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In one thread, called "The roundabout" by some, a thread yet to open, a thread long closed, a question arose in the 33rd post. The question was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings at the roundabout. But it was a beginning.


The question was, how all the alleys, the highway and the roundabout are related and structured in the Alleyverse. Here is an almost futile attempt to detail that question and tryy to answer it.


What do we know yet (list incomplete):


Each alley is somehow crossed by the highway.

Nothing can cross the roundabout.

All the alleys pass throw the "middle" of the roundabout.

The alleys do not cross each other.

The highway can be "inside" or "outside" the roundabout.

Each alley has an illumination attribute.

The illumination of the highway is indeterminable.

The illumination of the roundabout depends on expectation and position.



What we do not know yet (list absolutely incomplete):


How many dimensions are there in the Alleyverse?

Are there any other forms of "objects" in the Alleyverse except alleys, a highway and a roundabout?

Is the number of actual and possible objects finite or infinite? If it is finite, how can we determine it?

Is there a perfect piece of cheese.cake in the Alleyverse?



What we have to specify (incomplete list):


What is an alley? How it is structured?

Same question about the highway.

Same question about the roundabout.

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You're right:

Another question to specify is: Are the Dark Alley's cookies harmless or dangerous?

We changed our minds, we don't want people researching our cookies. :P


Is there a perfect piece of cheese.cake in the Alleyverse?

No... what would make you think that? :ph34r: 

*Whispers* "Guys quick! Hide the cakes! They're coming for our cakes!"

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At the risk of repeating myself,

I'd say the Highway is a non-euclidian three dimensional space that curves slightly in the fourth dimension, and is infinite in all its dimensions, while the Roundabout is a three dimensional finite space that expands as necessary, makes a four-dimensional loop, and lies bellow the curvature of the Highway if you consider the fourth dimension direction it bends to as "up".

The alleys are four dimensional tunnels that are infinite in only one dimension, intersect the Highway and pass throught the center of the Roundabout's loop.

The area directly between the center of the loop and the center of distribution of alleyway intersections with the Highway is a point where different alleys intersect and form a maze of five dimensions called "The City"

Most other spaces not contained in the alleys, Roundabout or Highway orbit the City and can temporaly be absorved by it.

Note: I currently changed my opinion and believe the Roundabout is four-dimensional.

Edited by CognitivePulsePattern
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The roundabout is at least four dimensional in its expansion and is a "cage", having no points of exit or entrance. It has the appearance of an endless, slightly curved street, bordered by the alleymatic void, if you look at it from one perspective. If you look at it from another perspective you only see circes. From still other perspectives you risk your sanity by just thinking about it. Does this help?

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Some addenda to the list:


Alleys can split off into sub-Alleys, such as the Non-Hemalurgic Research Division.

Any Alley whose prime factors include 43 and 97 is flat and restricted to the second dimension.

Relativity is much more prevalent in odd-numbered Alleys due to a slower (or is it faster???) speed of light.

Time passes much faster in some complex-numbered Alleys than in others.

Alley 42 harbors the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything.  Alley 42i harbors the Question.   Both are off-limits to all but Adonalsium, the Superb Goose, Mr. Dictator Regent of All Creation, and other supreme beings.

Edited by ostrichofevil
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  • 11 months later...

I'm also necroing this thread, but the alleys contain the beyond, yet are contained by the beyond. 

You see, if one knows how, they can access the alleys from and alleyway in the cosmere or earth.

But the cosmere is theoretically contained by the beyond. So from that perspective, the alleys are contained from the beyond.

But from my perspective the beyond is contained in the alleys. So It all really depends on your perspective.


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