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Real-life "Soonie Pups" (Mistborn Era 2 Teddy Bears)


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I loved the gag in SoS where the broadsheets advertise "Soonie Pups" and how it obviously aggravates/embarrasses TenSoon that they make stuffed toys based on his historical exploits as Vin's bodyguard wolfhound. Here's the thing: I want one. (See the attached image if you aren't sure what I'm talking about)

Would anyone else be interested in purchasing one if I could get Sanderson & Co. to have a custom stuft animal made?

I found a company that will make individual custom stuft animals for $80, but [a] I'm worried about copyright issues and $80 is a lot for a single stuffed animal. I'll make the pitch to the folks at Sanderson & Co. if there is sufficient interest.


Edited by KidWayne
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People have asked Brandon about whether he will make some, but he's said that it would would be a lot more expensive to do than t-shirts are.  Also if he does do them he wants to make them reverseable so that one way it's a dog and you can turn it inside out so that it looks like a mistwraith, and then there need to be spikes to go with it.

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People have asked Brandon about whether he will make some, but he's said that it would would be a lot more expensive to do than t-shirts are.  Also if he does do them he wants to make them reverseable so that one way it's a dog and you can turn it inside out so that it looks like a mistwraith, and then there need to be spikes to go with it.


OK, this makes me want one of these so. much. more.


Kickstarter?  Anybody?  Anybody?  Bueller?

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People have asked Brandon about whether he will make some, but he's said that it would would be a lot more expensive to do than t-shirts are.  Also if he does do them he wants to make them reverseable so that one way it's a dog and you can turn it inside out so that it looks like a mistwraith, and then there need to be spikes to go with it.

Ok, so that seems like Brandon's saying "no." Again, I did the research and a simple version of the toy purchased in bulk - say an order of 500 - could easily make a handy profit with an MSRP of $25. Especially if he rolled it out with the release of Bands of Mourning. I mean, this could easily help increase his reader base, increase fan loyalty, and make Kaymyth's day, lol.

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Well either way let's see if we can change his mind. Everyone who wants one of these things leave a reply and we can use this post to prove there's enough demand to have Brandon place an order!

...or license them to me or someone else who will have them made (assuming he's still willing to sell them on his web store).

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Well either way let's see if we can change his mind. Everyone who wants one of these things leave a reply and we can use this post to prove there's enough demand to have Brandon place an order!

...or license them to me or someone else who will have them made (assuming he's still willing to sell them on his web store).

I want!
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I don't think if there is a need to change his mind. When I heard somebody at the Chicago signing talk with him about it, it really sounded like he would like to get those things done. Just not as regular plushies, he wants the whole two-sided plush thing.

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People have asked Brandon about whether he will make some, but he's said that it would would be a lot more expensive to do than t-shirts are.  Also if he does do them he wants to make them reverseable so that one way it's a dog and you can turn it inside out so that it looks like a mistwraith, and then there need to be spikes to go with it.

All I have to say is one thing,



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I would like the reversable one, purely as a Mistwraith/Kandra plushie would be storming cute...like Starfire and Silky *_*


So yes, my answer is "Shut up and storming take my broams already!"

Edited by ParadoxSpren
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I would like the reversable one, purely as a Mistwraith/Kandra plushie would be storming cute...like Starfire and Silky *_*


So yes, my answer is "Shut up and storming take my broams already!"


That would be boxings. Or notes.

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That would be boxings. Or notes.

The cuteness of the soonie pups knows no bounds. It will spread beyond the three realms and even the Cosmere! Shardworlds cry out in unison for sellers to shush and accept their monetary currencies. The cuteness of TenSoon will unite the Cosmere!

...and that's enough of that. The Cosmere has enough Deity Figures

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The cuteness of the soonie pups knows no bounds. It will spread beyond the three realms and even the Cosmere! Shardworlds cry out in unison for sellers to shush and accept their monetary currencies. The cuteness of TenSoon will unite the Cosmere!

...and that's enough of that. The Cosmere has enough Deity Figures

Well a Kandra could have enough eyes to be Trell if they wanted to.

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This is wonderful news. I never would've considered the reversible thing possible, but once again (as so often in his fiction) Sanderson has one-upped our expectations.


For the record, this is total support for reversible soonie pups.

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The question now is how do we get lord Sanderson to see our desperate desire for the great soonie pups and produce them?


I'm sure Lord Sanderson's evil henchman, Ookla the Mok, a.k.a. Peter Ahlstrom, will tell him about it. He often goes around these parts in search of stuff to amuse his master.


As for Soonie Pups, I can imagine kids terrorizing their sisters by turning a cute stuffed toy into a horrible monstrosity. Or maybe that would backfire as the intended victims end up actually loving the stuffed kandra. :P

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As for Soonie Pups, I can imagine kids terrorizing their sisters by turning a cute stuffed toy into a horrible monstrosity. Or maybe that would backfire as the intended victims end up actually loving the stuffed kandra. :P


Or, given the tendency of the Mistborn novels to produce strong female characters, the other way around.

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I figured I might actually buy one of these. When I have attractive female visitors I could put it in puppy mode, otherwise it's in mistwraith mode. If a girl gives me crap for having a stuffed toy in my apartment, I'll invert it and see what she thinks of that.


Perfect plan! Now I just need to have visitors in the first place. :P

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