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I wish I could give you a better answer to your question about the surprise, but unfortunately, the answer is "When I'm finished with it." I have a lot of work to do with school, and the Super Secret Awesome Surprise is very time-consuming. It's worth the wait, though, I promise. :D

As for the RP, feel free to browse around, and don't hesitate to ask questions. We went kind of nuts with our worldbuilding.

I teach Choi Kwang Do, a relatively new martial art that uses the science of the human body to achieve the maximum efficiency, effectiveness, and health benefit to the user. Since starting it, I've seen a marked improvement in my health, including a heart condition.

The answer to your question, while I do enjoy vanilla, is CHOCOLATE. CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE. I am a chocolate fiend. X3

I can't wait for the surprise, then! ^^

I will definitely check out the RP, I have plenty of free time on my hands lately. XD

Hmm, yeah, I've never heard of Choi Kwang Do, but it sounds pretty awesome. I've always had a secret desire to study a martial art, I just never had the money to do it. Maybe someday I will be able to! :D

I've also read the Keys to the Kingdom series, and I have the first 7th Tower book.

I haven't read Lord Sunday yet so no spoilers, but do you think Garth Nix did a good job with the ending of the series? >.> I've heard of the 7th Tower books, I just never get around to searching them out and reading them. XD

Very good idea here. We need fresh blood...

I'll check that one out, too, then! :D

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I will definitely check out the RP, I have plenty of free time on my hands lately. XD

Uh oh. Next thing you know you'll create seventeen characters like Kerry, if you have so much spare time XD

If you ever have questions about it--and you will, given the sheer scope of Luthadel--feel free to IM Kerry or I. Or Skype with us. That's probably the most efficient way to do it.

Than Darth Squirrely will fit right in!

Yeah... there's a lot of worldbuilding there...

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*twitches* Did someone say...nuts? *dashes over to the RP*

Yeah, I already have one question....where do I start? Not meaning "how do I join" but more...there's so much stuff, where can I fit in? >.>

This would be a much better question for Skype, if you can get on tonight.

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My brother's Eagle Scout Court of Honor is today, so I'm actually really busy this weekend helping my family get ready for that (and working), but maybe Sunday or Monday night?

Thanks for being willing to help me out with that, it looks pretty overwhelming to someone who's never really done RP before. XD

♥ you, Joe... ;)

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I have finished listening to The Way of Kings, finally! ZOMG EPIC! :D I'm heading over to read theories and discussions right now. XD Woohoo!


Now, welcome to the Theories section. Or, as I call it, the fun section!

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  • 2 weeks later...

*pokes Feather twice*

*does not swarm Darth Squirrely*



*bursts into tears*

I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to swarm you!!!!

*regains control*

I will resist in the future ;)


And i forgot the most important thing. Welcome! I'm Comatose, the Shard of Brain Inactivity and Emperor of That. I'm kind of a lurker here, and don't post much, but I am very active on the Mistborn site. That's all I'm saying ;)

I liked your poems btdubs. I got respect for poets, since I'm pretty much a strictly prose man.

EDIT AGAIN: Also, I LOVE Garth Nix. He's great.

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  • 4 months later...

*comes in hundreds of years later and sees that someone was nice and welcomed her to the site without her noticing because she disapparated forever*

*waves at Comatose*

Hi, even though you probably forgot you even posted here because you're probably dead of old age by now. >.>


Thanks for the welcome, I think it's still relevant since I went away so soon after joining in the first place, so I haven't really established myself here much yet. :D

Oh, and thank you, I'm glad you like my poems. I don't even remember what happened to the whole NaPoWriMo thing, I think...hm....well, that was around the time my roommates and I started having to look for a new place, and that was around when I started my new job, and thought I had a chance with this awesome guy I met (which, apparently, I didn't, for whatever reason--maybe I'm too nice, and he only dates girls who he knows for sure will break his heart? >.> :P).

Anyway, that was kind of my motivation to write poetry, I'll have to keep trying, though. Poetry is usually something I do when I'm full of emotion. Usually negative, but happy poems are fun, too. :D I also used to write poetry on Helium.com, but I haven't logged in on there in years. Which reminds me, if I ever want to earn any money from that, I should get back on that horse and keep riding. ;)

Also, pfft, my usual style of poetry involves a bunch of sentence fragments, some of which are meant to create a sentence, others that are just related to something or other.... I think anyone could write a poem, just take some prose and hit enter in the middle of each sentence, or after each phrase. XD

"The wolf

Ran swiftly through

The night-dark forest,

Padding softly,

Silent as a ghost."



I almost forgot: fistpound for Garth Nix love!! I recently read Troubletwisters, by Nix and Sean Williams, have you read it?

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Welcome back Meesh! :D

Thanks, Chaos! It's (not-so) surprisingly good to be back. ;)

Welcome from someone who showed up while you were gone? I dunno.

I'm Kuri. I'm delightfully demented and...umm...shiny! I'm also the upstart who undermined Silus by beginning ANOTHER forum RP, The Eternal Conflux. Check it out, it's awesome :)

That works. :D

It's nice to meet you, Kuri! I like shiny things. *licks lips, steals Kuri and runs off*

Oooh, I will check out your RP. I'm not going to make any promises as far as joining, because I like RP but I often find it's hard to make time for it, but I will definitely look at it. :D

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Thanks, Chaos! It's (not-so) surprisingly good to be back. ;)

That works. :D

It's nice to meet you, Kuri! I like shiny things. *licks lips, steals Kuri and runs off*

Oooh, I will check out your RP. I'm not going to make any promises as far as joining, because I like RP but I often find it's hard to make time for it, but I will definitely look at it. :D

WAAAHHHH!!! I'm gonna get stuffed in a tree somewhere, I know it >.<

Also, it's not moving too quickly at the moment, so it may never be super-fast-paced, so don't let timeliness dissuade you too much!

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Imma gonna check out that RP today, in between reading my textbooks because I didn't start yesterday (it was my vacation day >.>). :D

Thanks, Kerry! And I don't think I'd be able to juggle everything you are, so I admire you. :D

Don't let me fool you, Joe, I might die off in the next week or so, there's no telling. ;)

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