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Mystery Metal, Trell, and a Brandon quote revisited


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So, last year at the Words of Radiance book signing in Seattle, I asked Brandon to leave me a tidbit hint in one of my books he signed. He wrote the following:


Odium is gathering more than one army


I spent a few weeks trying to puzzle this out after posting it here for the records, but eventually left it alone, waiting for more books to make things clearer. 


Well, Shadows of Self seems to have given me a hint as to this, and led to the beginnings of a new theory, and here it is:


Trell is Odium and the mystery metal is a godmetal of Odium which I guess, following the other conventions would be called Raysium. 


I think that the second army Odium is trying to gather is the Kandra. Imagine how frightening an army of Kandra all armed with knowledge of Hemalurgy would be loose in the Cosmere. This could also be what is behind Brandon's cryptic hints about Hemalurgy being used to steal other, non-metallic arts and abilities. We already know there is at least one worldhopper Kandra, and I have my suspicions of more, specifically on Roshar. 


Furthermore, Odium is the only Shard we know has traveled after settling on a world. We know for certain he has already visited Sel at least, splintering Devotion and Dominion there. Other Shards have often been known by false deific names throughout the Cosmere. Would it not make sense for Odium to have been known as Trell sometime in Scadrial's distant past? For more evidence on this, I also cite the deep similarities between Trelagism as presented in TFE and the religion of the Purelakers in WoK. These are so eerily similar that I strongly suspect a common origin. Now, the Purelakers seem like an odd group to be devotees of Odium with their very laid-back attitudes, but I could easily see either his plans having backfired and the people having warped the faith, or him being very subtle and biding his time with them. In either case, I think they are similar enough that it makes a connection between Roshar and Scadrial via their religions. 


Well, that was long and rambling, but I just had to get the ideas down before they fled my leaky brain. Thoughts?



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Upvote for you. Some thoughts to add:


Shadows of Self doesn't happen until after Stormlight 5, where we will have an inworld break for a few years while he writes more Mistborn. Perhaps (I hope not) Odium will escape his trap on Braize by then and go to taint and raise Scadrial as his second army. However, the way Brandon says Odium is raising a second army makes me think along the lines of the current in world, and in this case, Roshar only, timeline. It doesn't quite run parallel to Scadrial currently, so the quote wouldn't make sense if he is raising a Scadrian Hemalurgical army. 


That's the first time I've seen that quote and it worries me deeply.  :ph34r:

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I wouldn't be suprised if the "other army" Odium is raising is something we haven't senn before, maybe on a different shardworld in Greater Roshar. That or Mr.T, Nalan, and the rioters (Odious of the nobility) in Kholinar all seem like good candidates for non-scadrian armies Odium could be gathering.

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Odium is also afraid of Sazed because of the amount of power Sazed has from holding two shards. I don't think he would come to Scadrial


Odium may not go himself, but...


Might he send a minion (who may or may not also be a sliver/splinter of himself) to sow chaos on Scadrial?

Might he try to introduce an element of distrust between Scadrial and their god?

Might he even manipulate other shards (e.g. Bavadin and/or Trell) to interfere with or disrupt Sazed's benevolent interventions?


I think the answer to any and all of these questions is, "Yep, probably so."

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This is off topic (sorry), but I just finished watching season 2 of The 100 on Netflix last night. So, when I read  Kythis's comment that begins with, "Speaking of Hemalurgy, with its ability to steal other powers..." I had a mini-PTSD flashback. Seriously, harvesting stuff from humans is just plain evil. Dalinar needs to export his philosophy on avoiding evil/dishonorable means to accomplish goals for the greater good to Scadrial before things get messy.


To all you "Dark Alley" folks, go watch The 100. Season 2 is basically all about what happens when someone turns the lights on in the dark alley, and it ain't pretty. At least The 100 takes the moral ambiguity away from the ultimate goal (all of the major players are just trying to figure out a way to survive). I'm starting to wonder how Sazed will be able to allow hemalurgy  - a power under his control - to be used to slaughter so many innocents and/or good guys without turning into a bad guy himself.

Edited by KidWayne
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However, the way Brandon says Odium is raising a second army makes me think along the lines of the current in world, and in this case, Roshar only, timeline. It doesn't quite run parallel to Scadrial currently, so the quote wouldn't make sense if he is raising a Scadrian Hemalurgical army. 

It could be the Scadrian Southern Continent, though.  Harmony is keeping a careful watch on them and is concerned that they are advancing technologically faster than Elendel is, or that's how I read it...

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This is off topic (sorry), but I just finished watching season 2 of The 100 on Netflix last night. So, when I read  Kythis's comment that begins with, "Speaking of Hemalurgy, with its ability to steal other powers..." I had a mini-PTSD flashback. Seriously, harvesting stuff from humans is just plain evil. Dalinar needs to export his philosophy on avoiding evil/dishonorable means to accomplish goals for the greater good to Scadrial before things get messy.


To all you "Dark Alley" folks, go watch The 100. Season 2 is basically all about what happens when someone turns the lights on in the dark alley, and it ain't pretty. At least The 100 takes the moral ambiguity away from the ultimate goal (all of the major players are just trying to figure out a way to survive). I'm starting to wonder how Sazed will be able to allow hemalurgy  - a power under his control - to be used to slaughter so many innocents and/or good guys without turning into a bad guy himself.

If you can think of a better way to make an N-dimensional hyper-volume and rotate it through imaginary space that doesn't involve Hemalurgy we're all ears.

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I'm starting to wonder how Sazed will be able to allow hemalurgy - a power under his control - to be used to slaughter so many innocents and/or good guys without turning into a bad guy himself.

You must understand that while a shard has sone minor influence over its magic systems, as seen with the Atium mistings, it can not fully control it. Plus, the intent of Ruin would block Sazed if he ever tried to actively stop hemalurgy from existing.

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If you can think of a better way to make an N-dimensional hyper-volume and rotate it through imaginary space that doesn't involve Hemalurgy we're all ears.

With stormlight programmed with Forgery, or very advanced fabrials. Plus sticks soulcast into aluminun bound togheter with duct tape. Inside an instantaneous perpendicularity.

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With stormlight programmed with Forgery, or very advanced fabrials. Plus sticks soulcast into aluminun bound togheter with duct tape. Inside an instantaneous perpendicularity.

We tried a fabrial once, just created a hole in reality that kept asking us to feed it Lvetvaas. Still don't know what those even are but we gave it some tacos and it shut up.

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We tried a fabrial once, just created a hole in reality that kept asking us to feed it Lvetvaas. Still don't know what those even are but we gave it some tacos and it shut up.

Its because your aluminum sticks were hemalurgicaly charged, don't try to deny it.

Edited by CognitivePulsePattern
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Its because your aluminum sticks were hemalurgicaly charged, don't try to deny it.

They may have been in a spike shape, just to make them more aerodynamic and someone may have tripped and accidentally impaled one of their bindpoints onto the spike but we can hardly be held accountable for that!

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They may have been in a spike shape, just to make them more aerodynamic and someone may have tripped and accidentally impaled one of their bindpoints onto the spike but we can hardly be held accountable for that!

Those sticks... They weren't even supposed to be aerodynamic, you fools! They should block the flow of excess investiture without holding much investiture themselves and slowly direct it throught their natural pathways!

By using aerodynamic charged spikes, you allowed the initial burst to dissipate before the physical realm curved into the cognitive to extend imaginary space! The resulting realmatic collapse patterned itself on the spiritweb fragments and formed an incomplete repetitive transrealmatic sentience!

Edited by CognitivePulsePattern
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The tako only came after the failure!

Of course, not being a denizen, I am unfamiliar with the flow of time in the alley.


Last I heard it was circular, with each corner being a perfect 73 degrees

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We tried a fabrial once, just created a hole in reality that kept asking us to feed it Lvetvaas. Still don't know what those even are but we gave it some tacos and it shut up.


Congratulations!  You created a word which has exactly one hit in Google, and that hit is this post.

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So, last year at the Words of Radiance book signing in Seattle, I asked Brandon to leave me a tidbit hint in one of my books he signed. He wrote the following:





I spent a few weeks trying to puzzle this out after posting it here for the records, but eventually left it alone, waiting for more books to make things clearer. 


Well, Shadows of Self seems to have given me a hint as to this, and led to the beginnings of a new theory, and here it is:


Trell is Odium and the mystery metal is a godmetal of Odium which I guess, following the other conventions would be called Raysium. 


I think that the second army Odium is trying to gather is the Kandra. Imagine how frightening an army of Kandra all armed with knowledge of Hemalurgy would be loose in the Cosmere. This could also be what is behind Brandon's cryptic hints about Hemalurgy being used to steal other, non-metallic arts and abilities. We already know there is at least one worldhopper Kandra, and I have my suspicions of more, specifically on Roshar. 


Furthermore, Odium is the only Shard we know has traveled after settling on a world. We know for certain he has already visited Sel at least, splintering Devotion and Dominion there. Other Shards have often been known by false deific names throughout the Cosmere. Would it not make sense for Odium to have been known as Trell sometime in Scadrial's distant past? For more evidence on this, I also cite the deep similarities between Trelagism as presented in TFE and the religion of the Purelakers in WoK. These are so eerily similar that I strongly suspect a common origin. Now, the Purelakers seem like an odd group to be devotees of Odium with their very laid-back attitudes, but I could easily see either his plans having backfired and the people having warped the faith, or him being very subtle and biding his time with them. In either case, I think they are similar enough that it makes a connection between Roshar and Scadrial via their religions. 


Well, that was long and rambling, but I just had to get the ideas down before they fled my leaky brain. Thoughts?


So, last year at the Words of Radiance book signing in Seattle, I asked Brandon to leave me a tidbit hint in one of my books he signed. He wrote the following:





I spent a few weeks trying to puzzle this out after posting it here for the records, but eventually left it alone, waiting for more books to make things clearer. 


Well, Shadows of Self seems to have given me a hint as to this, and led to the beginnings of a new theory, and here it is:


Trell is Odium and the mystery metal is a godmetal of Odium which I guess, following the other conventions would be called Raysium. 


I think that the second army Odium is trying to gather is the Kandra. Imagine how frightening an army of Kandra all armed with knowledge of Hemalurgy would be loose in the Cosmere. This could also be what is behind Brandon's cryptic hints about Hemalurgy being used to steal other, non-metallic arts and abilities. We already know there is at least one worldhopper Kandra, and I have my suspicions of more, specifically on Roshar. 


Furthermore, Odium is the only Shard we know has traveled after settling on a world. We know for certain he has already visited Sel at least, splintering Devotion and Dominion there. Other Shards have often been known by false deific names throughout the Cosmere. Would it not make sense for Odium to have been known as Trell sometime in Scadrial's distant past? For more evidence on this, I also cite the deep similarities between Trelagism as presented in TFE and the religion of the Purelakers in WoK. These are so eerily similar that I strongly suspect a common origin. Now, the Purelakers seem like an odd group to be devotees of Odium with their very laid-back attitudes, but I could easily see either his plans having backfired and the people having warped the faith, or him being very subtle and biding his time with them. In either case, I think they are similar enough that it makes a connection between Roshar and Scadrial via their religions. 


Well, that was long and rambling, but I just had to get the ideas down before they fled my leaky brain. Thoughts?

as my title might suggest, I have the answers.


recently a friend of mine told me that the intent of a new shard would be Autonomy which, by definition, is the shard of self rule. of making your own rules and not heeding any established law or government.


how convenient it seems that paalms (bleeders) entire mission was to free them all from Harmony, so they could act according to there own rules and desires.


think on that for a while.

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Personally I doubt it. Autonomy/Bavadin is the Shard on Taldain, the planet of the upcoming White Sand graphic novels. Shards don't travel as a general rule. The only Shard we've seen travel is Odium, and that is remarked as a notably weird and terrifying thing for him to do. It really just doesn't make much sense for people on Scadrial to be directly following a Shard tied to another world.

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Personally I doubt it. Autonomy/Bavadin is the Shard on Taldain, the planet of the upcoming White Sand graphic novels. Shards don't travel as a general rule. The only Shard we've seen travel is Odium, and that is remarked as a notably weird and terrifying thing for him to do. It really just doesn't make much sense for people on Scadrial to be directly following a Shard tied to another world.

But if Bavadin travelled to Scadrial, there is no storming way Sazed wouldn't notice it. A shard can have splinters and mortal agents, and its agents can worldhop and corrupt/convert locals.

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