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Young Bard

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King of Swamp Castle - is it Men in Tights?


Anyway, I'm a week in, and only 3000 words behind, which is pretty good - for me.


EDIT: I was wrong. I was actually thinking it would be either Men in Tights or what it was, and I chose Men in Tights. Oh well.

Edited by TheYoungBard
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Mine is vaguely decent, and what's not is full of things saying [Note: fix this by doing xyz]. So I'm pretty well off, considering.

And I'm only a bit biehind, considering I wrote 8000 words in the first two days and almost nothing since then. I've been busy with a play, though, so that should change soon.

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I'm super-amazed that you are able to get such a high percentage of acceptable words even when writing quickly!  Even when I'm under no sort of time constraints, I'm usually lucky if 50% of what I started with is kept by the time I'm done.


It didn't seem as if any of you are in the Seattle region, or at least not those that shared your names.  But I'm here, over on the East side, and we have some of the best write-ins open to the public (and that's not just me saying it; other people say it, too! :))  


At one we had tonight, our group had a cumulative of over 30k words written from 7pm-10pm.  Lots of fun and encouragement was had by all.  Even if you aren't in the Seattle region (clearly the best region in the world, but I understand some people prefer weather that doesn't consist of "wet" or "humid"), write-ins are absolutely the way to go if you are lacking in words.


Remember it's a marathon, not a sprint, and it doesn't matter where you place.  Just running it at all is worthwhile.

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Soooo I'm way behind and hit writers block. I'm not attempting to get to 50k this year because I'm too busy with life, just trying to write more in general. So I got stuck and tried to free write and ended up with this thing.


I don't know if I should be proud or ashamed.


Kasimir, how on earth did you have enough to write that you could blurt it all onto paper in ten days? 

I have vague ideas Im generally trying to explore, trying out some different characters and I feel so stuck. I dont know what to write. Except, apparently, for total nonsense.

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Soooo I'm way behind and hit writers block. I'm not attempting to get to 50k this year because I'm too busy with life, just trying to write more in general. So I got stuck and tried to free write and ended up with this thing.


I don't know if I should be proud or ashamed.


Kasimir, how on earth did you have enough to write that you could blurt it all onto paper in ten days? 

I have vague ideas Im generally trying to explore, trying out some different characters and I feel so stuck. I dont know what to write. Except, apparently, for total nonsense.

I'm a planner more often than a pantser, and I guess the muse was with me that year. Either way, the creative juices were flowing so it was more question of stamina and getting everything out as I saw it, in my head, on digital paper and ink.

I wouldn't really recommend doing such an intense sprint, and I doubt I'll be doing it again :P

Edited by Kasimir
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Soooo I'm way behind and hit writers block. I'm not attempting to get to 50k this year because I'm too busy with life, just trying to write more in general. So I got stuck and tried to free write and ended up with this thing.


I don't know if I should be proud or ashamed.


Kasimir, how on earth did you have enough to write that you could blurt it all onto paper in ten days? 

I have vague ideas Im generally trying to explore, trying out some different characters and I feel so stuck. I dont know what to write. Except, apparently, for total nonsense.

Delightful, that's hilarious. I laughed for a solid five minutes after I finished it. Thank you for brightening my day.
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Soooo I'm way behind and hit writers block. I'm not attempting to get to 50k this year because I'm too busy with life, just trying to write more in general. So I got stuck and tried to free write and ended up with this thing.


I don't know if I should be proud or ashamed.


Kasimir, how on earth did you have enough to write that you could blurt it all onto paper in ten days? 

I have vague ideas Im generally trying to explore, trying out some different characters and I feel so stuck. I dont know what to write. Except, apparently, for total nonsense.






It's very... unique. A sort of crossover... everything. Now all you need is for a man with a blue box and a fascination for bow ties to take Shallan home again.

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On November 15, I started with 11,000 words (less than half way) on account of a 2 day camp in which I did absolutely no writing, which had been preceded by 2 days with minimal writing and a following day also with minimal writing. Already, it's at 12 and a half thousand words, with more to come with a 2 hour write in this afternoon. I'll update at the end of the day.


EDIT: 13.5 thousand... Could have been better, but could have been worse.

Edited by TheYoungBard
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I am working on my second draft of Swift as Steel, my Era 2 Mistborn fanfic novel.  I am pleased with how the rewrite is coming out, and I believe that it will be ready to go out for beta reading before the end of the year.


I'd like to get it all done during NaNo, but I'm not sure that's going to happen.  For one thing, I only just finished my read-through and notation wherein I scribble all over the manuscript and tear it to shreds.  I just started writing last night.  (Granted, I did over 5,000 words in one go, but still.)


For another thing, because I started the first draft for last year's NaNo win, I'm not allowing myself to even start counting my words until I've already achieved 50,088 (which is where I ended it last year).  So.  Yeah.  That means I have to make it to 100,000 in order to win.

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Oh, I'm not going to finish during NaNo unless I suddenly start churning out 2-3k days every day. My story has six viewpoints. The first (and shortest) was 10k, and the second is already 15k. It'll probably be 20k when it's done, and all of the others will be the same. Thus, a novel that's 110k. That's actually really scary. My novels have never gotten beyond 35k of actual main story (the rest of NaNo is freewriting and work on other stories).


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I believe kaellok has already crossed the finish line (?) for NaNoWriMo, and I'm happy to announce that so have I, at long last, thanks to an illicit assist from several other writing projects, which may or may not include an Heirs write-up and my thesis. I want to see how much further I can go, though, since I'm getting into the flow of that novel :)
Good luck to those still working against the clock; keep pressing on, guys! You can do it! :)

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Huh. How did I not realize that this thread existed until twenty days into the month? Oh well.


My novel is currently at 29,163 words. I'm writing a fantasy novel this year. It follows Korthani, a young apprentice assassin who is sent to a remote fortress to stay the winter. But of course there's a catch, five other apprentices are sent to the fortress as well, and only one can leave alive in the spring. Oh, and they don't know the identities of the others.


So yes, it is basically the Hunger Games in a fantasy setting.  :P

Edited by The Crooked Warden
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I believe kaellok has already crossed the finish line (?) for NaNoWriMo, and I'm happy to announce that so have I, at long last, thanks to an illicit assist from several other writing projects, which may or may not include an Heirs write-up and my thesis. I want to see how much further I can go, though, since I'm getting into the flow of that novel :)


Good luck to those still working against the clock; keep pressing on, guys! You can do it! :)

congrats, Kas!!


I did cross the finish line, the soonest I ever have.  There's a lot of...truly atrocious writing in it.  And the novel is far from done.  And there's absolutely no way that I would have been able to do it on my own.  Not writing is super easy, especially with Fallout 4 to play and work to work, and bed to sleep in.  


And even if none of you can make it to my in-person write-ins, due to being in not the Seattle area, I love watching your word counts rise as I obsessively consult my writing buddy list. 

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Hey, I'm at 29.5k too! I have some catch up to do tomorrow.

My first year, I finished on the 18th. However, that year I tried to pants it, and, well, I learned that I am an outliner. So it didn't go well. I probably could have finished the same time this year, if I'd wanted to. It come down to how I allocate my time. Usually, it's mostly given to reading. Currently, it's split between writing and playing SE and checking 17th Shard and doing more difficult homework than I've had in previous years and working for the play and... you get the picture. I could stop being on here so much and just write, and move a lot faster, but I enjoy doing this, and I'm not really that far behind with my novel. Plus I'll have plenty of driving time to catch up over Thanksgiving break. Lots and lots. Probably 5.5 hours total. Plenty of time.

Now, back to writing!

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November doesn't work great for me... December would be so much better... So I've not made much progress. Apparently, at my current rate, I'll finish 25 September 2017... But I've got tons of free time then week, so going to really try power it out. I think I've turned off my editor mode, so can just get info down without worrying about it being really boring and poorly written. So let's see how this goes...

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