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Gaz's death


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So how did Gaz die/disapear? We know it happens after Kaladin's highstorm, but what happened to him? Does it have something to do with his one eye? Or perhaps a secret that Gaz was keeping to be paid quiet? He disapears in Chapter 59.

Brandon, when asked, said this:

"I'm planning for you to find out what happened to Gaz. There are sufficient clues that you can guess. But it is not explicitly stated, and I'm not going to say it's as obvious as Robert Jordan implied Asmodean's killer is. I was tempted to spell it out explicitly, but there wasn't a good place for it. I will probably answer it eventually, maybe in the next book, but until then you are free to theorize. "

So what do you think? Sadeas? Ghostblood? Hoid? The Almighty himself? A vengeful Bridgemen The Nightwatcher?

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I think it was one of the people Szeth was sent to kill. The time frame is right and it's something that seems so obvious it's stupid.

Why would Gaz be worthy of Szeth's attention?

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I suspect what happened to Gaz had something to do with whatever he was paying Lamaril off for.

Wasn't he having trouble paying Lamaril until Kaladin offered to give him some of his spheres? It's been awhile since I've read WoK. If so, he was probably killed for not being able to make the payments or turned into a bridgeman and then killed in a battle.

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Why would Gaz be worthy of Szeth's attention?

I have a feeling that Brandon wants a mystery that's obvious but would be over looked and dismissed as a silly scenario. This seemed to make the most sense to me. Also what if Szeth was sent to kill him with the intent of slowing the bridges down. What if Gaz is more than meet's the eye? How many times did we and do we continue to dismiss certain characters as unimportant to later realize that there is a much greater connection to something else. There has to be a greater story to it than what I think we know. But I can't back any of this theory up with factual information, just a gut feeling.

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Might it have something to do with the things that he could sense out of his sight, those things that were hiding just outside his vision? He seems paranoid about something supernatural, it is too late in the book to be purely for character development, and there is little internal character development of him anyway.

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Why would anyone waste Szeth's time to kill Gaz. He is a one eyed guard of the bridgemen. The amount of money he was getting from Kaladin was insignificant, 1 diamond chip a week. He could not have owed Lamaril much, if that made a difference.

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