  She can acquire passive powers, such as super strength, speed, enhanced reflexes, or precognition, if the epic holding those powers used them to kill her.  For example, if an epic with super strength stabbed her, or an epic with enhanced vision shot her with a gun, then she would inherit their respective powers.  If either epic poisoned her, she would reincarnate normally and inherit nothing.  The stipulation that she needs to be killed by a power in order to inherit it prevents her from acquiring most PIs or defensive capabilities.  When inheriting and using another epics powers, Legacy also becomes subject to that epics particular brand of corruption, leading her to be inconsistent at times.  Because it is the epic's identity as an epic, rather than as a person, that Legacy inherits, she does not gain an epic's memories or skills that are not related to the use of the inherited power.  Legacy uses this to her advantage, sometimes getting her epic allies to kill her after acquiring many skills.


High School Classrooms (Location Based)

MO: Legacy gathered a small team of mid-strength epics, and together they work as mercenaries for the more powerful epics of Oregon.  She also tracks and studies powerful epics, in the interest of finding opportunities to acquire their powers.  Under the right circumstances, she will even accept particularly useful powers as payment for her services.  In between powers, Legacy tries to get herself killed often, and by as many skilled people as possible.  Sometimes, if she needs a particular skills set, she will hunt a person possessing the skills she needs down and force them to kill her somehow.  She also uses her powers for gathering information, by inheriting people's memories, and then getting members of her team to question her while the memories are fresh.  When she has a particularly valuable power, Legacy tries to avoid dying at all costs in order to hold on to the power for as long as possible.  Though her powers make her somewhat unpredictable, when in control of herself, she usually tries to be calm and methodical when planning and in action.  During missions, she will sometimes get members of her team to kill her in order to acquire their powers.  Having inherited the skills of several squadrons of soldiers during the early days of Calamity, Legacy is a fierce hand-to-hand combatant and a competent strategist.  


Until recently, her team consisted of herself, Peregrine, Fast-Forward, and The Iron Ogress.  Several months ago, Fast-Forward and the Iron Ogress inexplicably betrayed Legacy, leaving her squad to join a mysterious epic named Insight.  

Appearance: Legacy is an asian-american woman in her early thirties, with dark eyes and thick black-brown hair.  She usually wears her hair up in a tight pony-tail.  She favours comfortable athletic gear in dark colours, usually choosing leggings, hooded sweaters or jackets, and sturdy boots.  She also usually carries a gun in a holster and a few knives hidden on her person.  





  • Calamity Sense - Peregrine can sense epics and their powers.  The more powerful or more corrupted the epic, the farther away Peregrine can sense him or her from.  When epics are not using their powers at all, it is very difficult for Peregrine to sense them unless they are very close.  Similarly, he can sense motivators only when they are use, and only at close range.  His Calamity Sense not only tells him the location and intensity of the power being used, it can also tell him the nature of the power (ie what it does).  
  • Linked Gateways - Peregrine can link doorways to one another, and use them to travel.  There is no range limit, so he can use linked doorways to travel across the globe instantly.  To link doorways to one another and form a gate, he needs to visit each individual doorway in person first, and then walk through it to another door in order to create the link.  He can take other people with him through the gates, but he needs to be touching them.  At maximum, he can only link up to ten doorways at a time.  To unlink a gate, he must use it and then unlink it, meaning he cannot return the way he came after intentionally unlinking a gate.  If he tries to link more than ten doorways, the oldest link will fade.  Since this is more desirable than leaving himself stranded at some rather doorway, he prefers to use this method.  
  • Personal Telekinesis - Peregrine has limited telekinetic powers.  He can move objects from anywhere within his line of site as if he were moving them with his hand.  His powers are limited by his own physical capabilities; he can only use his telekinesis to lift something as heavy as he could lift himself, and only keep it aloft for as long as he personally could hold it.  When using his telekinesis, his body feels the same strain it would feel if he was actually lifting or moving objects.  He can also use this power to deliver sharp blows or to shove people, but the offensive force he can muster is limited to the amount he could generate with a physical punch, kick, or shove.  While he can use this power with mental effort alone, it takes enormous concentration, and it is usually easier to make the actual motions that correspond to the movement of the object.  


His powers won't work properly on someone who is crying due to genuine strong emotion.  The more severe the crying, or the stronger the emotion, the greater the effect on Peregrine's powers.

MO: Peregrine is Legacy's second in command.  He supports her by finding epics to serve or steal powers from, and by making sure they always have a way out.  Since he is physically weak, Peregrine usually doesn't participate in the fighting, and instead observes the field offering support, and remaining ready to provide the team with a means of escape.  If she isn't interested in acquiring skills during a fight, Legacy will also sometimes order Peregrine to kill her with his telekinesis before a mission, to give her an extra edge.  With her inherited talent for combat, she is able to use his telekinesis to much greater effect than he can.  

Appearance: Peregrine is very particular about his hair, and wears it up in perfectly styled spikes.  He usually wears goggles, skinny jeans,  fashionable scarves, and utilitarian hoodies.  Since he is asian-american, he and Legacy are often mistakenly seen as brother and sister, despite the fact that she was adopted from South Korea, and his family originally came from Japan.  

History: coming soon...

Concerning Legacy I have to ask, did you ever read Dan Wells' Next of Kin and/or The Devil's Only Friend? :ph34r:


Well there could be an Epic who loves causing explosions somewhere within Oregon. In a little, uninhabited town, blowing things up for the fun of it, and the multitude of explosions increases the chance that Converter will appear in one. 

Funnily both the Dalles and Portland are much more likely to feature explosions in the near future than Corvallis is. :mellow:


But he can't defend against missile strikes forever, in fact now that he's even trying he's pretty well pinned down, every Epic in the city can come attack him and unless he's willing to run and stop stopping the missiles they'll probably get him.

Or ya know, Arsenal could call Shiny over, give her blow up Quicksilver's face, potentially giving her a self made explosive, just to make sure she packs enough punch.

Edited by Edgedancer
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Converter could show up in another thread for a while when she reincarnates.


That would require a time sync. Not undoable, but would require you likely waiting to post until each thread reaches a certain point in time. For example, Corvallis is already into the afternoon, but say the Dalles might still be in the morning, meaning you'd have to wait until the Dalles reaches the afternoon before posting. Then when you make the shift back to Corvallis, you'd need to apply a time skip, having Converter do something between the time she would have arrived and when your post actually takes place.


This is just an example, as I haven't caught up on the Dalles in a while.

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